| Edward Charles Frome - Military topography - 1873 - 446 pages
...HC STANDAGE. Third Edition, crown 8vo, cloth ........... 2/6 "This work is indeed multum-in-parvo, and we can, with good conscience, recommend it to...as makers, dealers, or users." — Chemical Review. A POCKET-BOOK OF MENSURATION & GAUGING. Containing Tables, Rules, and Memoranda for Revenue Officers,... | |
| Marcus Vitruvius Pollio - 1874 - 488 pages
...8vo. 2/6 " This work is indeed multutrt-in-farvo, and we can, with good conscience, recommend it "• All who come in contact with pigments, whether as makers, dealers, or users." — Chemical ca A POCKET-BOOK OF MENSURATION AND GAUGING. Containing Tables, Rules, and Memoranda for Revenue Officers,... | |
| John Neville - Hydraulics - 1875 - 582 pages
...cont.n.1 with pi^nitm*. wlu-liit.T as in.ikc-rs, dealers, or users." — Ckttnififl Rti-in'. A POCKET-BOOK OF MENSURATION AND GAUGING. Containing Tables, Rules, and Memoranda for Revenue Officers, Brewers, Spirit Merchants, &c. Ky ). li. MANT, Inland Revenue. Second Edition, Revised. i8mo, leather... | |
| Robert Wilson - Steam-boilers - 1879 - 402 pages
...Edition, Revised. Small crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. cloth. [Just published. " This work is indeed mulftim-in-parvo, and we can, with good conscience, recommend it to...as makers, dealers or users."— Chemical Review. "This manual cannot fail to be a very valuable aid to all painters who wish their work to endure and... | |
| Robert Wilson - Steam-boilers - 1879 - 406 pages
...artistic effect of the principal pigments used by painters." — Builder, Gauging. Tables and Mules for Revenue Officers, Brewers, etc. A POCKET BOOK...Tables, Rules and Memoranda for Revenue Officers, Brewers, Spirit Merchants, &c. By JB MANT (Inland Revenue). Oblong i8mo, 4$. leather, with elastic... | |
| John W. Urquhart - Electroforming - 1881 - 322 pages
...of Purity. By HC STANDAGE. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth 2/6 "This work is indeed multum-in-farvo, and we can, with good conscience, recommend it to...as makers, dealers, or users." — Chemical Review. A POCKET-BOOK OF MENSURATION AND GAUGING. Containing Tables, Rules, and Memoranda for Revenue Officers,... | |
| J. W. Urquhart - 1881 - 304 pages
...Edition, Revised. Small crown 8vo, ss. 6d. cloth. [Just published. " This work is indeed muitum-in-parvo, and we can, with good conscience, recommend it to...contact with pigments, whether as makers, dealers or users."—Chemical Review. "This manual cannot fail to be a very valuable aid to all painters who wish... | |
| Edward Wyndham Tarn - Curves, Plane - 1882 - 272 pages
...HC STANDAGE. Third Edition, crown 8vo, cloth ........... 2/6 "This work is indeed multum-in-parvot and we can, with good conscience, recommend it to...as makers, dealers, or users." — Chemical Review. A POCKET-BOOK OF MENSURATION & GAUGING. Containing Tables. Rules, and Memoranda for Revenue Officers,... | |
| Samuel Hughes - Water-supply engineering - 1882 - 496 pages
...Edition, Revised. Small crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. cloth. [Just published. "This work is indeed muttHtn-in-parvo, and we can, with good conscience, recommend it to...as makers, dealers or users." — Chemical Review. "This manual cannot fail to be a very valuable aid to all painters who wish their work to endure and... | |
| Richard Meade - Coal mines and mining - 1882 - 970 pages
...Revised. Small crown 8vo, 2s. 6J. cloth. [J'lsi published. " This work is indeed ntultunt-ii'parvo, and we can, with good conscience, recommend it to...whether as makers, dealers, or users." — Chemical Rtvifiv. " This manual cannot fail to be a very valuable aid to all painters who wish their work to... | |
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