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lars 871⁄2 cents. How much did he gain by the transaction? Ans. 50 dollars 871⁄2 cents.

3. If a storekeeper sells goods for 102 dollars, which cost 125 dollars 75 cents: how much will he lose by the sale? Ans. 23 dollars 75 cents.



Set the multiplier under the sum to be multiplied: then, if there is no fraction, proceed as in Simple Multiplication: observing to separate the cents from the dollars in the product. If there is a fraction in the sum, multiply it, and find how many cents are contained in its product: then multiply the cents of the sum, and add to their product the cents contained in the product of the fraction, and proceed as before directed. Or, if the multiplier exceed 12, multiply the sum, omitting the fraction: then multiply the fraction, and add the number of cents contained in its product to the product of the rest of the sum.

Proof: as in Simple Multiplication.

Note. To multiply a fraction of a cent, and find how many cents are contained in its product-multiply the upper number of the fraction, and divide its product by the under one, and the result will be the number of cents.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1. How much will 11 oranges come to, at 121⁄2 cents


Ans. 1 dol. 371⁄2 cts. 2. What will 10 loaves of bread come to, at 64 cents

a loaf? Ans. 621⁄2 cts. 3. What will 8 cords of wood amount to, at 4 dollars 50 cents a cord? Ans. 36 dollars.

4. Sold 213 barrels of flour, for 6 dollars 25 cents per barrel. What is the amount? Ans. 1331 dols. 25 cts. 5. Bought 308 pounds of coffee at 21 cents a pound. What is the amount? Ans. 64 dols. 68 cts. 6. How much will 132 pieces of linen come to, at 17 Ans. 2293 dols. 50 cts.

dollars 37 cents each?



Divide as in Simple Division. When a remainder occurs, multiply it by 4, and add the number of fourths that are in the fraction of the sum (if any) to its product: divide this product by the divisor, and its quotient will be fourths; which annex to the quotient of the sum.

Proof: as in Simple Division.

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8. Divide 56 dols. 15 cts. by 10 Quotient 5,611⁄2


96 dols.

by 5


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


1465 dols. 921⁄2 cts. by 2



500 dols. 734 cts. by 9



58 dols. 14 cts. by 38



417 dols. 96 cts. by 129



7550 dols.

by 125



4640 dols. 184 cts. by 15




28 dols. 80 cts. by 360


1. To divide 52 dollars 68 cents, equally, among 6 persons, what sum must be given to each?

Ans. 8 dols. 78 cents.

2. If 8 pounds of coffee cost 2 dollars 4 cents, what Ans. 25 cts.

is the price of 1 pound?

3. Bought 29 yards of fine linen for 65 dollars 25 cents. What was the price per yard? Ans. 2 dols. 25 ets. 4. Paid 58 dollars 75 cents for 235 yards of muslin. Ans. 25 cts.

What was it per yard?

5. If 103 bushels of wheat cost 225 dollars 57 cents; how much is it a bushel? Ans. 2 dols. 19 cts. 6. Sold 144 yards of fine linen for 90 dollars. How much is that per yard?

Ans. 62 cts.


1. If I add the following sums, viz. 556 dollars 184 cents; 825 dollars 121⁄2 cents; and 1000 dollars; and subtract from their amount 125 dollars: what sum will result? Ans. 2256 dols. 314 cts.

2. If I subtract 125 dollars 184 cents from 456 dollars 75 cents, and multiply the remainder by 4, what sum will result? Ans. 1326 dols. 25 cts.

3. A person has 200 dollars. He owes his tailor 65 dollars 871⁄2 cents; his shoemaker, 25 dollars 75 cents; and his hatter 18 dollars. What sum will he have remaining, after paying these debts? Ans. 90 dols. 371⁄2 cts. 4. Purchased 10 bushels of potatoes at 56 cents per bushel; 2 bushels of corn at 871⁄2 cents 74 per bushel; and 2 barrels of flour at 8 dollars per barrel. What is the amount of the whole? Ans. 23 dols. 371⁄2 cts.

5. Calculate the amount of articles in the following bill:

[blocks in formation]


Reduction is the changing of a sum or quantity, from one denomination to another, without increasing or lessening its value.

Simple reduction is the reducing of sums or quantities which nave but a single denomination.

When a sum or quantity is to be changed to a lower denomination than its own, work by


Multiply the sum or quantity by that number of the lower denomination which makes one of its own.t (See notes 1, 2, and 3.)

If there are one or more denominations between the denomination of the given sum or quantity, and that to which it is to be changed: first change it to the next lower than its own, and then to the next lower, and so See notes 4 and 5.



The denominations of English Money are pound, shilling, penny, and farthing.

4 farthings (gr.) make 1 penny

12 pence

20 shillings


1 shilling


1 pound


Farthings are written as fractions, thus:

* one farthing.

two farthings, or a halfpenny.

three farthings.


Note 1.-To reduce pounds to shillings, multiply them by 20, because every pound makes 20 shillings. 1. Reduce 15 pounds to shillings. Facit 300 shillings.


300 shillings.

2. Reduce 256 pounds to shillings.

Facit 5120 s.

* The reason of this rule is plain: for, if it take twenty shillings to make one pound, it must take 5 times 20 shillings to make five pounds; and to find how many 5 times twenty are, we may either multiply 20 by 5, or 5 by 20. Likewise, if it take 4 pecks to make one bushel, it must take 6 times 4 pecks to make 6 bushels, &c.

+ One denomination is said to be lower than another, when it is of less value; and higher, when it is of greater value: thus, a shilling is a lower denomination than a pound; and a higher denomination than a penny.


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