| William Darrell - 1736 - 398 pages
...fo alfo do ye. 14. And above all tbefe things, put on charity, which is the bondef perfeStnefs. 15. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the...alfo ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful. 1 6. Let the word of Cbrift dwell in you richly in all wifdom ; teaching and admonijhing one another... | |
 | Thomas Stackhouse - Christian life - 1760 - 360 pages
...fo alfo do ye : And, above all 'Things, put on Charity, which is the Bond of PerfeffH 4 »«A, nefs, and let the Peace of God rule in your Hearts, to the which alfo ye are called in one Body. Once more : Nor is this Duty obligatory, as it proceeds from the Word of God only, but as ic proceeds... | |
 | 1765 - 500 pages
...you, fo alfo do ye. And alppve all thefe things put on * charity, which is the bond, of perfectnefs. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which alfo ' ye are called in Paraphrafe on the Collttl for tbe'ffili Sunday after the Epiphany. O Lord, preferve, we befeech thee,... | |
 | 1765 - 432 pages
...have we God rule in your hearts, to the to do with tnee, Jefus, thou Son of God ? art thou come hither which alfo ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let to torment us before the time ? the word of Chrift dwell in you And there was a good way off richly... | |
 | William Dell - Theology - 1773 - 628 pages
...of body being a moft neceflary bond of peace in the church; as the apoftle teftifies, Col. iii. 15. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which ye an called in one hody. Now from this unity of body in the true church we may note very confiderable... | |
 | 1774 - 460 pages
...any man have a quarrel againjl any ; even as Chrift forgave you, Jo alfo do ye.' And above all thefe things, put on charity, which is the bond of perfeftnefs....God rule in your hearts, to the which alfo ye are calfed in one body. more. And therefore to put off our preparation till that which we call death, is... | |
 | 1779 - 688 pages
...forgave you, fo alfo dd ye. And above all thefc things, put on charity, which is the bond of perleftnefs. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the...in one body ; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Chrift dwell in you richly in PARAPHRASE. O* ftl COLLECT fir tkt Jiftb Sunday aftir tbt Epifbanf. OLord,... | |
 | Bible - 1788 - 598 pages
...you, fo alfo do ye. 14 And above all thefe things, put on charity, which is the bond of perfe&nefs. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the...alfo ye are called in one body ; and be ye thankful. 1 6 Let the word of Chrift dwell in you richly in all wifdom ; teaching and admonifhing one another... | |
 | Charles Louis de VILLETTE - Future life - 1793 - 196 pages
...an habitation of GOD, through the " fpirit." 0 In the epiftle to the Coloffians, he fays, "Above all put on charity, which " is the bond of perfeftnefs....hearts, to the " which alfo ye are called in one body." 11 St. John fays, " He that loveth not, know" eth not GOD, for GOD is love; and he • Ephef.ii. 13,... | |
 | William Paley - Bible - 1796 - 448 pages
...alfb " do ye; and, above all thefe things, put on ** charity, which is the, bond of perfe&nefs ; " and let the peace of God rule in your " hearts, to the which alfo ye are called in " one body*." In thefe two quotations the words voippeirvvi], "STpoiOTiis, fAaxpoSvpiu aXXyhuv, occur in exactly... | |
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