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dollars. How many barrels did he buy, and how much did he pay for the whole?

Ans. 250 barrels, and paid 1825 dollars.


By Subtraction we ascertain how much greater one number is than another: or what remains when a less number is taken from a greater.


Place the less number under the greater, with units under units, tens under tens, &c. Then, beginning at the units place, take each lower figure from the one above it, and set down what remains. But if either of the lower figures be greater than the upper one, conceive. 10 to be added to the upper,* then take the lower from it, and set down the remainder When 10 is thus added to the upper figure, there must be 1 added to the next lower figure.


Add the remainder to the less number, and their amount will be equal to the greater.

[blocks in formation]

* Some prefer taking the lower figure from 10, adding the re

mainder to the upper, and setting down their amount.


Take one hundred and fifty-six from three hundred

and twenty-five.

Subtract fifteen thousands five hundred and nine from

twenty thousands six hundred and fifty four. Subtract twenty-five from ten thousands.


1. Charles has thirty-two marbles, and John has twenty-five: how many has Charles more than John?

Ans. 7.

2. William is seventeen years old, and James is nine: how much older is William than James? Ans. 8 years. 3. Charles had twenty-five apples, but gave his brother twelve of them: how many had he left? Ans. 13.

4. A person had in bank 9000 pounds, but drew out 1112 pounds: how much money had he remaining in bank? Ans. 7888 pounds.

5. My friend owed me one hundred and fifty dollars, ✓ but has paid me ninety dollars: how much does he still Ans. 60 dollars.

owe me?


1. If I add 500, 627, and 1000, and subtract from their amount 900, what number will remain? Ans. 1227.

2. A person borrowed of me, at one time, 62 dollars; at another time, 150 dollars; and at another time, 200 dollars. He has now paid me 300 dollars. How much does he still owe me? Ans. 112 dollars.

3. Subtract 267 from 345, and add 150 to the reFacit 228.


4. A person had in his desk 1000 dollars. He took out 120 dollars to pay a debt. He afterwards put in 75 dollars. How much was there then in the desk?

Ans. 955 dollars.


Multiplication teaches to find what a number amounts to when repeated a given number of times,

The number to be multiplied is called the multipli


The number to multiply by is celled the multiplier.

The number produced by multiplying is called the product.

The multiplier and multiplicand are also called factors.

The scholar should commit the following Table to memory before he proceeds further.


Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times 16 times 17 times Imake2 1make3 1make4 1make5 1make6 1make7

[blocks in formation]

When the multiplier does not exceed 12, work by


Set the multiplier under the right hand figure or figures of the multiplicand. Then, beginning with the units, multiply all the figures of the multiplicand, in succession, and set down the several products. But

each box. How many pounds are there in all? Ans. 280. 3. The price of one orange is 9 cents: how many cents will five oranges come to, at the same price?

Ans. 45.

4. There are 12 pence in one shilling. How many pence are there in 40 shillings? Ans. 480.

ADDITION AND MULTIPLICATION. 1. Multiply 25 by 10, and 36 by 14, and 124 by 45. Add the several products and tell their amount.

Ans. 6334.

2. There are 10 bags of coffee weighing each 120 pounds; and 12 bags weighing each 135 pounds. What is the weight of the whole? Ans. 2820 pounds.

3. A merchant bought five pieces of linen containing 25 yards each, and 2 pieces containing 24 yards each, and 1 piece containing 26 yards. How many yards. were there in the whole? Ans. 199.


1. Multiply 342 by 22, and from the product subtract 400. Facit 7124.

29 There are 15 bags of coffee, each of which weighs 112 pounds. The bags which contain the coffee weigh 22 pounds. How much would the coffee weigh without the bags? Ans. 1658 pounds.

3. There are 12 chests of tea, each of which weighs 96 pounds. The chests which contain the tea weigh each 20 pounds. What would the tea weigh without the chests? Ans. 912 pounds.


By division we ascertain how often one number is contained in another.

The number to be divided is called the dividend.
The number to divide by is called the divisor.

The number of times the dividend contains the divi

for is called the quotient.

If, on dividing a number, there be any overplus, it is


the remainder.

The number produced by multiplying is called the product.

The multiplier and multiplicand are also called fac


The scholar should commit the following Table to memory before he proceeds further.


Twice 13 times 4 times 5 times 16 times 17 times
Imake2 1make3 Imake4 1make5 1make6 1make7

[blocks in formation]

8 times

9 times 10 times 11 times 12 times

1 make 81 make 9 Imake10 1makell 1make 12

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When the multiplier does not exceed 12, work by


Set the multiplier under the right hand figure or figures of the multiplicand. Then, beginning with the units, multiply all the figures of the multiplicand, in succession, and set down the several products. But


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