Note 2. To reduce shillings to pence, multiply them by 12, because every shilling makes 12 pence. 3. Reduce 60 shillings to pence. 4. Bring 120 shillings to pence. Facit 720 d. Facit 1440 d. Note 3. To reduce pence to farthings, multiply them by 4, because every penny makes 4 farthings. 5. Reduce 350 pence to farthings. Facit 1400 qrs. 6. Change 4560 pence to farthings. Facit 18240 qrs. Note 4.-To reduce shilling to farthings, change them first to pence, and then change those pence to farthings. 7. Reduce 10 shillings to farthings. Facit 480 qrs. 8. Bring 115 shillings to farthings. Facit 5520 qrs. Note 5. To reduce pounds to farthings, reduce them first to shillings; then change those shillings to pence; and then change those pence to farthings. 9. Reduce 5 pounds to farthings. Facit 4800 qrs. 10. Bring 76 pounds to farthings. Facit 72960 qrs. FEDERAL MONEY. The denominations of Federal Money have al ready been given. EXAMPLES. Note 1.-To reduce dollars to cents, multiply them by 100; or, which is the same thing, annex two cyphers to their number. a 1. Reduce 50 dollars to cents. 2. Reduce 125 dollars to cents. 3. Bring 5560 dollars to cents. Facit 5000 cts. Facit 12500 cts. Facit 556000 cts. Note 2. To reduce cents to fourths or quarters of cent, multiply them by 4; to halves, multiply them by 2;-to thirds, multiply them by 3, &c. 4. Reduce 25 cents to fourths or quarters of a cent. Facit 100 fourths. 5. Reduce 256 cents to fourths of a cent. Facit 1024 fourths. 6. Reduce 45 cents to half cents. Facit 90 halves. 7. Bring 145 cents to thirds of a cent. Facit 435 thirds. Note 3.-To reduce dollars to fourths, halves, or thirds of a cent, &c. -first bring them to cents; and then bring those cents to fourths, or halves, &c. 8. Reduce 12 dollars to fourths of a cent. 9. Bring 122 dollars to halves of a cent. Facit 4800 fourths. 10. Bring 54 dollars to thirds of a cent. Note 4.- To reduce dollars to mills, multiply them by 1000; or, which is the same thing, annex three cyphers to their number. 11. Reduce 26 dollars to mills. 12. Bring 150 dollars to mills. Facit 26000 m. Facit 150000 m. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. By this weight are weighed things of a coarse, drossy nature, that are bought and sold by weight, and all metals but silver and gold. The denominations of Avoirdupois Weight are ton, hundred-weight, quarter, pound, ounce, and dram. 16 drams (dr.) make 1 ounce oz. lb. 1 quarter of a cwt. qr. 4 quarters, or 112 lb. 1 hundred weight C.wt. 16 ounces 1 pound 28 pounds 20 hundred weight 1 ton EXAMPLES. T. 1. Reduce 27 tons to hundred weights. Facit 540 C.wt. 2. Bring 45 hundred weight to quarters. 3. Bring 250 quarters to pounds. 4. Reduce 76 pounds to ounces. 5. Bring 40 ounces to drams. 6. Reduce 8 tons to pounds. 7. Bring 2 tons to drams. TROY WEIGHT. Facit 180 qr. Facit 7000 lb. Facit 1216 oz. Facit 640 dr. Facit 17920 lb. Facit 1146880 dr. By this weight, jewels, gold, silver, and liquors are weighed. The denominations of Troy Weight are pound, ounce, pennyweight, and grain. 24 grains (gr.) make 1 pennyweight dwt. 20 pennyweights 12 ounces 1 ounce Oz. Reduce 576 pounds to ounces. 2. Change 1740 ounces to penny weights. Facit 34800 dwts. 3. Bring 145 pennyweights to grains. Facit 3480 gr. 4. Reduce 15 pounds to penny weights. Facit 3600 dwts. 5. Bring 75 pounds to grains. Facit 432000 gr. APOTHECARIES WEIGHT. By this weight apothecaries mix their medicines, but buy and sell by avoirdupois weight. The denominations of Apothecaries weight are pound, ounce, dram, scruple, and grain. 20 grains (gr.) make 1 scruple 1 dram 1 ounce 1 pound EXAMPLES. 3 scruples 1. Reduce 56 pounds to ounces. 2. Reduce 142 ounces to drams. 3. Bring 84 drams to scruples. 4. Bring.16 scruples to grains. 5. Reduce 8 ounces to scruples. 6. Bring 14 pounds to grains. LONG MEASURE. Facit 672 3 Facit 1136 3 Facit 252 Facit 320 gr. Facit 1929 Facit 80640 gr. Long measure is used for lengths and distances. league, mile, furlong, pole, yard, foot, and inch. 12 inches (in.) make 1 foot ft. 3 feet 1 rod, pole, or perch P. 40 poles (or 220 yds.) 1 furlong -fur. 8 furlongs (or 1760 yds.) 1 mile : 3 miles 1 league L. Note. A hand is a measure of 4 inches, and used in measuring the height of horses. A fathom is 6 feet, and used chiefly in measuring the depth of water. d EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 20 leagues to miles. Facit 60 m 2. Reduce 75 miles to furlongs. Facit 600 fur. Facit 275 yd. Facit 48 ft. Facit 588 in. Facit 360 in. Facit 2880 Р. CLOTH MEASURE. &c. are measured. By this measure, cloth, h, tapes, Flemish ell, yard, quarter of a yard, and nail. 4 quarters • 3 quarters 5 quarters 1 yard 1 ell English EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 46 English ells to quarters. 2. Bring 5 Flemish ells to quarters. 3. Bring 22 yards to quarters. 4. Bring 40 qrs. to nails. 5. Bring 51 English ells to nails. qr. yd. E. Fl. Ε. Ε. Facit 230 qr. Facit 15 gr. Facit 88 qr. Facit 160 na. Facit 1020 na. LAND MEASURE, OR SQUARE MEASURE. square perch, square yard, and square foot. 9 square feet 30+ square yards 40 square perches 1 rood R. 4 roods 1. Reduce 40 acres to roods. Facit 160 R. 2. Reduce 15 roods to square perches. 3. Bring 28 square perches to square yards. 6. Bring 12 acres to square perches. Facit 1920 sq. P. LIQUID MEASURE. This measure is used for beer, cider, wine, &c. The denominations of Liquid Measure are tun, pipe or butt, hogshead, gallon, quart, and pint. 2 pints (pt.) make 4 quarts 63 gallons 2 hogsheads 1 quart qt. 1 gallon gal. 1 hogshead hhd. 1 pipe or butt pi. or bt. 2 pipes (or 4 hogsheads) 1 tun T. Note. By a law of Pennsylvania, 16 gallons make one half barrel; 311⁄2 gallons one barrel; 64 gallons one double barrel; 84 gallons one puncheon; 42 gallons one tierce. This measure is used for grain, fruit, salt, &c. The denominations of Dry Measure are bushel, peck, quart, and pint. 2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart The denominations of Time are year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second. |