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" Distinguish the given number into periods of two figures each, by putting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, which points show the number of figures the root will consist of. 2. Find the greatest square number... "
The New Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the Citizens ... - Page 212
by Nicolas Pike - 1807 - 352 pages
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The New Complete System of Arithmetic: Composed for the Use of the Citizens ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1802 - 352 pages
...4th root of 37 — 20 is 37 — 2crS &c. The EXTRACTION of the SQUARE ROOT. RULE. i. — Diftinguiih the given number into periods of two figures each,...over the place of hundreds, and fo on, which points ihew the number of figures the root will confift of. 2. Р!Ж1 the greateft fquare number in the firft,...
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The Scholar's Arithmetic; Or, Federal Accountant ...: The Whole in a Form ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1807 - 250 pages
...; and after the root is found, such a multiplication is a proof of the work. RULE. 1. " DISTINGUISH the given number into periods of two figures each,...of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, which points shew the number of figures the root will consist of. 2. " FIND the greatest square...
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The Federal Arithmetic; Or, A Compendium of the Most Useful Rules of that ...

James Noyes - Arithmetic - 1808 - 168 pages
...Extradition of the Square Root. RULE. 1. Distinguish the given number, called thé resolvend, int o periods of two figures each, by putting a point over the place of units, another over the place ofhundreds, and so on : these points; will show how many figures the root must have. -. 2. Find the...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - Surveying - 1811 - 592 pages
...•» . RULE t i For extracting the Square Root. Separate the given number into periods of two figures, by putting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, over every second figure, both toward the left hand in whole numbers, and toward the right hand...
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The Scholar's Arithmetic, Or, Federal Accountant: Containing, I. Common ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1812 - 226 pages
...found, iuch a multiplication is a proof of the work. RULE. 1. " Diftmguifh the given number intoperiods of two figures each, by putting a point over the place...over the place of hundreds, and fo on, which points fhew the number of figures the root will confill of. 2. " Find the greateft fqnare number in the firft,...
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A Course of Mathematics: For the Use of Academies as Well as Private Tuition

Charles Hutton - Mathematics - 1812 - 622 pages
...TO EXTRACT THE SQUARE HOOT. * DIVIDE the given number into periods of two figures each, by setting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, over every second figure, both to the left-hand in integers, and to the right in decimals. Find...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - Surveying - 1814 - 562 pages
...denominators. RULE For extracting the Square Root. Separate the given number into periods of two figures, by putting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on, over every second figure, both toward the left hand in whole numbers, and toward the right hand...
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Practical and Mental Arithmetic, on a New Plan, in which Mental Arithmetic ...

Roswell Chamberlain Smith - 1814 - 300 pages
...= it» . . • 19% square rodi. From these îHujtrations we derive the following P HULE. Point off the given number into periods of two figures each, by putting a dot over the units, another over the hundreds, and so on ; and, if there are decimals, point them in...
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Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant: Improved and Enlarged, Being a Plain ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1815 - 250 pages
...a number, which being multiplied into itself, shall produce the given number. RULE. 1. Distinguish the given number into periods of two figures each,...of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on ; and if there are decimals, point them in the same manner, from units towards the right hand...
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Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant, Improved and Enlarged: Being a Plain ...

Nathan Daboll - Arithmetic - 1817 - 252 pages
...which being multiplied into itself, shall produce the giveu number. RULE. 1. Distinguish the giveu number into periods of two figures each, by putting a point over t!*e place of units, another over the place of hundreds, and so on ; and if there are decimals, point...
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