OF KITTY TREVYLYAN. A STORY OF THE TIMES OF WHITEFIELD AND THE WESLEYS. BY THE AUTHOR OF "THE SCHONBERG-COTTA FAMILY," NEW YORK: M. W. DODD, 506 BROADWAY, Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, BY TIBBALS & WHITING, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. 2 7 AUG 1965 SIBRARY ALVORD, PRINTER. PUBLISHER'S ADVERTISEMENT. BOUT twelve months since, the publisher of this volume had his attention arrested by a series of contributions to an English periodical. Not then knowing the source from whence they came, but deeply impressed with the genius and power of authorship exhibited in these contributions, he decided to publish them in a more permanent form, and save them from the usual fate of magazine articles. Our publication, entitled "Chronicles of the SchönbergCotta Family," appeared at the close of last year. Many thousand homes and hearts have since been instructed, cheered and delighted with this remarkable work. Its circulation is still extending, and will continue to extend, diffusing its quickening and purifying influence more and more widely. During the past summer we issued another work by the same anonymous author, entitled "The Early Dawn; or, Sketches of Christian Life in England in the Olden Time," just then completed in the same magazine, and evincing, as in the previous volume, rare abilities in this field of authorship. Favoring circumstances subsequently gave us access to the author, which has resulted in an arrangement for the iv PUBLISHER'S ADVERTISEMENT. publication of the present volume, the manuscript of the concluding portion of which we have just received from the writer. This volume will be followed at no distant interval, we hope, by others; an announcement that will doubtless be hailed with satisfaction by the author's numerous friends and admirers in America. They will also be glad to know that, by our recent arrangement with her, one whose genius and labours are affording them so much instruction and pleasure, will not be left without substantial evidence that she is appreciated by her American publisher and readers. The great desire expressed in this country to be ac quainted with the author's name, led us to solicit the privilege of making it known. This was declined, but in lieu thereof, she has furnished for this volume the following brief, though pertinent and characteristic Preface addressed to her American readers. The kindly sentiments therein expressed will assuredly meet with a hearty response from this side of the Atlantic. NEW YORK, November, 1864. |