The sermon on the mount.-Near Capernaum. The healing of the centurion's servant. - Capernaum. Reflections of Jesus on appealing to his mighty works. While sitting at meat with a Pharisee, Jesus is anointed by a woman who had been a sinner.-Capernaum? Jesus, with the twelve, makes a second circuit in Galilee. The healing of a demoniac. The scribes and Pharisees blaspheme.-Galilee. The scribes and Pharisees seek a sign. Our Lord's reflections.-Golilee. The true disciples of Christ his nearest relatives.Galilee. At a Pharisee's table, Jesus denounces woes against the Pharisees and others. Galilee. Jesus discourses to his disciples and the multitude.Galilee. The slaughter of certain Galileans. Parable of the barren fig-tree.-Galilee. Parable of the sower.-Sea of Galilee: near Capernaum? Parable of the tares. Other parables. Near Caper 4. 13-16 4. 18-22 1.16-20 5. 1-11 1. 21-28 4.31-37 8. 14-17 1. 29-34 4. 38-41 4. 23-25 1.35-39 4.42-44 8.2-4 1.40-45 5. 12-16 9.2-8 2. 1-12 5.17-26 9.9 2. 13, 14 5. 27, 28 5.1-47 12. 1-8 2. 23-28 6.1-5 naum? Jesus directs to cross the lake. Incidents. The tempest stilled. Sea of Galilee. 12. 38-45 12.46-50 3.31-35 8.19-21 11. 37-54 12.1-59 13.1-9 13.1-23 4.1-25 8.4-18 13. 24-53 4.26-34 8.18-27 4.35-41 8.22-25 The raising of Jairus's daughter. The woman with an issue of blood.-Capernaum. Two blind men healed, and a dumb spirit cast out.Capernaum? Jesus again at Nazareth, and again rejected. A third circuit in Galilee. The twelve instructed and sent forth.-Galilee. Herod holds Jesus to be John the Baptist, whom he had just before beheaded.--Galilee? Perca. The twelve return, and Jesus retires with them across the lake. Five thousand are fed.-Capernaum. N. E. Coast of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus walks upon the water.-Night on the Sea of Galllee. Gennesareth. Our Lord's discourse to the multitude in the synagogue at Capernaum. Many disciples turn back. Peter's profession of faith.-Capernaum. SECTION V. FROM THE THIRD PASSOVER DURING OUR LORD'S MINISTRY UNTIL HIS FINAL DEPARTURE FROM GALILEE AT THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. TIME: Six months. Our Lord justifies his disciples for eating with unwashen hands. Pharisaic traditions. Capernaum. The daughter of a Syrophenician woman is healed.Region of Tyre and Sidon. A deaf and dumb man healed; also many others. Four thousand are fed - The Decapolis. The Pharisees and Sadducees again require a sign.Near Magdala. The disciples cautioned against the leaven of the Pharisees, &c.-N. E. coast of the Sea of Galilee. (Julias). A blind man healed.-Bethsaida Peter and the rest again profess their faith in Christ. Region of Cæsarea Philippi. Our Lord foretels his own death and resurrection, and the trials of his followers. Region of Cæsarea Philippi. The transfiguration. Our Lord's subsequent discourse with the three disciples.-Region of Cæsarea Philippi. The healing of a demoniac, whom the disciples could not heai. Region of Cæsarea Philippi. Jesus again foretels his own death and resurrection.Galilee. The tribute-money miraculously provided.-Caper naum. The disciples contend who should be the greatest. Jesus exhorts to humility, forbearance, and brotherly love.-Capernaum. Jesus goes up to the festival of tabernacles. His final departure from Galilee. Incidents in Samaria. The seventy instructed and sent out, Samaria. Ten lepers cleansed. -Samaria? SECTION VI. THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, AND THE SUBSEQUENT TRANSACTIONS UNTIL OUR LORD'S ARRIVAL AT BETHANY SIX DAYS BEFORE THE FOURTH PASSOVER. TIME: Six months less one week. Jesus at the festival of tabernacles. His public teaching. Jerusalem. 8.28-342 9.1 } 9. 10-17 5. 1-21 8. 26-40 2.15-22 5.29-39 16.1-4} 15.39) { 6.15-21 6. 22-71 7.1 8. 10-12 9. 28-36 9.37-43 9. 43-45 16.4-12 8.13-21 8. 22-26 16. 13-20 8.27-30 9, 18-21 16. 21-28 $8.31-38 9.22-27 17.1-13 9. 2-13 17.22, 23 17.24, 27 17.14-21 9. 14-29 9.30-32 9.33 18.1-35 9. 33-50 9.46-50 9. 51-62 7.2-10 (7.11-53 181 The seventy return.-Jerusalem? A man born blind is healed on the sabbath. Our Lord's subsequent discourses.-Jerusalem. Jesus in Jerusalem at the festival of dedication. He retires beyond Jordan.-Jerusalem. Bethabara be- The raising of Lazarus.-Rethany. The counsel of Caiaphas against Jesus. He retires Our Lord goes teaching and journeying towards Jeru- Our Lord dines with a chief Pharisee on the sabbath. What is required of true disciples. Peraa. Parable of the lost sheep, &c. Parable of the prodigal Parable of the unjust steward.-Perca. The Pharisees reproved. Parable of the rich man and Jesus inculcates forbearance, faith, humility.-Perca. Precepts respecting divorce.-Peraa. Jesus receives and blesses little children. - Percea. The rich young man. Parable of the labourers in the Jesus a third time foretells his death and resurrection. James and John make their ambitious request.- The healing of two blind men near Jericho. The visit to Zaccheus. Parable of the ten pounds.- The barren fig-tree. The cleansing of the Temple.- The barren fig-tree withers away.-Between Bethany Parable of the wicked husbandmen.-Jerusalem. Parable of the marriage of the king's son.-Jerusalem. Insidious question of the Pharisees and Herodians: tribute to Cæsar.-Jerusalem. Insidious question of the Sadducees: the resurrection. -Jerusalem. 11. 1-11 19.29-44 12.12-19 21. 1-11, 21.12,13, 11. 12-19 19.45-48 21.20-22 11.20-26 21. 23-32 11. 27-33 20. 1-8 21. 33-46 12.1-12 20.9-19 22. 1-14 22. 15-22 12. 13-17 20.20-26 22. 23-3312.18-27 20.27-40 A lawyer questions Jesus. The two great command- How is Christ the Son of David?-Jerusalem. Warnings against the evil example of the scribes and Woes against the scribes and Pharisees. Lamentation Certain Greeks desire to see Jesus. -Jerusalem. Reflections upon the unbelief of the Jews. Jerusalem. Jesus, on taking leave of the temple, foretels its de- struction and the persecution of his disciples.-Jeru- The signs of Christ's coming to destroy Jerusalem, and put an end to the Jewish state and dispensation.- Transition to Christ's final coming at the day of judg- ment. Exhortation to watchfulness. Parables; the ten virgins; the five talents. - Mount of Olives. Scenes of the judgment day. Mount of Olives. Jesus comforts his disciples. The Holy Spirit promised. Christ the true vine. His disciples hated by the world. Persecution foretold. Further promise of the Holy Spirit. Prayer in the name of Christ.-Jerusalem. Christ's last prayer with his disciples. Jerusalem. The agony in Gethsemane.-Mount of Olives. Jesus betrayed, and made prisoner. Gethsemane. Jesus before Caiaphas. Peter thrice denies him.- Jesus before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrim. He declares Jesus before Herod. - Jerusalem. Pilate seeks to release Jesus. The Jews demand Barab- Pilate delivers up Jesus to death. He is scourged and Pilate, after again seeking to release Jesus, delivers Judas repents and hangs himself. -Jerusalem. The crucifixion.-Jerusalem. The Jews mock at Jesus on the cross. He commends 26.-1-16 14. 1-11 22.1-6 12.2-8 26.21-25 14.18-21 22.21-23 13. 21-35 26. 31-35 14. 27-31 22.31-38 13.36-38 27. 39-44 15.29-32 23.35-37, 19.25-27 39-43 MATT. MARK LUKE, JOHN. 27.45-50 15.33-37 23. 44-46 19. 28-30 27.51-56 15.38-41 23. 45, 47-49 27.57-61 15.42-47 23.50-56 19. 31-42 28.2-4 16.1 28.1 16.2-4 24.1-3 20.1.2 28.5-7 16.5-7 24.4-8 28.8-10 16.8 24.9-11 20.3-10 16.9-11 20-11-18 28. 11-15 16. 12,13 24. 13-35 16.14-18 24.36-49 20. 19-23 20. 24-20 21-1-24 28.16 28.16-20 16. 19,20 24.50-53 20. 30-31 |