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" ... explained to them, and join together in adoration of the Supreme Being. Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week, not only as it refreshes in their minds the notions of religion, but as it puts both the sexes upon appearing in their most agreeable... "
The Spectator [by J. Addison and others] with sketches of the lives of the ... - Page 24
by Spectator The - 1853
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The Spectator: ...

1718 - 348 pages
...Church-yard, as a Citizen dojf up011 the Change, the whole Parifli-Politicks being generally difcuffcd in that Place either after Sermon or before the Bell rings, MY Friend Sir ROGER being a good Church, man, has beautified the Infide of his Church with feveral Texts of his own chaling: . He has...
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The Spectator, Volume 2

1729 - 342 pages
...Religion, but as it puts both the Sexes upon appearing in their mod agreeable Forms, and exerting all fuch Qualities as are apt to give them a Figure in the Eye of the Village. A Country-Fellow diftinguifhes hjmfelf as much in_the Church-yard, as a Citizen does upon the Change,...
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The Spectator, Volume 2

1729 - 354 pages are apt to give them a Figure in the Eve of the Village. A Country-Fellow diftinauilhes hunfelf as much in the Church-yard, as a Citizen does upon the Change, the whole Parifh- Politicks being genei-ally difcufled in that Place either after Sermon or before the *eğl...
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The Spectator, Volume 2

English essays - 1739 - 346 pages
...Religion, but as it puts both the Sexes upon appearing in their moll agreeable Forms, and exerting all fuch Qualities as are apt to give them a Figure in the Eye of the Village. A Country Fellow diftinguifhes himfelf as much in the Church-yard, as a Citizen does upon the Cbanve, the whole Parim-Politicks...
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The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, Volume 7

British essayists - 1802 - 342 pages
...religion, but as it puts both the sexes upon appearing in their most agreeable forms, and exerting all such qualities as are apt to give them a figure in the...parishpolitics being generally discussed in that place either afier sermon or before the bell rings. My friend Sir Roger, being a good church-man, has beautified...
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The Spectator ...

1803 - 472 pages
...The asymptotes of the hyperbola. upon appearing in their most agreeable forms, and exerting all such qualities as are apt to give them a figure in the...before the bell rings. My friend Sir Roger, being a good-churchman, has beautified the inside of his church with several texts of his own choosing. He...
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The Spectator ...

English essays - 1803 - 466 pages
...The asymptotes of the hyperbola. upon appearing in their most agreeable forms, and exerting all such qualities as are apt to give them a figure in the...before the bell rings. My friend Sir Roger, being a good-churchman, has beautified the inside of his church with several texts of his own choosing. He...
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Addisoniana ...

Sir Richard Phillips - 1803 - 578 pages
...religion, but as it puts both the sexes upon appearing in their most agreeable forms, and exerting all such qualities as are apt to give them a figure in, as a citizen, does upon the 'Change ; the whole parish politics being generally discussed in that place, either after sermon or before the bell rings."...
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NL orphan barcodes on file at ReCAP

1804 - 676 pages
...but as it puts both the sexes upon appearing in th*iir most agreeable forms, and exerting all such qualities as are apt to give them a figure in the...A country fellow distinguishes himself as much in thi chureh-yard as a citizen does upon^the 'change, the whole parish-politics being generally discussed...
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The Spectator

Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd - 1811 - 504 pages
...religion, but as it puts both the sexes upon appearing in their most agreeable forms, and exerting all such qualities as are apt to give them a figure in the eye of the village. A country-fellow distinguishes himself as much in the Church-yard, as a citizen does upon the Change,...
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