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" Multiply the divisor, thus augmented, by the last figure of the root, and subtract the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend. "
The New Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the Citizens ... - Page 220
by Nicolas Pike - 1807 - 352 pages
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A Treatise on Arithmetic

J. Brookes - Arithmetic - 1776 - 364 pages
...multiply the Divifor by the Ian figure put in the Quotient (as in common Divifors) the PrcMÍucl lubtrafl from the Dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next Period, which proceed with as before. But if it happens that the given refolvcnd is not a perfefl Square, Cube,...
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A Complete System of Practical Arithmetic, with Various Branches in the ...

William Taylor (teacher of the mathematics.) - Arithmetic - 1800 - 558 pages
...multiply the divifor by the laft figure put in. the quotient (as in common divifion) the produft fubtraft from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period, and proceed thus till all the figures or periods are brought down. Note. If at laft there be no remainder,...
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The New Complete System of Arithmetic: Composed for the Use of the Citizens ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1802 - 352 pages
...under all, fet the cube of the laft quotient figure, and call their fum the fultrahsnd. 7. Subirán the fubtrahend from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period fora new dividend, with whicn proceed as before, and fo on till the whole be finiihed. Nsfe. The fame...
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The Tutor's Guide, Being a Complete System of Arithmetic: With Various ...

Charles Vyse - Arithmetic - 1806 - 342 pages
...multiply the Divisor by the last Figure put in the Quotient 'as in common Divisioni the Product subtract from the Dividend, and to the Remainder bring down the next Period, which proceed with as before. Nott 1. But if it happens that the given Resolvend is not a perfect Square,...
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The Scholar's Arithmetic; Or, Federal Accountant ...: The Whole in a Form ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1807 - 250 pages
...the cube of the last quotient figure, and call their sum the subtrahend. 7. " SUBTRACT the subtrahend from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend, with ^hich proceed as before, and so on till the whole be finished. NOTE. THE same rule must...
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A Course of Mathematics: Designed for the Use of the Officers ..., Volumes 1-2

Isaac Dalby - Mathematics - 1807 - 954 pages
...divisor. ' . . Multiply the augmented divisor by this last quotient figure, 'and subtract the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend. Then find a new divisor by doubling the figures of the quotient; and proceed as before til)...
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Mathematics: Compiled from the Best Authors, and Intended to be ..., Volume 1

Samuel Webber - Mathematics - 1808 - 466 pages
...less than the dividend, and it will be the second figure of the root. .5. Subtract the said product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend. 6. Find a divisor as before, by doubling the figures already in the root ; and from these...
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The Federal Arithmetic; Or, A Compendium of the Most Useful Rules of that ...

James Noyes - Arithmetic - 1808 - 168 pages
...; .then multiply the increased divisor, by the last figure placed in the root, subtractthe product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period, for anew dividend. 4. Double the root already found, for a new divisor, and find another figure in the...
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The Columbian Arithmetician: Or New System of Theoretical and Practical ...

Arithmetic - 1811 - 228 pages the triple quotient, and place this produit under the laft ; under all, fet the cube of the laft quotient figure, and call their fum the fubtrahend. 7. Subtract the fubtrahend from the dividend, & to. the remainder bring down the next-period for a new dividend, with which proceed as before, &...
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A System of Arithmetic: Reprinted from the Mathematical Text-book

Samuel Webber - Arithmetic - 1812 - 266 pages
...less than the dividend, and it will be the second figure of the root. 5. Subtract the said product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend. 6. Find a divisor as before, by doubling the figures already in the root ; and from these...
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