Elements of Useful Knowledge: Containing a Historical and Geographical Account of the Empires and States in Europe, Asia and Africa, with Their Colonies : to which is Added a Brief Description of New Holland ..., Volume 3

Front Cover
Bronson, Walter & Company, 1806 - Africa - 294 pages

Common terms and phrases

Popular passages

Page 4 - BBOWN, of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to wit : " Sertorius : or, the Roman Patriot.
Page 282 - ... down behind, as low as the waist. The cap, when they wear one, consists of a certain quantity of leather or cloth, sewed at one end, by which means it is kept on the head, and, hanging down the back, is fastened to the belt, as well as under the chin. The upper garment is a robe like that worn by the men. Their hair is divided on the crown, and tied behind, or sometimes fastened in large knots over the ears.
Page 160 - ... examined by a number of females. On the wedding-day she is crowned with a garland of wormwood ; and after the priest has tied the nuptial knot, his clerk or sexton throws a handful of hops upon the head of the bride, wishing that she may prove as fruitful as that plant.
Page 4 - In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, intitled, " An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the. Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned...
Page 36 - In 1609, six years after the accession of James VI. of Scotland to the throne of England as James I.
Page 96 - Sicily it is separated by the strait of Messina, which in the narrowest part is not more than two miles broad. It extends from 13° to 19° K. Ion. and from 37° 50' to 42° 56
Page 85 - They likewise neglect their silver mines, which arc said to be rich ; but they collect the sulphur that floats on the surface of several lakes. The whole province is filled with volcanoes, and exceedingly subject to earthquakes. Guatemala is the capital, and is the see of an archbishop, and the seat of a University. The ancient city was destroyed on the 7th June, 1777, by one of the most tremendous earthquakes of which wo have any record. From the 3d of June the agitated sea had risen from its bed...
Page 160 - ... women, in order to discover if she has any bodily defect, and, if any, to remedy it if possible. The bride on her wedding day is crowned with a garland of wormwood, implying the bitterness of the married state. When the priest...
Page 170 - Java. The king's women and female relations walk out with a profusion of jessamines in their hair, so that the whole head is whitened, and the neck covered with them, and...
Page 176 - ... who never could be secure of Universal Sway till Carthage was laid in Ruins. The Venetians, by being possessed of the Trade of the East, were able to give Laws to Italy, and dispute Conquests with the mighty Ottoman Port ; but as soon as they were deprived of that lucrative Branch of Commerce, by the Discovery of a Passage to the East by the Cape of Good Hope, they dwindled into their present Insignificancy. The Trade of England has been much more considerable than at present, occasioned by various...

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