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Arranged according to Dr. Robinson's Harmony, See pp. 835-840.

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* The editor takes the opportunity which this catalogue of Christ's discourses gives him, of earnestly commending to the readers of this Commentary an admirable work recently published under the title, "Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, Illustrated in a series of Expositions," in 3 vols. 8vo. by Dr. John Brown, Edinburgh. Its learning, its theology, and its eloquence, all entitle it to a very high place among works of this class.

† This discourse, and some others, together with matters in the two following tables, are recorded by more than one evangelist. We deem a single reference sufficient. Readers will compare the several narratives.

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Of the principal events occurring in Judea, and the corresponding events in the Roman Empire, from the conquest of Judea by Pompey, to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus.


77-68. ALEXANDRA, Queen of the Jews. She leaves two sons, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus. Both claim the crown; Aristobulus seizing upon it by force, and Hyrcanus being placed on the throne by the Pharisees. In a battle between the two brothers, Hyrcanus is overcome, and Aristobulus secures the crown.

70. Pompey and Crassus, consuls in Rome.

66. Pompey conquers Mithridates, and reduces Pontus.

65. In Syria, the dynasty of the Seleucidæ ends with Antiochus XII., who is overcome by Pompey. Syria becomes a Roman province.

67-63. ARISTOBULUS II., King of the Jews. He had been High Priest under the reign of his mother, nine years. Was then king and high priest. Was afterwards priest nineteen years. Then Ethnarch four years. Then Herod's captive and sport, eight years. Hyrcanus, at the instigation of Antipater, the father of Herod the Great, seeks the aid of Aretas, the king of Arabia. Antipater, or Antipas, was an Idumean by birth, but had adopted the jewish religion, and was governor of Idumea during the reign of Alexander Janneus, and his widow, Alexandra. Antipater joins the party of Hyrcanus. He and Hyrcanus flee to Aretas, king of Arabia. Aretas agrees to place him on the throne, and conducts him to Judea with an army of 50,000 men, takes Jerusalem, and restores him to the throne. Aristobulus flees to the temple, and then appeals to Scauras, the Roman general at Damascus, for aid. Scauras writes to Aretas; threatens to declare him an enemy of the Roman people if he does not withdraw. He withdraws, and Aristobulus pursues him, and defeats him in a battle.

63. Pompey the Great, who had come to Damascus, commands the two brothers to appear before him. The two brothers appear before him, and urge their respective claims; Hyrcanus pleading his birth, Aristobulus, the necessity of the case. Aristobulus, foreseeing that the decision would be against him, withdraws and fortifies himself in Jerusalem. Aristobulus surrenders himself to Pompey, but his party shuts the gates against the Romans, and Pompey puts Aristobulus in chains, and begins a siege. The city is taken by the Romans, because the Jews would not fight on the sabbath, and is brought under the Roman power, according to Calmet, 59 B.C.; according to Hales, 63; and Jahn, 63. Pompey confirms Hyrcanus in the High Piesthood.

63-55. HYRCANUS II., Prince and High Priest of the Jews. Judea a Roman Province.

60. THE FIRST TRIUMVIRATE :-Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Cæsar. 58. Clodius procures the banishment of Cicero.

55. Cæsar invades Britain.

54. Alexander, son of Aristobulus, escapes from those who were carrying him to Rome, and returns to Judea and raises soldiers. Hyrcanus, not being able to defend himself, applies to Gabinius, the Roman general. Antipater, the father of Herod the Great, joins the Roman army. Alexander is defeated. Gabinius confirms Hyrcanus in the High Priesthood, but changes the form of the government to an Aristocracy. This continues until 44 B.c., when Cæsar comes to Judea, and restores Hyrcanus to his former power.

53. Aristobulus escapes from Rome, and comes to Judea with his younger son, Antigonus. They are taken prisoners, and sent to Rome.

54. Gabinius is removed from Judea, Crassus is made pro-consul of Syria, and comes to Syria. He comes to Jerusalem, and robs the temple of 8,000 talents of gold, which, estimated at the value of the jewish talent, gold being £4 per oz., would amount to the enormous sum of forty-three millions, eight hundred thousand pounds sterling. Crassus also makes war with the Parthians, and is put to death. Cassius Longinus succeeds him in the command of the army. Brings the remainder of the army over the Euphrates, and takes about 30,000 jewish captives.

53. Augustus, afterwards the Roman emperor, is born.

48. Calfurnius Bibulus made governor of Syria.

48. About this time Ptolemy Auletes, king of Egypt, died. 46-44. Hyrcanus II. high priest.

46. Civil war between Cæsar and Pompey.

45. Battle of Pharsalia in Thessaly, where Pompey is defeated. Pompey flees to Egypt, and is beheaded.

45. ANTIPATER, THE FATHER OF HEROD THE GREAT, is made governor of Judea. He is appointed to this office by Julius Cæsar. Cæsar confirms Hyrcanus in the High Priesthood, and gives him permission to build the walls of Jerusalem, which had been demolished by Pompey.

44. Hyrcanus sends to Rome a golden shield, and the Jews are, by a decree cl the Senate, acknowledged as the allies of the Romans.

44. Antipater re-builds the walls of Jerusalem. He makes his eldest son, Phazael, governor of Jerusalem, and Herod, afterwards Herod the Great, governor

of Galilee.

44. Cæsar subdues all Egypt, and gives it into the hands of Cleopatra. Is again made dictator.

Herod attacks and subdues the robbers in Galilee.

Herod is summoned before the Sanhedrim on the charge of the exercise of arbitrary power. He appears before them in a purple robe, and attended by his life-guard, and defies them. He departs from Jerusalem, and goes to Sextus Cæsar, at Damascus, and obtains the government of all Cælo-Syria.

43. The Roman calendar reformed by Julius Cæsar. This year was called the year of confusion, and consisted of 445 days.

41. Julius Cæsar restores to the Jews all that they had formerly possessed, and confirms them in the enjoyment of all their privileges.

Cæsar is put to death in the senate-house.

40. TRIUMVIRATE:-Octavianus Cæsar (afterwards Augustus), Antony, and Lepidus.

40. Jewish ambassadors appear at Rome to pray that their privileges may be

confirmed. Their request is granted.

39. Malichus causes Antipater, the father of Herod, to be poisoned.

39. Herod causes Malichus to be killed, to revenge the death of his father. 39. Battle of Philippi, in which Brutus and Cassius were defeated.

39. Herod and Phazael, tetrarchs of Judea. They are accused by the Jews before Antony. More than a thousand Jews appear with these complaints. Antony regards it as a rebellion, and causes many of them to be slain, and confirms the brothers as tetrarchs of the Jews.

Antigonus, son of Aristobulus, prevails on the Parthians to place him on the throne of Judea. The Parthians seize Hyrcanus and Phazael, and deliver them up to Antigonus.


Phazael beats out his own brains. Antigonus cuts off the ears of Hyrcanus, and sends him beyond the Euphrates.

37. Herod is forced to flee to Jerusalem, and thence to Rome, to implore the aid of Antony. He obtains the grant of the kingdom of Judea from the senate, and the governors of Syria are required to aid him in securing it. He reigns thirty-seven years. He is conducted to the Capitol at Rome by Antony and Octavianus, and there crowned king, with idolatrous sacrifices.

37. HEROD, KING OF JUDEA. He was the second son of Antipater, an Idumean by birth, who had been governor of Judea.

37. Ventidius, a Roman, has command of the forces in the east; appointed by Antony.

Herod returns to Judea, having been absent but three months. He raises an army. Hastens to relieve his family in the fortress of Massada, where they were besieged by Antigonus. Goes to Idumea and takes possession of a strong fortress by the name of Ressa, and then returns and lays siege to Jerusalem. Unable to take the city, he is obliged to decamp. Marches to Galilee, and endeavours to clear the country of robbers.

36. Herod renews his attacks on the robbers. Is obliged to let down his soldiers in chests by ropes over the mouth of the caves, and to fight them there. Having subdued the robbers, he marches to Samaria against Antigonus, but is obliged to return to Galilee, to quell the robbers.

near Jericho.

The brother of Herod, Joseph, is surrounded and slain by the army of Antigonus, 36. Antony leads an army against the Parthians. Comunits the government of Syria to Sosius, and returns to Italy.

The Roman Triumvirate continues, and Antony has assigned to him the affairs of

the east.

35. Herod marches against Jerusalem, and lays siege again to the city. He is married to Mariamne, to whom he had been betrothed four years. She was the daughter of Alexander, the son of king Aristobulus, by Alexandra, the daughter of Hyrcanus II., and was thus grand-daughter to both these brothers. Herod hoped by this marriage to reconcile the Jews to him, as the Asmonean family, from which she was descended, was in high favour with the Jews. She was a woman of uncommon beauty. Herod is joined by the Roman general, Socius.

34. Jerusalem is taken by Herod, and Antigonus surrenders himself. He is treated with the greatest indignity. Is sent to Antioch, and beheaded by the command of Antony, and thus the reign of the Asmoneans, which had lasted a hundred and twenty-six years, is ended, AND Herod is confirmed in the kingdom.


34. Herod condemns to death all the members of the sanhedrim, except Sameas and Pollio.

32. He appoints to the office of high priest, Ananel of Babylon, a common priest, but a descendant of the ancient high priests.

He invites Hyrcanus II. to come to Jerusalem from Seleucia, where he had been kindly entertained by the Oriental Jews. Hyrcanus comes to Jerusalem, where he is treated by Herod with great respect.

32. Herod, at the earnest solicitations of Alexandra and Mariamne, deprives Ananel of the High Priesthood, and confers it on Aristobulus, the brother of Mariamne, then only seventeen years old. Herod is displeased with the interference of Alexandra in this business, and she and her son Aristobulus attempt to escape to Cleopatra in Egypt. Aristobulus is drowned by order of Herod, in a lake near Jericho, on account of the affection shown for him by the people.

32. Antony comes into Syria, but goes then into Egypt, where he spends a whole year with Cleopatra. Lepidus and Octavianus come to an open rupture, and Lepidus Jetires as a private man, and the Roman power is left in the hands of Antony and Octavianus, afterwards Augustus.

31. Herod is sent for by Antony, to justify himself against the charge of having

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