C APPENDIX. ONGRESS have made foreign Gold and Silver Coins a legal tender for the payment of all debts and demands, at the several and respective rates following, viz. The Gold Coins of Great Britain and Portugal, of their present standard at the rate of 100 cents for every 27 grains of the actual weight thereof Thofe of France and Spain 273 grains of the actual weight there of-Spanish Milled Dollars, weighing 17 pwt. 7 grs. equal to 100 cents and in proportion for the parts of a dollar-Crowns of France, weighing 18 pwt. 17 grs. equal to 110 cents and in proportion for the parts of a Crown. They have enacted, That every cent shall contain 208 grains of copper, and every half ceat 104 grains; agreeably to which, the following Tables are calculated. WEIGHTS of feveral pieces of English, Portuguese, and French Gold Coins, according to a late Act of Congress, paffed November, 1792. : Pwt. Gr. Dolls. Cents. Mills.. Double Johannes 18 Single ditto 9 English Guinea * Half ditto French Guinea 335 Half ditto 59 8 4 Pistoles 9 16 2 Pistoles 8 6 I Pistole Moidore 38 |