4. Add 10 years, 3 months; 45 years, 6 months; 75 years, 11 months; 15 years, and 96 years. 5. Add 7 weeks, 1 day, 5 hours, 45 minutes; 2 weeks, 4 days, 22 hours; 6 days, 15 hours, 10 minutes; and 5 hours. APPLICATION. 1. Bought an English Reader, for 5s. 71⁄2d.; a Sequel, for 6s. 6d.; an Arithmetic, for 3s. 9d. and a Slate for 2s. 4d. What do they all come to? Ans. 18s. 3d. 2. If a storekeeper buy cloth to the amount of 310£ 7s. 6d.; linen to the amount of 37£ 5s. and groceries linen to the amount of 209£ 15s. 4d.: what sum must he pay for the whole? Ans. 557£ 7s. 10 d. 3. Bought a horse for 17£ 10s. 6d. a cow for 5£ 14s. 7d. and a quantity of hay for 6£ 12s. 6d. What is the amount? Ans. 29£ 17s. 7d. 4. Laid out in market, for a pair of fowls, 5s. 71⁄2d. for a goose, 7s. 6d. for a bushel of potatoes, 3s. 9d. for a piece of beef, 15s. and for turnips, 4s. 8d. How much was laid out in all? Ans. 1£ 16s. 6d. 5. Bought of a silversmith, dishes, weighing 161b. 10oz. 13dwt. plates, weighing 35lb. 10oz. 11dwt. table-spoons, 6lb. 11oz. and tea-spoons, 2lb. Soz. What was the weight of the whole? Ans. 62lb. 4oz. 4dwt. 6. A grocer bought four hogsheads of sugar, which weighed as follows-No. 1, Scwt. 1qr. 26lb.; No. 2, 9cwt. 3qrs. 11lb.; No. 3, 12cwt. 2qrs. 19lb.; No. 4, 12cwt. 2qrs. What did the whole weigh? Ans. 43cwt. 2qrs. 7. Sold three boxes of spice weighing as followsNo. 1, 1qr. 12lb. 9oz. 14dr.; No. 2, 2qrs. 13lb. 15oz. 8dr.; No. 3, 1qr. 25lb. 13oz. 12dr. How much was the whole weight? Ans. lcwt. 1qr. 24lb. 7oz. 2dr. 8. If a druggist mix several simples together, the first, 4 ounces, 3 drams, 2 scruples; the second, 3 ounces, 1 dram, 1 scruple, 17 grains; the third 1 pound, 7 ounces, 3 drams, 1 scruple: what will be the weight of the mixture? Ans. 28 33 03 19 17gr. 7. Admit a man travelled in one day, 27 miles, 2 furlongs; in another 32 miles 7 furlongs, 33 perches; in another, 19 miles, 7 furlongs, 16 perches; and in another, 12 miles, 5 furlongs: how far did he travel in all? Ans. 92m. 6fur. 9P. 10. There are three pieces of silver wire: the first measures 10 yards, 2 feet, 6 inches; the second, 15 yards, 1 foot, 4 inches; the third, 20 yards, 11 inches: what is the length of the whole? Ans. 46yds. 1ft. 9in. 11. There are four pieces of linen: the first contains 27 yards, 2 quarters; the second, 41 yards, 3 quarters; the third, 36 yards, 1 quarter; and the fourth, 33 yards, 2 quarters. How many yards are there in the four pieces? Ans. 139yds. 12. Bought three pieces of lace containing as follows -No. 1, 17 yards, 3 quarters, 2 nails; No. 2, 25 yards, 2 quarters, 1 nail; No. 3, 32 yards, 3 quarters, 3 nails: How many yards were bought in all? Ans. 76yds. 1qr. 2na. 13. A person has three farms: the first contains 120 acres, 3 roods; the second, 256 acres, 1 rood; and the third, 300 acres. How many acres are in all? Ans. 677. 14. Sold two casks of cider, one of which contained 31 gallons, 3 quarts, and the other 36 gallons, 2 quarts, 1 pint. How much was there in the two? Ans. 68gals. 1qt. 1pt. 15. There are three bags of wheat: the first contains 2 bushels, 3 pecks, 7 quarts; the second, 3 bushels, 3 pecks, 4 quarts; the third, 4 bushels. How much is in the three bags? Ans. 10bu. 3pe. 3qt. 16. Bought 136 bushels of corn of one man; 197 bushels, 2 pecks, of another; 200 bushels, 1 peck, 6 quarts, of a third; and 764 bushels, 3 pecks, 7 quarts, of a fourth. How much was bought in all? Ans. 1298bu. 3pe. 5qt. 17. A person who was born in Philadelphia, resided in that place till he was 21 years, 3 weeks old. He then went to Wilmington, spending 2 days on the road. He resided in Wilmington 5 years, and at the end of that time removed to Baltimore; the journey occupying 3 days. He remained in Baltimore 2 years, 3 weeks, and 3 days, and then removed to Richmond, being 5 days in travelling thither. What was his age at the time he arrived in Richmond? Ans. 28 years, 7 weeks, and 6 days. COMPOUND SUBTRACTION. Compound Subtraction teaches to find the difference between any two sums or quantities, which consist of several denominations. RULE. Place the sums or quantities as in compound Addition, with the less under the greater; then, beginning with the lowest denomination, subtract each under number from the one above it, and set down the remainder: but if the number of either denomination in the under sum be greater than the one above it, subtract it from as many of that denomination as will make one of the next higher, add the difference to the upper number, set down the amount, and carry 1 to the under number of the next higher denomination. PROOF: as in Simple Subtraction. L d. 5 10 3 462 F S. d. F s. d. L S. 46 2 3 d. 37 12 6 25 4 9 27 18 9 14 5 6 25 19 L. S. d. 45 6 34 22 4 6층 L. S. d. £. S. d. 2640 18 114 1221 19 6 45 9 24 11. Subtract 24 pounds, 10 shillings, and 6 pence, from 36 pounds, 9 shillings, and 3 pence. 12. Subtract 26 pounds, from 120 pounds, 15 shillings, and 9 pence. 13. Subtract 9000 pounds, from 9672 pounds, 18 shillings, and 111⁄2 pence. 14. Subtract 45 pounds, 14 shillings, and 31⁄2 pence, from 500 pounds. 4. Subtract 14 pounds, 9 ounces, from 65 pounds, 3 ounces 10 pennyweights. 5. Subtract 10 pounds, 6 ounces, 10 pennyweights, 11 grains, from 15 pounds, 6 grains. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 4. Subtract 76 tons, 18 hundred weight, 3 quarters, from 195 tons, 2 hundred weight, 2 quarters. 5. Subtract 14 pounds, 6 ounces, 3 drams, from 20 pounds, 2 ounces. APOTHECARIES WEIGHT. 833 18339 gr. 4. Subtract 16 pounds, 5 ounces, 2 drams, from 24 pounds, 10 ounces, 3 drams. From 48 22 123 21 22 010 42 2 201 250003 Rem. 5. Take 3 ounces, 3 drams, 2 scruples, from 5 pounds, 9 ounces, 2 drams, 2 grains. 4. Subtract 45 miles, 5 furlongs, 20 poles, from 320 miles, 3 furlongs, 36 poles. 5. Subtract 15 yards, 2 feet, 6 inches, from 36 yards, 1 foot 11 inches. 4. Subtract 95 yards, 3 quarters, 2 nails, from 156 yards, 2 quarters, 3 nails. 5. Subtract 14 English ells, 1 quarter, 2 nails, from 52 English ells, 3 quarters, 2 nails. 4. Subtract 36 acres, 2 roods, from 900 acres, 3 roods, 16 perches. 5. Subtract 72 acres, from 360 acres, 2 roods, 29 perches. |