Note. The six hours in each year are not reckoned till they amount to one day: hence, a common year consists of 365 days, and every fourth year, called leap year, of 366 days. The following is a statement of the number of days in each of the twelve months, as they stand in the calendar or almanac: The fourth, eleventh, ninth, and sixth, EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 8 years to months. Facit 96 mо. 2. Bring 6 years to weeks (supposing 52 weeks to make a year.) 3. Bring 3 years to days (supposing make a year. 4. Reduce 25 weeks to days 5. Reduce 12 days to hours. 6. Bring 14 hours to minutes. 7. Bring 9 minutes to seconds. 8. Bring 4 weeks to minutes. When a sum or quantity is to be denomination than its own, work by RULE 2.* Facit 312. W. 365 days to Facit 1095 D. Facit 175 D. Facit 288 Н. Facit 840 min. Facit 540 sec. Facit 40320 min. changed to a higher Divide the given sum or quantity by that number of its own denomination which makes one of the denomination to which it is to be changed. (See notes 1, 2, and 3.) * The reason of this rule may be seen by considering that as it takes twenty shillings to make one pound, there must be just as many pounds in any number of shillings as there are twenties in that number; and that to find how many twenties there are in any number, we divide it by 20. When there are one or more denominations between the denomination of the given sum or quantity and that to which it is to be changed; first change it to the one next higher than its own, and then to the next higher and so on. (See notes 4 and 5.) Remainders are of the same denomination as the sum or quantity divided. (See examples 2, 6, 8, 10, and 12, in English money.) EXAMPLES. ENGLISH MONEY. Note 1. To change shillings to pounds, divide them by 20, because 20 shillings make 1 pound. 1. Bring 60 shillings to pounds. Facit 3£ 4. Bring 446 shillings to pounds. Facit 22£ 6 s. Note 2.- To bring pence to shillings, divide them by 12, because 12 pence make 1 shilling. 5. Bring 72 pence to shillings. 6. Bring 195 pence to shillings. Facit 6 s. Facit 16 s. 3 d. Note 3.- To bring farthings to pence, divide them by 4, because 4 farthings make 1 penny. 7. Bring 36 farthings to pence. Facit 9 d. 8. Bring 763 farthings to pence. Facit 190 d. 3 qrs. Note 4.- To bring pence to pounds, bring them first to shillings, and then bring those shillings to pounds. Facit 2L 9. Bring 480 pence to pounds. 10. Bring 9655 pence to pounds. Facit 40£ 45. 7 d. Note 5. To bring farthings to pounds, bring them first to pence, then bring those pence to shillings, and then bring those shillings to pounds. 11. Bring 3840 farthings to pounds. 12. Bring 6529 farthings to pounds. Facit 4£ Facit 6£ 16 s. O d. FEDERAL MONEY. Note 6. To reduce cents to dollars, divide them by 100: or, which is the same thing, separate two figures from the right of their number: and all on the left of these will be dollars. 1. Bring 600 cents to dollars. Facit 6 dollars. 2. Bring 1250 cents to dollars. Facit 12 dols. 50 cts. 3. Bring 4575 cents to dollars. Facit 45 dols. 75 cts. Note 7.-To change fourths of a cent to cents, divide them by 4-To change halves of a cent to cents, divide them by 2-To change thirds of a cent to cents, divide them by 3, &c. 4. Bring 20 fourths of a cent to cents. 5. Bring 125 fourths of a cent to cents. 6. Bring 75 half cents to cents. Facit 5 cents. Facit 314 cts. Facit 371⁄2 cts. 7. Bring 432 thirds of a cent to cents. Facit 144 ets. Note 8.-To change mills to dollars, divide them by 1000: or, which is the same thing, separate three figures from the right of their number, and all on the left of these will be dollars. 8. Bring 4000 mills to dollars. Facit 4 dols. 9. Bring 25750 mills to dollars. Facit 25 dols. 75 cts. 10. Bring 96532 mills to dollars. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. Facit 96 dols. 53 cts. 2 m. 5. Bring 480 nails to quarters. Facit 120 qr. 6. Bring 95 nails to English ells. Facit 4 E. E. 3 qr. 3 na. LAND MEASURE. 1. Bring 286 roods to acres. Facit 71 A. 2 R. 2. Bring 360 square perches to roods. Facit 9 R. 3. Bring 4719 square yards to square perches. Facit 156 P. 4. Bring 756 square feet to square yards. Facit 84 yds. 5. Bring 1728 square inches to square feet. Facit 12 ft. 6. Bring 966 square perches to acres. Facit 6 A. OR. 6 P. LIQUID MEASURE. 1. Bring 91 pipes to tuns. 2. Bring 50 hogsheads to pipes. 4. Bring 163 quarts to gallons. 5. Bring 87 pints to quarts. Facit 45 T. 1 P. Facit 15 hhd. Facit 40 gal. 3 qt. Facit 43 qt. 1 pt. 6. Bring 59 hhd. to tuns. Facit 14 T. 3 hhd. 7. Bring 6048 pints to tuns. Facit 3 T. DRY MEASURE. 1 Facit 77 bu. 2. Bring 246 quarts to pecks. Facit 30 pe. 6 qt. Facit 150 qt. 1. Bring 308 pecks to bushels. 3. Bring 300 pints to quarts. 4. Bring 486 quarts to bushels. Facit 15 bu. O pe. 6 qt. 5. Bring 384 pints to bushels TIME. 1. Bring 675 months to years. Facit 6 bu. Facit 56 Y. 3 mo. 2. Bring 208 weeks to years (supposing 52 weeks to 6. Bring 726 minutes to hours. Facit 12 h. 6 min. 7. Bring 360 seconds to minutes. 8. Bring 30240 minutes to weeks. Facit 6 min. Facit 3 W. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. How many shillings are there in 20 pounds? Ans. 400. 2. What number of pounds do 65 shilling make? Ans. 3£ 5 s. 3. How many cents are there in 65 dollars? Ans. 6500. 4. In 3400 cents how many dollars? 5. How many quarters of a cent are there in 96 cents? Ans 384. 6. How many cents are there in 480 quarters of a Ans. 120. cent. 7. What number of half pence do 45 pence make? Ans. 90. 8. How many three pences are there in 10 shillings? 9. How many six pences are there in 6 shillings? Ans. 40. Ans. 12. Ans. 4 s. 6 d. 10. How many shillings are there in 18 three pences? |