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" ... in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being at first equal on every acre, and growing uniformly ? This example is taken from Newton's Universal Arithmetic. "
The Plain Calculator: Being an Elementary Arithmetic : Based on the Inherent ... - Page 101
by Lewis Joerres - 1842 - 162 pages
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Elements of Algebra: To which is Prefixed, a Choice Collection of ...

John Mole - Algebra - 1788 - 348 pages» quired. 69. If 12 Oxen will eat 3 \ Acres of Grafs in 4 Weeks, and 21 Oxen will eat 10 Acres in 9 Weeks, how many Oxen will eat 24 Acres in 18 Weeks, the Grafs being allowed to grow uniformly ? Firft, if 12 Oxen eat up 34. Acres in 4 Weeks, then 21 Oxen...
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The American Tutor's Guide: Being a Compendium of Arithmetic. In Six Parts ...

James Thompson - Arithmetic - 1808 - 180 pages
...72 i 45 » 33. If 12 oxen will eat . j ucres of grass in fout wecfci, and 21 oxen will tat 10 ati^s in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being- allowed to grow uniformly ? Am. 36. ."•34. There is annually consumed in London 98000 black cattle, 6UU,000 sheep, 180,000...
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The Complete Practical Arithmetician: Containing Several New and Useful ...

Thomas Keith - Arithmetic - 1822 - 354 pages
...of velocity? (21 J If 12 oxen will eat 3J acres of grass in 4 weeka, and 21 oxen will eat 10 acres in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being allowed to grow uniformly ? — Newton. (22.) If 6 oxen or 10 colts can eat up 21 acres of pasture in 14 weeks, and 10 oxen and...
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The Tutor's Assistant: Being a Compendium of Arithmetic and a Complete ...

Francis Walkingame - 1832 - 226 pages
...the woman. GO. If 12 oxen will eat 3} acres of grass in four weeks, and, 21 oxen will eat 1O acres in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being allowed to grow uniformly. If 3j acres ', 12 oxen JC 10 acres 36 oxen, which 10 acres will keep in 4 weeks. Inversely, as 4 weeks...
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The Tutor's Assistant: Being a Compendium of Practical Arithmetic, for the ...

Francis Walkingame - 1833 - 206 pages
...6d. per cent. ? (24) If 12 oxen will eat 31 acres of grass in 4 weeks, and 21 oxen will eat 10 acres in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, allowing the grass to grow uniformly ? Neivton. (25) A bath is supplied with water by two cocks ; from...
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An Elementary Treatise on Algebra, in Theory and Practice: With Attempts to ...

John D. Williams - Algebra - 1840 - 636 pages
...3$ acres of grass in 4 weeks, and 21 oxen will eat up 10 acres in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat up 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being allowed to grow uniformly ? д _ 12 oxen c _ 4 weeks ¿ _ 3j or ц ^^ d = 21 oxen / = 9 weeks e = 10 acres) ' A =18 weeks g =...
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Porter's New System of Mathematics: With the Addition of a Complete Ready ...

James H. Porter - Arithmetic - 1841 - 214 pages
...j¡ acres of grass in 4 weeks, and 21 oxen will eat 10 acres in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat up 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being allowed to grow uniformly ? Ans. 36 oxen. 124. A footman agreed to serve his master 12 months for $180 and a livery of a certain...
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The Elements of Arithmetic ... in which Decimal and Integral ..., Part 2

Pliny Earle Chase - 1844 - 254 pages ? 189. If 12 oxen eat 3£ acres of grass in 4 weeks, and 21 oxen eat 10 acres of the like pasture in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being at first equal on every acre, and growing uniformly ? This example, which is taken from Newton's Universal...
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Elements of Arithmetic: For Schools and Academies. In which Decimal and ...

Pliny Earle Chase - Arithmetic - 1844 - 248 pages ? 189. If 12 oxen eat 3J acres of grass in 4 weeks, and 21 oxen eat 10 acres of the like pasture in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass being at first equal on every acre, and growing uniformly ? This example, which is taken from Ncwton's Universal...
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A New System of Arithmetic and Mathematics

James H. Porter - Arithmetic - 1845 - 254 pages
...QUESTIONS FOR EXERCISE. 1. If 12 oxen will eat 3J acres of grass in 4 weeks, and 21 oxen will eat 10 acres in 9 weeks, how many oxen will eat 24 acres in 18 weeks, the grass standing equal on every acre and growing uniformly? Ans. 36 oxen. 2. What distance from the corners...
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