| John Parsons - Algebra - 1705 - 284 pages
...PROP. PROP. VII. To reduce an Improper Fraflion into its equivalent whole or mixt number. R 1) L E. •Divide the Numerator by the Denominator, and the Quotient will be the whole or mixt Number. Examp, i. 23 Let the given Fraftions be 1^ and -if-» 10 161 i«? 161 144 91 80 ii... | |
| Benjamin Martin - Arithmetic - 1735 - 426 pages
...Parts of Mitney., Medfure, &c. Cafe i. To reduce Vulgar Fractions into Decimals, the commun Rule is, to divide -the Numerator by the Denominator, and the Quotient will be the Decimal required ¡ that is, equivalent to the Vulgar Fraction given. EXAMPLE I. What is the Decimal... | |
| Benjamin Donne - Algebra - 1758 - 430 pages
...fame Number, it is evident the Quotient mud be the fame as the Quantity firft given. 563.' Cafe 3. To reduce an improper Fraction to . its equivalent,...mixed Number. Divide the Numerator by the Denominator. 564. Example, Reduce ^ to a mixed Number. Solution. 7 -r 3 = 2 -J-- This is only the Reverie of the... | |
| Edward Waring - 1760 - 44 pages
...they are all reducible without the extraordinary Aid , of infinite Series. Take any one of them, and divide the Numerator by the Denominator, and the Quotient will be the value of the Fra&ion, if you make/>= i. I have therefore the Authority of both Mac Laurin and Saunderfon,... | |
| Charles Hutton - Arithmetic - 1766 - 214 pages
...terms. . ... . . II. To reduce an improper fratlion to its équivalent •whole or mixt number* RULE. Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will be the integer or mixt number required. EXAMPLES. V=4- Î V=2i. 14 -»Я •5- — I TT == III. To reduce... | |
| R. Barnes - Arithmetic - 1793 - 164 pages
...Decimals. REREDUCTION of JpECIMALSe PROP. i To reduce a Vulgar Fraftion to a Decimal of equal Value. RULE. Divide the Numerator by the Denominator and the Quotient will be the Anfwer. PROP. 2 To reduce Numbers of different Denominations, as Coins Weights, &c. into Decimals.... | |
| William Taylor (teacher of the mathematics.) - Arithmetic - 1800 - 558 pages
...EXAMPLE. Reduce гб-J- to an improper fraction. ...- 261s 211 N. '.' 2|* is then-action required. CASE 6. To reduce an improper fraction to its equivalent whole or mixed number, RULE. Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient is the whole number. Then what remainder... | |
| Mathematics - 1801 - 444 pages
...i-|^*-« CASE rff . 5T» reduce an improper fraction fa its equivalent iuko!c or nilxed number. RULE.* Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will be the whole or mixed iiuniber required. ^ • EXAMPLES. i. Reduce '—' to its equivalent whole or mb i6)981(61-^'... | |
| Thomas Hodson - Arithmetic - 1806 - 574 pages
...reduce an improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. This is the reverfe of the former cafe. Rule. Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will be the whole number, and the remainder (if any) will be the numerator to a fraction, whofe denominator is the divifor. Thus,... | |
| Isaac Dalby - Mathematics - 1807 - 482 pages
...equivalent whole or mixt number. 41 . THIS is evidently nothing more than common division. Therefore divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will be the answer. 24 £e. 1. Reduce Reduce ARITHMETIC. f to a whole, or mixt number. 43)P57 (22ff Answer. 86... | |
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