As 8000: 1200 :: 800: 120 A's share of gain. As 8000 : 4800 :: 800: 480 B's share of gain. As 8000: 2000 :: 800: 200 C's share of gain. 2. D, E, and F, trading together, gained 120L. D's stock was 140L. E's was 300L. and F's was 160L.; what was each man's share of the gain? Ans. D's share was 28L. E's 60L. F's 32L. 3. Three merchants trading together, lost goods to the value of 1920dols.; now suppose A's stock was 2880dols. B's 11520dols. and C's 4800dols.; what share of the loss must each man sustain? 4. A, B, and C, freighted a ship with 108 tuns of wine, of which A had 48 tuns, B 36, and C 24, but by reason of stormy weather were obliged to cast 45 tuns overboard; how much must each man sustain of the loss? Ans. A 20 tuns, B 15, and C 10. 5. If the money and effects of a bankrupt amount to 1400L. 14s. 6d. and he is indebted to M 742L. 12s. to B 641L. 19s. 8d. and to C 987L. 19s. 9d.; how must the property be divided among them? Ans. M must have 438L. Ss. 44d. 379L. Os. 34d. 583L. 5s. 94d. C 6. Suppose a person is indebted to S 70L. to T 400L. and to V 140L. 12s. 6d. but upon his decease his property is found to be worth only 409L. 14s.; how must it be divided among his creditors? Ans. S must have 46L. 19s. 34d. 7. Three graziers pay among them 120dols. for a grass enclosure, into which they put 300 oxen, whereof L had 80, N 100, and C 120; how much should each person pay? ? Ans. L 32dols. N 40dols. and C 48dols. CASE 2. When the respective stocks in company are considered with time. RULE. Multiply each man's stock by its time; then, 1 As the sum of the products, Is to either particular product; So is the whole gain or loss, To the gain or loss of the stock from which that pro duct is obtained. EXAMPLES. 1. Three merchants traded together; A put in 120L. for 9 months, B 100L. for 16 months, and C 100L. for 14 months, and they gained 100L.; what is each man's share? As 4080: 1080 :: 100: 26944+ A's share. 2. B, C, and D, traded together; B put in 50 dollars for 4 months, C 100 dollars for 6 months, and D 150 dollars for 8 months; they gained $126.80: what is each man's share of the gain? Ans. B's share is $12.68, C's $38.4, D's $76.8. 3. B and C trade in company; B put in 950L. for 5 months, and C 785L. for 6 months, and by trading they gain 275L. 18s. 4d.; what is each man's share of the gain? Ans. B's 138L. 10s. 10d. C's 137L. 7s. 6d. 4. Three merchants trade in company; A put in 400L. for 9 months, B 680L. for 5 months, and C 120L. for 12 months; but by misfortunes lost goods to the value of 500L: what must each man sustain of the loss? Ans. A must lose 213L. 5s. 44d.+ 201L. 8s. 5d. + 85L. 6s. 1 d.+ C 5. A, B, and C, made a stock for 12 months; A put in at first $873.60, and 4 months after he put in $96.00 more; B put in at first $979.20, and at the end of 7 months he took out $206.40; C put in at first $355.20, and 3 months after he put in $206.40, and 5 months after that he put in $240.00 more. At the end of 12 months their gain is found to be $3446.40; what is each man's share of the gain? A's share is $1334.82 B's C's $1271.61+ $839,96 EXCHANGE. Exchange is the reduction of the money of one state or country to that of another. Par is equality in value;* but the course of exchange is frequently above or below par. Agio is a term used to signify the difference, in some countries, between bank and current money. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. To change the currency of either State into that of any other, work by the Rule of Three; or by the theorems in the following page. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the value of 750L. Massachusetts curren * Note.-A Spanish dollar is valued at 4s. 6d. sterling, and at 7s. 6d. Pennsylvania currency: 4s. 6d. sterling is therefore equal to 7s. 6d. Pennsylvania currency, and 100L. of the former is equal to 166L. of the latter. When Exchange between England and Pennsylvania is at this rate, it is said to be at par. A TABLE, Exhibiting the value of a dollar in each of the United States; and practical Theo rems for exchanging the currency of either into that of any other. * The New England States are, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts. RhodeIsland, and Connecticut. either opposite to that state, or under it, in the table. Note. The value of a dollar in any state is found, 2. What is the value of 1500L. Massachusetts curin New-York? Ans. 2000L. rency, 3. What is the value of 240L. Pennsylvania currency, in New-York? Ans. 256L. 4. What is the value of 933L. 6s. 8d. South Carolina currency, in Pennsylvania? Ans. 1500L. 5. What sum in Pennsylvania currency is equal to 120L. 10s. in New-York? Ans. 112L. 198. 4 d. 6. What sum in Pennsylvania currency is equal to 234L. 4s. in New-England or Virginia? Ans. 292L. 15s. 7. What is the value of 173L. 16s. New-Jersey currency in New-York? Ans. 185L. 7s. 84d. 8. What is the value of 900L. New-England or Virginia currency, in South Carolina? Ans. 700L. 9. Change 792L. 19s. 7d. of North Carolina into Facit 743L. 8s. 44d. + Pennsylvania currency. 10. What sum of Maryland currency is equal to 6307L. 13s. 5d. of New-York? Ans. 5913L. Ss. 94d. + 11. What is the value of a bill of 750L. Pennsylvania currency, in New-York or North Carolina currency? Ans. 800L. 12. A merchant in Virginia consigns to his agent in New-York a quantity of tobacco; which, when sold, and the charges deducted, amounts to 625L. 6s. what is the value thereof in Virginia currency; also in Federal Money? Ans. { 468L. 19s. 6d. Virginia currency. 1563dols. 25cts. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Accounts are kept in England, Ireland, and the English West India Islands, in pounds, shillings, pence, and farthings; though their intrinsic values in these places are different. A TABLE OF DIFFERENT MONIES. France. 12 Deniers 1 Sol, 20 Sols 1 Livre, 3 Livres 1 Crown, |