| Junius - Great Britain - 1771 - 280 pages
...fatire is no longer underftood, and when meafures are only felt in their remoteft confermences. quences, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles, worthy to be tranfmitied to pofterity. When You leave the unimpaired, hereditary freehold to Your children, You... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - Periodicals - 1772 - 628 pages
...perfonal fatire is no longer underftood, and where meafures are only felt in their remoteft confequences, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles worthy to be tranfmitted to posterity. When y6u leave the unimpaired, hereditary freehold to your children, you... | |
| Junius - 1772 - 264 pages
...perfonal fatyr is no longer underftood, and when meafures are only felt in their remoteft confequences, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles, worthy to be tranfmitted to pofterity. When you leave the unimpaired, hereditary freehold to Your children, You... | |
| Junius, Sir Philip Francis - Great Britain - 1772 - 262 pages
...fatyr -WF ho longer urfderftood, -and when meafures are only feit in their remoteft corrfequenccs, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles, worthy to •betranfmitted-to pofterity. When you leave the- unimpaired,- hereditary freehold to Your children,-... | |
| Junius - Great Britain - 1771 - 370 pages
...perfonal fatire is no longer underftood, and when meafiires are only felt in their remoteft confequences, this book will, I believe, be found to contain principles, worthy to be tranfmitted to pofterity. When You leave the unimpaired, hereditary freehold to Your children, You... | |
| Junius - Great Britain - 1797 - 402 pages
...your care they have thriven. To you they are indebted for whatever strength or beauty they possess. When kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired, hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half 'your duty. Both... | |
| Hugh Boyd - Great Britain - 1800 - 638 pages
...fatire " are no longer underftood, and when mea" fures are only felt in their remoteft confe" quences, this book will, I believe, be found " to contain principles worthy to be tranf" mitted to pofterity." ******* This is " not the language of vanity. If I am a " vain man, my... | |
| Junius (pseud.) - Great Britain - 1804 - 450 pages
...few other writers have ever been so conspi ously successful. ever strength or beauty they possess. When Kings and Ministers are forgotten, when the force...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your duty. Both... | |
| Junius - Great Britain - 1804 - 494 pages
...sentence. It is dignified by the prophetic boast of a mind conscious of having exerted mighty powers. direction of personal satire is no longer understood,...principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the unimpaired hereditary freehold to your children, you do but half your duty. Both... | |
| Junius - Great Britain - 1805 - 320 pages
...your care they have thriven. To you they are indebted for whatever strength or beauty they possess. When Kings and ministers are forgotten, when the force...felt in their remotest consequences, this book will, 1 believe, be found to contain principles worthy to be transmitted to posterity. When you leave the... | |
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