Report of the Trial and Acquittal of Edward Shippen, Esquire, Chief Justice, and Jasper Yeates and Thomas Smith, Esquires, Assistant Justices, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, on an Impeachment, Before the Senate of the Commonwealth, January, 1805 |
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Report of the Trial and Acquittal of Edward Shippen, Esquire, Chief Justice ... William Hamilton No preview available - 2016 |
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action affidavit afk the witnefs againſt agreement alfo Andrew Bayard answer appear Appendix argument attachment authority award becauſe bufinefs cafe caufe cause charge chief justice committed committee of grievances common law confequence confidered constitution contempt of Court criminal Dallas decifion declared defendant Edward Shippen England execution faid fame fecond fentence ferved fhall fhew fhould figned filed fome ftate fuch fuit gentlemen guilty honorable Court Houfe iffue impeachment indictment interrogatories Judges judgment learned counsel learned friend legislature Levy libel liberty Lord Mansfield Meffrs ment muſt neceffary oath obferved offence opinion paffed Paffmore paper party pending Pennsylvania perfon perjury Pettit and Bayard prefent proceed proceedings prosecution question reafon recollect refer referees respect rule Senate shew ſtate Supreme Court teftimony thefe thing thofe Thomas Passmore tion told trial by jury umpire underwriters veffel wish witnesses