3. $465.75 + $37.28 + $692.37 + $475.84 = ? 4. $193.85 + $87.96 + $375.84 + $215.79=? 5. $276.49 + $ 29.49 + $ 49.86 + $936.93=? 6. $475.98 + $18.07 + $126.92 + $214.85=? 2. Mr. Foster sold in 5 days as follows. Find each day's sales, total sales, and receipts for each article. 3. A man made 7 deposits as follows: $145.75, $123.34, $ 134.89, $ 645.75, $ 800.05, $ 900.25, $845.52. How much money did he deposit? 4. My expenses for 6 days were respectively, $1.42, $2.05, $2.36, $2.12, $1.45, and $2.15. What were my expenses for the week? MAKING CHANGE Secure toy money, or make circles from cardboard to repre sent the different pieces. Appoint storekeepers and purchasers, and have the counting done in the schoolroom. Consult "Market Report" for prices. 3. Willie bought meat for 30¢ and milk for 44. How much change should he receive from 50¢? Make change from 50¢ for: 4. Oranges for 154, lemons for 8¢, pears for 5¢. 5. Popcorn for 64, taffy for 104, nuts for 25¢. 6. Rice for 84, tapioca for 15¢, prunes for 10¢. 7. Potatoes for 154, bread for 84, turnips for 12¢. 8. Plums for 20¢, sugar for 10¢, pepper for 8¢. 9. Celery for 7¢, lettuce for 94, spinach for 124. 10. Corn for 12¢, seed for 25¢, apples for 10¢. 4. 2 boxes of stove polish at 10¢ each. 5.1 lb. of ginger at 40¢ a pound. 15. Change the number on the cash register and make change from one dollar; fifty cents; a quarter. PRACTICAL PROBLEMS 1. A huckster's sales for the week were as follows: $3.25, $7.15, $2.45, $6.45, and $8.79. What was the amount of his sales? 2. A boy's suit that was marked $6.98 was sold for $1.25 less. What was the selling price of the suit? 3. James had $5.94; he spent $2.85. How much had he left? 4. What is the difference in the price of two hats marked $4.50 and $3.60? 5. The following amounts were deposited in the school savings bank: $2.15, $1.65, $7.09, $3.68, and $9.15. What was the total of these deposits? 6. Mrs. Jones paid $2.75 for a turkey, $.30 for cranberries, $.15 for butter, and $.48 for coffee. What was the whole cost? 7. How many school badges 4 in. long can be made from 2 yd. of ribbon? 8. A clock that strikes the hours strikes how many strokes between one o'clock and six inclusive? 9. How many square inches are there in an 8-inch square? 10. There are 639 oranges in 9 baskets, with the same number in each. How many are there in each basket? 11. If you receive $2.75, $6.96, and $8.15 and want to change it into five-dollar bills, how many should you get and how much money over? |