Page images


432, 442, 449, 459; quoted, 141; ac-
count of, 432-442; parentage, child.
hood, 432; education, 433; the definite
plan of work, 433; Pauline, Paracel-
sus, 434; Strafford, Sordello, Pippa
Passes, 435; Bells and Pomegranates,
436; Elizabeth Barrett, 436, 437; Italy,
437; The Ring and the Book, 437, 438;
philosophy, death, 438; study, 438-442.
Browning, Sharpe's Lafe of, 433.
Brunnanburh, Battle of, 27; quoted,
28; mentioned, 35.
Brunne, map, 465, Db.

Brunne, Robert Manning of, 49, 54.
Brut, Layamon's, 47, 48, 49; Wace's, 48,

Brutus, in Julius Cæsar, 144.
Buckhurst, map, 465, Dc.
Buckingham, map, 465, Dc.
Budleigh, map, 465, Cc.

BULWER, EDWARD (Lord Lytton), 415,
416, 431.

BUNYAN, JOHN, 206-214; early life, 207;
a soldier, 207; marriage, 207, 208; re-
ligious experience, 208; Bedford Jail,
209, 210; sermons, 210; Pilgrim's
Progress, 210, 211-214; later life, 210;
death, 211; title page of Pilgrim's
Progress, 213; mentioned, 221, 244,
267, 270.

BURKE, EDMUND, mentioned, 2, 223, 238,
289, 290, 296; account of, 301-303.
Burne-Jones, Edward, 404.
BURNEY, FRANCES, 291, 413.
BURNS, ROBERT, mentioned, 86, 265, 316,
317, 324, 325, 369, 396, 399; account of,
310-314; folk-songs, 310; ploughman-
poet, 311, 312; The Cotter's Saturday
Night, 311; Edinburgh, 311; marriage,
312; death, 312; appreciation, 312,
313; study, 313, 314.
Burns, Life of, 387.
BURTON, ROBERT, 178, 374.

Bury St. Edmunds, map, 465, Eb.
Busirus, Young's, 264.
Busy Body, The, 295.
Bute, map, 465, Ba.

BUTLER, SAMUEL, Hudibras, 221, 246.
Butler, Samuel, novelist, 483, 484.
BYRON, LORD, mentioned, 338, 357, 358,
361, 362, 365, 368, 387, 388, 392, 403,
431, 433, 443, 444; account of, 350-357;
ancestry, 351; mother's character, 351;
Harrow and Cambridge, 351, 352;
Hours of Idleness, 352; cynicism, 352;
House of Lords, 352; English Bards,
352; travels, 353; metrical romances,
353, 354; marriage, 354; in Italy, 354;
Don Juan, 355; the Greek Revolution,
355; death, 355; study, 355-357.
Byron, Macaulay's Essay on, 393.

CEDMON, mentioned, 18, 36, 47; account
of, 21-23; his vision, 21; his hymn,
22; works, 22, 23; Genesis, Exodus,


Caerleon, map, 465, Cc.
Caermarthen, map, 465, Bc.

[ocr errors]


Caernarvon, map, 465, Bb.
Cæsar, Julius, 2.
Caesars, The, 383.
Caleb Williams, 334.
Cain River, map, 465, Eb.
Cambridge, map, 7, Dc; 465, Eb.
Camelford, map, 465, Bc.
Campaign, The, 226, 227.
Can you Forgive her, 429.
Canterbury: the scene of Chaucer's pil-
grimage, 71; birthplace of Marlowe,
126; map, 7, Dd; 465, Ec.
Canterbury Tales, The, mentioned, 59,
68, 70, 114, 260, 266; described, 71,
72; Caxton's edition, 84; facsimile of
Caxton's page, 85; paraphrased by
Dryden, 220.

Captain Singleton, 272.
Cardiff, map, 465, Cc.
Cardigan, map, 465, Bb.
CAREW, THOMAS, 203; quoted, 204.
Carisbrooke, map, 465, Dc.
Carlisle, map, 465, Ca.
Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 397, 400.
CARLYLE, THOMAS, mentioned, 2, 390, 402,
404, 410; quoted, 389, 431; account of,
396-402; parentage, 396; student life,
396, 397 years of struggle, 397; mar-
riage, 397; Sartor Resartus, 398; lec-
turer and historian, 399; essayist and
biographer, 400; death, 400; the
teacher, 400; study, 401, 402.
Caroline Poets, The, 203.
Casa Guidi Windows, 437.
Cassius, in Julius Cæsar, 144.
Castaway, The, 309, 310.
Castle of Indolence, The, 265.
Castle of Otranto, The, 333.
Castle of Perseverance, 112.
Castle Rackrent, 413.
Castle Spectre, The, 334.
Castletown, Isle of Man, map, 465, Ba.
Catiline, 148.

Cato, Addison's, 234.

Cavalier Poets, The, 203.

CAXTON, WILLIAM, account of, 84; fac-

simile of his page, 85.

Caxtons, The, 416.

Celtic words in English, 36.
Celts, The, 2, 3, 6, 49.
Cenci, The, 361.
Cervantes, 403.

Chalfont St. Giles, map, 465, Do.
Chansons de Gestes, 43.
CHAPMAN, GEORGE, 151, 366.
Charlemagne, stories of, 43, 44.
Charles V., Robertson's, 301.
Chartism, 400.

CHAUCER, GEOFFREY, mentioned, 42, 54,
56, 58, 59, 83, 86, 92, 102, 106, 113, 130,
225, 266, 325, 366, 459; age of, 59-64;
society, 60; evils of the time, 62; Lon-
don, 63, 64; The Tabard Inn, 64; ac-
count of, 64-75; youth, 64, 65; early
works, 65, 66; Italian tours, 66, 67;
Troilus and Criseyde, 68; allegories,

68, 69; later works, 69, 70; The Can-
terbury Tales, 71, 72; death, 72; ap-
preciation, 72-75; nature poetry, 73;
influence upon language, 74; study,
75; paraphrased by Dryden, 220; imi-
tated by Hewlett, 475.
Chelsea: Carlyle, 399.
Chertsey, map, 465, Dc.

Chester: a Roman town, 3; miracle plays,
111; map, 7, Bc; 465, Cb.
Chevy Chase, 88.

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 338, 353,

Child's History of England, The, 420.
Chinese Letters, The, 295.

Chretien de Troyes, 47.

Christ, The, of Cynewulf, 24, 25, 27;
quoted, 25.

Christabel, 323.

Christian, in Pilgrim's Progress, 267.
Christian Hero, Steele's, 227.

Christianity in Britain, 19; influence on
early English poetry, 20.
Christmas Tales, The, 420.
Christ's Hospital Five-and-Thirty Years
Ago, 374.

Chronicle, Anglo-Saxon, 27, 34, 35, 47.
Chronicle, Robert of Gloucester's, 49;
Robert Manning's, 49.

Chronicle of Edward I., Peele's, 125.
Chronicles, Holinshed's, 117.

Chronicles, Middle English, 47.

Colonel Jacque, 272.
Columba, the Irish missionary, 20.
Colyn Clout, Skelton's, 87.
Comedy, The first, 115.
Coming of Arthur, The, 449.
Commonwealth, The, 181.
Compleat Angler, The, 215.
Compleynt to his Purs, Chaucer's, 72.
Compleynte to Pite, 65.
Comus, 184.

Conduct of the Allies, The, 242.
Confessio Amuntis, 59.

Coniston, Lake: Ruskin, 408.
Conquest of Granada, Dryden's, 218.
CONRAD, JOSEPH, 481-483.

Contention betwirt the Too Famous

Houses of York and Lancaster, 118.
Conversion of the Saxons, 19; in Words-
worth's sonnets, 19.

Cooper's Hill, map, 465, Dc.
Corinna, Herrick's, 205.
Cornhill Megazine, The, 425.
Corsair, The, 353, 354.

Cotter's Saturday Night, The, 311.
Count Julian, 388.

Couplet, The, 206, 220, 249, 306, 352.
Covenant, The, 181.

Coventry: miracle plays, 111; mysteries,
111, 117; Shakespeare, 131; map, 465,

COVERDALE, MILES, Bishop of Exeter, 90,

Church, The, in Britain, 3; conversion of COWLEY, ABRAHAM, 203.
the Saxons, 19.

Church History, Fuller's, 57, 214.
Church Porch, The, Herbert's, 200.
Churchyard poetry, 304.

CIBBER, COLLEY, The Dunciad, 258.
Citizen of the World, The, 295.
Clarissa Harlowe, 275.
Cleobury Mortimer, map, 465, Cb.
Clevedon, Coleridge, 319; map, 465, Cc.
Clire, Macaulay's Essay on, 393.
Cloister and the Hearth, The, 416, 429.
CLOUGH, ARTHUR Hugh, 411, 459.
Clovelly, map, 465, Bc.

Club, The, in The Spectator, 233, 235.
Club, The Literary, 289, 296.
Clyde River, 2; map, 465, Ba.
Cock and the For, The, Dryden's, 220.
Cockermouth: Wordsworth, 317; map,
465, Ca.

Coffee-Houses, 220, 229, 230, 231, 239,

Colchester, map, 7, Dd.

COLERIDGE, S. T., mentioned, 214, 316, 317,
332, 333, 369, 370, 371, 373, 381, 383,
397, 408, 431; account of, 319-324;
childhood, 319; radical ideas, Pantis-
ocracy, 319; lyrical ballads, 320; Ger-
many, 320; Christabel, Kubla Khan,
323; prose, 323; death, 324.
Colet, John, 83.

Colin Clout, Spenser's, 104.

Colombe's Birthday, 436.

COWPER, WILLIAM, mentioned, 316, 317,
358; account of, 307-310; timidity,
308; the Olney hymns, 308; John Gil-
pin, 308; The Task, 309.
Coxwold, map, 465, Da.
Craigenputtoch: Carlyle, 397.
Cranford, 425.

Cranmer's Bible, 91.

Crawley, Rawdon, iu Vanity Fair, 424.
Critical Review, The, 295.
Criticism, 216.

Criticism, Essay on (Pope's), 253; Essays
in, 410; The Function of, 410.
Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, 400;
Cromwell, in Carlyle's Heroes, 399.
Cross, Wilbur L., quoted, 413.
Crossing the Bar, 450.

Crown of Wild Olive, The, 406.
Culture and Anarchy, 411.
Cura Pastoralis, 33, 34.
Currer Bell, pen-name of Charlotte
Brontë, 425.

Curse of Kehama, The, 332.
Cursor Mundi, 54.

Cymbeline, in Geoffrey of Monmouth,


Cymri, The, 2; Cymric words in Eng-
lish, 36.

CYNEWULF, account of, 23-26; works, 24,
25, 26; runes, 24; quoted, 20, 21; Ju
dith, 29; mentioned, 36, 49.
Cynthia's Revels, 148.

Daily Courant, The, 228.
Danelagh, The, 37.


Danes, The, 6, 12, 13, 27 ; wars of Alfred,
31, 32, 35, 36; Hrothgar, in Beowulf,
11, 43; Orm, 53.
Daniel Deronda, 427.
Dante, 67, 82, 96, 399.

D'Arblay, Madame, Macaulay's Essay
on, 393.

Dartmoor, map, 465, Cc.
Dartmouth, map, 465, Cc.


David Balfour, 430.

David Copperfield, 417, 420.
David Copperfield, 419.
Davideis, Cowley's, 203.
Davidson, John, 485, 486.

De Augmentis Scientiarum, 175.

De Consolatione Philosophiæ, Alfred's
translation, 33, 68; Chaucer's transla-
tion, 67.

Dean, Forest of, map, 465, Cc.
Dean Prior, map, 465, Cc.
Death in the Desert, A, 437.

Death of Hoel, The, 306.

Death of the Duke of Wellington, Ode on
the, 448.

Decameron, The, 59, 71.


Development of the English Novel,
Cross's, 413.

Diaries, of Pepys and Evelyn, 215.
DICKENS, CHARLES, mentioned, 389, 390,
423, 428, 429, 431; account of, 417-422;
childhood, 417; early struggles, 418;
first contribution, 419; the novels, 420;
characteristics, 421; philanthropic pur-
pose, 421; position, 422.

Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers,


Dictionary, Johnson's, 281, 285, 286.
Discourses in America, 411.

Discovery of Guiana, Raleigh's, 101.
DISRAELI, BENJAMIN (Lord Beaconsfield),

Dissertation on Roast Pig, A, 374.
Divine Comedy, Dante's, 67.
Divine Emblems, Quarles's, 201.
Do Wel, Do Bet, Do Best, 56.
Dobbin, in Vanity Fair, 424.
Doings of the Senate of Lilliput, 284.
Dolgelly, map, 465, Cb.
Dombey and Son, 420, 422.

Dombey, Paul, in Dombey and Son, 419,

Domett, Alfred, 433.
Don Juan, 353, 355.

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Don Quixote, 270.


Decline of the stage, 151.

Defence of Guinevere, The, 459.
Defence of Poesy, 99.

Defence of Poetry, Shelley's, 361.
Defensio Secunda, Milton's, 186, 187.
DEFOE, DANIEL, mentioned, 228, 229, 274,
275, 420; account of, 267-273; educa-
tion, 268; The Review, 268; facsimile
of frontispiece, 269; Robinson Crusoe,
270; realism, 271; narratives, 271, 272;
rogue narratives, 272; misfortunes,
273; death, 273; the "novel," 273.

Demeter and Other Poems, 450.
Denmark, Mallet's History of, 307.
Deor's Lament, 10, 27.
Deptford, map, 465, Ec.

DE QUINCEY, THOMAS, mentioned, 2, 369,
388, 395, 397, 431; account of, 376-386;
characteristics, 377; childhood, 378;
imagination, 378; effect of sister's
death, 379; experience in London,
380; friendships, 381; marriage, 381;
the opium-eater, 381, 382; the Confes-
sions, 382; magazine articles, 383;
death, 384; study, 385, 386.
Derby, map, 465, Db.

Derwent, The (Wordsworth), 317.
Derwent Water, map, 465, Ca.
Descent of Man, 443.

Descent of Odin, The, 306.

[blocks in formation]

Doncaster, a Roman town, 3.

Dorchester, map, 465, Cc.

Douglas, Isle of Man, map, 465, Ba.
Drama, The, development, 108-129; re-
ligious rites, 109; miracle plays or
mysteries, 110; pageants, 110; Ches-
ter, York, Towneley, Coventry, 111;
realistic portrayal of character, 111;
typical characters, 111; moralities,
112; Skelton's Necromancer, 113; in-
terludes of John Heywood, 113-115;
Four P.'s, 113-115; comedy, 115;
Udall's Ralph Roister Doister, 115;
influence of Latin dramatists, 115, 116;
tragedy, 116; Norton and Sackville's
Gorboduc, 116; historical plays, 117,
118; theatres, 119-121; companies,
121; Shakespeare's predecessors, 122;
Lyly, 122-125; Swan Theatre, interior
of, 123; euphuism, 124, 125; Peele,
Kyd, Greene, Nash, Lodge, 125, 126;
Marlowe, 126-128; study, 128, 129; de
cline of, 176; the restoration, 217, 218;
contemporary, 488, 489, 493, 496-499.
Dramatic Literature of the Age of Eliza
beth, 386.

Dramatic Lyrics, 436.

Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 436.
Dramatists, lesser, 151.

Drapier Letters, The, 244.

DRAYTON, MICHAEL, quoted, 130.

Dream of Fair Women, A, 445.

Dream of the Rood, of Cynewulf, 24,


Druids, The, 19.

Dryburgh Abbey, map, 465, Ca.

DRYDEN, JOHN, mentioned, 150, 200, 215,
230, 246, 249, 250, 257, 258, 260, 304;
influenced by Waller, 206; age of, 215,
216; plays, 217, 218; account of, 217-
220; Astrea Redux, 217; Annus Mira-
bilis, 218; Absalom and Achitophel,
The Medal, 219; McFlecknoe,
219 Religio Laici, 219: Hind and
Panther, 219, laureate, 219; transla-
tions and paraphrases, 220; minor
poems, 220; authority, 220; rhymed
couplet, 220; prose, 220; Lowell, 220;
death, 221; influence, 222; edited by
Scott, 337.

Dryden, Macaulay's Essay on, 393.
Dublin: Steele, 227; Swift, 238; Burke,
301; Moore, 368; map, 465, Ab.
Dulwich, map, 465, Dc.
Dumfries, map, 465, Ca.
Dunciad, The, 257.

Dunsany, Lord (Edward J. M. D. Plun-
kett), 498, 499.

Durhamn, burial-place of Bede, 29.

[blocks in formation]


his successors, 129-168; spirit of the
age, 132-134.
Elizabethans, the last of, 170-178; char
acteristics of, 170; later, 179.
Ellis, Havelock, 389.
Ellisland: Burns, 312.
Elvise to Abelard, 254.
Elstow: Buuyan, 206; map, 465, Db.
Elvington, map, 465, Db.
Ely: established, 20; map, 465, Eb.
Emblems, Wither's, 202.
Emma, 415.

Endimion, Lyly's, 125.
Endymion, 366, 368.
Enfield Keats, 365.

England, Chaucer's, 60; society in Chau.
cer's time, 60–63.

England, Hume's History of, 299; Ma-
caulay's, 393, 394, 395.

England and the English, 6; principal
divisions under the Teutons, 6; the
nation and the language, 35-37; Eng-
lish officially recognized by the Nor-
mans, 42, 74; Layamou's Brut, 49.
English, applied to language and litera-
ture, 36.

English and Scottish Ballads, 88.

Ecclefechan: Carlyle, 396; map, 465, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,


Ecclesiastes, paraphrase of, 97.
Ecclesiastical History, 21; account of
Cædmon, 22, 23; Alfred's trauslation,

Ecclesiastical Polity, Hooker's, 108.
Ecclesiastical Sonnets, The, of Words-
worth, 19.

EDGEWORTH, MARIA, account of, 413.
Edinburgh: Hume, 299; Scott, 334; De
Quincey, 383; Carlyle, 397; map, 7,
Bb; 465, Ca.

Edinburgh Review, 387, 391, 393, 431,

Edmonton Keats, 365; Lamb, 375.
Ednam, map, 465, Ca.

Edward II., 126, 127.

Edward V., Life of, 89.

Egbert, Archbishop of York, 31.

Egdon Heath, map, 465, Cc.
Eighteenth century, The, 222.
Eikon Basilike, 187.
Eikonoklastes, 186, 187.
Elaine, 449.

Elegy, Gray's, 304, 305.

Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate
Lady, Pope's, 254.

Elene, of Cynewulf, 24, 25, 27; quoted,

[blocks in formation]

352, 354.

English Comic Writers, Hazlitt's, 386.
English Humorists, The, 425.
English Mail Coach, The, 384.
English Opium-Eater, The, 377-386.
English Poets, Hazlitt's, 386.
English prose, Augustan age of, 222-248;
characteristics, 223.

Englishman, The, 235, 270.
Enid, 449.

Ensham, seat of Ælfric, 34.
Epic fragments, 28.
Epicone, 148.
Epipsychidion, 361.

Epistle of Eloise to Abelard, 254.
Epistle of Karshish, An, 437.
Epistles, Pope's, 247.

Epitaph on Shakespeare, Milton's, 183.

Epithalamion, Spenser's, 105.
Erasmus, 83.

Ernley, map, 465, Cb.

Essay, The, 223, 225.

Essay on Criticism, The, 252, 253.
Essay on Man, The, 259, 260.
Essayists, the great, 389; the modern,
499, 500.

Essays, Bacon's, 105, 171, 174, 176.
Essays, Pope's, 249, 252, 259.
Essays in Criticism, 410.
Essays of Elia, 374, 375; Last, 375.
Essenes, The, 383.
Ethandum, map, 7, Bd.
Ethics of the Dust, 406.
Eton, map, 465, Dc.
Ettrick, map, 465, Ca.
Euganean Hills, Lines on the, 361.
Eugene Aram, 415.
Euphues, Lyly's, 100, 124, 125,
Euphuisın, 124, 125, 134.
Euripides, 380.


Evans, Mary Ann (George Eliot), 426, | Framley Parsonage, 429.


Eve of St. Agnes, The, 367.

Eve of St. John, The, 337.
Evelina, 291.


Eversley, mup, 465, De.

Every Man in his Humour, 136, 147.
Every Man out of his Humour, 148.
Everyman, 112.

Examiner, The, Leigh Hunt's, 366, 369.
Examiner, The, Swift's, 242.

Excursion, The, 320, 327; described,

Exeter: seat of Bishop Leofric, 9, 26;
Miles Coverdale, 90; map, 7, Bd; 465,

Exeter Book, The, 9, 26, 27.
Exodus, Cadmon's, 23.
Expostulation and Reply, 320.

Faerie Queene, The, mentioned, 101, 105,
134; described, 104; study, 106, 107;
influence upon Keats, 365.
Falmouth, map, 465, Bc.

Falstaff, in King Henry IV., 138, 144.
Famous Victories of Henry V., The, 118.
Farne Islands, map, 465. Da.
Farringford Tennyson, 450; map, 465,

Fatal Sisters, The, 306.

Fates of the Apostles, Cynewulf's, 4,


Faustus, Tragical History of Doctor,

Felix Holt, 427.

Ferdinand, Count Fathom, 278.
Field Place: Shelley, 357.
FIELDING, HENRY, mentioned, 265, 278,
414, 423; account of, 276-278; Joseph
Andrews, 276; Tom Jones, 277; Ame-
lia, 277.

Fifteenth century, The, 82-88.
Fight at Finnesburg, The, 28.
Fight at Maldon, 28, 35.

Fingal, Macpherson's, 307.

Finn, in the epic, 28.

Finnesburg, The Fight at, 28.
Firth of Forth, 2.


Flamborough Head, map, 465, Da.

Fle fro the Pres, 70.


Flodden Field, map, 465, Da.
Fool, in King Lear, 144.

Fool, in Twelfth Night, 144.

FORD, JOHN, 151.

Foresters, The, 449.

Fors Clavigera, 402, 405; definition, 405.
Forster, John, 389.

Fortunes of Nigel, The, 339.

Four Elements, The, 112.

Four Georges, The, 425.

Four P.'s, Heywood's, 113-115.

Fox, JOHN, 108.

Fra Lippo Lippi, 437.

son's, 307.


Franceschini, Count Guido, in The Ring
and the Book, 437, 438.

Francis of Assisi, 110.

Fraser's Magazine, 398, 431.

Frederick the Great, Macaulay's Essay on,
393; Carlyle's Life and Times of, 400.
French influence, period of, 216, 222,
246, 252.

French Revolution, Carlyle's History of
the, 400, 431.

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, Greene's,


Friars, The, 55, 56; Wyclif's objections
to, 56; in Chaucer's time, 62.
Friend, The, 323.

FULLER, THOMAS, quoted, 57, 149; ac-
count of, 214, 215.

Function of Criticism, The, 410.

Galahad, Sir, 449.
Galatea, Lyly's, 125.
Gareth and Lynette, 449.
Garrick, David, 283, 289, 296.
GAY, JOHN, 247, 257; account of, 264.
Gebir, 388.

Genesis, Caedmon's, 23.

Genesis and Exodus, Cadmon's, 23.
Genesis and Exodus, the later, 54.
Geneva Bible, The, 91.

Genius and Character of Hogarth, The,


Gentleman's Magazine, The, 284.
Geographical names, 36.
George-a-Greene, Greene's, 125, 126.
Germans, The, 3, 4, 6.
Gesta Romanorum, 46.
Giaour, The, 338, 353, 354.

GIBBON, EDWARD, mentioned, 2, 223, 301;
account of, 299-301.

Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson, 485, 493, 494.

Gülfil's Love Story, Mr., 426.

Gissing, George, 467, 468.

Gleeman, The, 8, 9, 18, 27, 35, 44.

Globe Theatre, The, 119, 122, 139.

Gloucester, map, 7, Bd; 465, Cc.
Gnomic Verses, quoted, 27.

God moves in a mysterious way, 308.
Godwin, Mary (Mrs. Shelley), 360.
GODWIN, WILLIAM, 334, 360.
Goethe, 334, 337.

Goetz von Berlichingen, translated by
Scott, 337.

Golden Targe, The, 86.

GOLDSMITH, OLIVER, mentioned, 238, 279,
280, 289, 306, 395; account of, 292-299;
school days, 293; benevolence, 293; ir-
responsibility, 291; wanderings, 294,
295; Grub Street, 295; works, 296;
death, 297; study, 297-299.

Good Natured Man, The, 296.
Goodrich Castle, map, 465, Cc.
Gorboduc, 116, 357.

Fragments of Ancient Poetry, Macpher- Gorboduc, in Geoffrey of Monmouth's

History, 48.

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