had been discharged by the payment of the arrears and commutation thereon. released III. And be it further enacted, That all lands belonging to any Church church or literary institution, within this state, whether originally lands, &c. granted to such chuch or literary institution, or subsequently acquir- from quited by purchase or gift, shall be and the same are hereby declared rents. to be released from all quit-rents. IV. And be it further enacted, That all lands upon which the Owners of owners shall within two years from the first day of May next, pay in lands on paying 60 money sixty per centum of what the arrears of quit-rents and of the per cent. to commutation for future quit-rents on their lands amount to at the be released. time of payment, shall be forever released from quit-rent; and the owners of land in the patents in which sales were made in November last, as aforesaid, may be discharged from the lien on their lands, by paying a like proportion of the sums owing by them respectively. how to be one tract. V. And be it further enacted, That where there are or may be Quit-rent several owners or proprietors of any tract of land, and for the arrears apportioned of quit-rent upon which a sale of the whole or any part of such tract among seve of land shall be made, it shall add may be lawful for any one or ral owners more of such owners or proprietors, at any time before the expiration living on of eighteen months after such sale, whether such tract shall be situated in one town, or in several towns or counties, to put up an advertisement at some public place or places, on the said land, notifying and requiring all the owners and proprietors of said land to meet at 2 certain time and place therein to be specified, not less than ten nor more than twenty days from the setting up such advertisement, to raise and pay the amount necessary to redeem the lands so as aforesaid sold, and such of the owners and proprietors of the said tract, cut of which the sale may have been so as aforesaid made, as shall then meet, may proceed to choose, by plurality of voices, two assessers and one collector; and the assessors so chosen shall procure from the comptroller of this state, an account of the sum which will be necessary to redeem the said land, calculating the interest for six months after the time of choosing the said assessors and collector, and shall then proceed to make an assessment roll, containing the names of the owners or proprietors of the said land, where they can ascertain them, and the quantity of land to which they are respectively entitled, and the sum with which each of them, or with which each parcel of land is chargable of said redemption monies, according to the quantity of land which every person, known or unknown, may be entitled to in the said patent or tract, with an addition of six per cent. for charges, taking care specifically to describe the lands of such persons as are not residents on the land, and subscribe their names to the said assessment roll, and annex the account received from the comptroller to it, and within forty days from the time they were chosen, deliver the same to the collector, so chosen as aforesaid, who shall collect from the several persons named in such assessment roll, resident on the said land, the several sums they shall be respectively charged with, in the same manner as the collectors of public taxes are or shall be empowered to do by law; and shall within one hundred and ten days after he receives such assessment roll, pay the sums by him received or collected thereon, for the redemption aforeeaid, to the treasurer of this state, and deliver the said assessment roll L Notice to to the comptroller, with a certificate thereon, signed by such collector, if the whole sum mentioned thereon is not paid, setting forth which of the persons therein named are delinquents and the lands, if any, of owners unknown, which remains unpaid, and the reasons why the charges remaining unpaid could not be levied: And such collector shall also pay one sixth part of such part of the said six per cent. as he shall collect, to the assessors for their trouble, and retain the residue as a compensation for his services; and the comptroller shall sell the lands of the delinquents, whether residents or non-residents, or so much of each piece or parcel, as returned to him, as may be necessary to raise the amount due on each respectively, with the expense of advertising and of sale, first giving notice of the sale in the manner prescribed in and by the act entitled " an act to amend the act entitled an ast concerning quit-rents," passed the fourteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. VI. And be it further enacted, That at least twelve mo ths bebe given re- fore the time for the redemption of any lands sold for quit-rents shall lative to the expire, it shall be the duty of the comptroller to give notice thereof redemption of quit-rents in one of the newspapers published in each of the counties in which quit-rents are by patents reserved to be paid, once a week for at least thirteen w eks successively. Patents sub- VII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the divided how to be charge comptroller, at all future sales for quit-rents, in all cases where he ed. Time allowed for re can a certain to his satisfaction, how any patent liable to be so sold has been subdivided, in whole or in part, to sell out of each separate lot or sub livision, for the quit-rents due on each respectively. VIII. And be it further enacted, That two years f om and after the day on which any sales of lands for quit-rents shali close, shall demption. be allowed for the redemption of any lands sold during such sale in When lands of one per son is sold for the quitrent of an any one year. IX. And be it further enacted. That if at any sales for quit-rents, the lands of any one person shall be sold, not only for the quit-rents on the lands of such person, but also on the lands of some other person or persons, every such person whose lands may have been or shall other, how be so soll, shall if he redeem the land so sold as provided by law, to be reme- be entitled to recover, in any court of competent jurisdiction, from died. such other person or persons, a just proportion of the redemption mo Copies of this act to nies so paid with legal interest until collected. X. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the beprinted comptroller, to cause such a number of copies of this art to be and distri- printed, as shall he equal to the whole number of towns within this buted. state, and thereupon to transmit by mail, at the expense of this state, to each cou ty treasurer in this state, in which quit-rents are reserved or remaio due, a number sufficient to furnish each towo with one copy; and it shall be the duty of said county treasurers respectively. at the next annual meeting of the supervisors of their counties respectively, to deliver to the supervisors of each town respectively, one copy; and it shall be the duty of the said supervisors respectively, to read or cause the same to be read at the then next town meeting for the choice of town officers in order that all may have an opportunity of becoming a quainted with its provisions. *1, 4nd be it further enacted, That the act, entitled " an act certain ack for the limitation of criminal prosecutions, and of actions at law," The opera shall not take effect or be in force, as to quit-rents, or any proceed- tions of a ing for the recovery of the arrears thereof, until the first day of Ja- when to nuary, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight take effect; hundred and thirty. CHAP. LXXXVII. AN ACT to incorporate a School for People of Color, in the city of Albany. Passed April 12, 1816. WHEREAS Thomas Latimore, Francis Jacobs, Thomas El- Preamble. cock, Samuel Edge, John Edward, Baltus Hagenon and John Williams, free people of colour, have by their petition represented that they have been enabled, chiefly by the liberality of the citizens of Albany, to purchase a lot of ground in the city of Albany, and to erect a building thereon, for a school house, to give people of color and their children the advantage of education; and have prayed, that for the better management of their property, and regulation of their school, an act might be passed to incorporate them, and to vest the said lot and building in the corporation so to be created: Therefore, T.Latimore I. BE it enacted by the people of the State of New-York, repre- and others sented in Senate and Assembly, That the said Thomas Latimore, incorporatFrancis Jacobs, Thomas Elcock, Samuel Edge, John Edward, Bal- ed. tus Hugenon and John Williams, shall be and hereby are constituted and declared to be a body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, for the purpose of educating people of color and their children, by the name of the " Albany School for educating People of Color," and shall by that name have and enjoy the usual incidental rights, powers and privileges of a corporation aggregate; Provided, That the yearly income of any real and personal estate held by the said corporation, shall not exceed the sum of one thousand dollars. Style, & Lot vested II. And be it further enacted, That the lot of ground above to them. mentioned, particularly described in an indenture of the sixteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, from Benjamin Latimore, junior, to Benjamin Latimore, Francis Jacobs, Thomas Elcock, Samuel Edge, John Edward, Richard Landerson, Baltus Hugenon, John Williams and John De Peyster, and the building thereon, shall be and the same are hereby vested in the said corpora tion. III. And be it further enacted, That there shall be seven trustees of the said corporation, who shall conduct and manage all the affairs thereof, any four of whom shall constitute a quorum for such purpose: That Benjamin Latimore, Francis Jacobs, Thomas Elcock, Samuel Edge, Baltus Hugenon, John Williams and Richard Thomp ton, shall be the trustees; and whenever any vacancy or vacancies shall happen in the office of a trustee or trustees, by removal from the city of Albany, resignation or death, the remaining trustees et trustee shall and may fill such vacancies. Trustees be assessed. CHAP. LXXXVIII. AN ACT to raise monies for building a new Court-House and fire' proof Clerk's Office, in the county of Ulster. Passed April 12, 1816. One mill on I. BE it enacted by the people of the State of New-York, reprethe dollar to sented in Senote and Assembly, That it shall be the duty of the supervisors of the county of Ulster, at their next annual meeting, to raise the sum of one mill on the dollar, on all the property in the county of Ulster, and now subject to the state tax, to be levied and collected in the same manner as the state tax is now raised, levied and collected, for the purpose of building a court-house and gaol in the village of Kingston, in said county, and a fire proof clerk's office : And it shall be the further duty of the supervisors of the said county, and they are hereby required, annually thereafter, to raise such further sum of money, not exceeding in the whole the sum of twentyfive thousand dollars, as shall be requisite to complete the said buildings, not less in any one year than one mill on the dollar, nor exceeding two mills on the dollar, in any one year. Commission II. And be it further enacted, That Jacob Ten Broeck, John Beekman, and James Cockburn, shall be the commissioners to su perintend the said buildings, each of whom shall receive for every day of their actual attendance on the said business, the sum of two dollars and fifty cents, to be raised by the supervisors of the said county, and levied and collected as other county charges are: And Their duty. before the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be authorised to receive the said money from the treasurer, for building the said court-house and fire proof clerk's office, the said commissioners shall deposit with the treasurer of the said county, and for the benefit of said county, their joint and several bond, with such surety or sureties as the supervisors of the said county, or the majority of them, shall approve, in the penal sunt of ten thousand dollars, and conditioned for the due performance and expenditure of all monies which shall or may come to their or either of their hands, for the purposes aforesaid; which bond shall be executed to the people of this state: And it shall be the duty of the said commissioners, annually, to account to the supervisors of the said county, for all monies by them received and expended in the execution of the trust aforesaid: And it shall and may be lawful for the supervisors of the said county, at any time, in case of the death or removal of any of the said commissioners, or in case of their or either of their defalcation in duty, and justly accounting for the monies which shall come to their hands as aforesaid, to remove all or either of them, and to appoint other commissioners in his or their place and stead, they complying with the provisions of this act, in giving the requisite security. Buildings how to be erected. III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said commissioners, by and with the advice and consent of a committee of three persons, to be appointed by the board of supervisors of the said county, or the major part of them, to contract for the erection of the said buildings, in the whole or in part, and upon such terms as to them shall seem fit and proper: And the said court-houe gaol and fire proof clerk's office shall be built on the lot on which the present court-houe and gaol are situated, according to such plan as shall have been previously agreed upon by the board of supervi sors. fined in IV. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful Prisoners for the sheriff of Ulster county, to use the court-house and gaol of may be conthe county of Dutchess, for the safe keeping of felons and other pris- Dutchess oners of the said county, in case it shall be necessary for their safe-jail. keeping; and when prisoners shall be so confined, the gaol of the county of Dutchess shall be considered to all intents and purposes the gaol of the county of Ulster; and the sheriff of the said last mentionèd county, shall be liable in the same manner for all escapes, as if the said prisoners were confined in the present gaol of the said county of Ulster. V. And be it further enacted, That the board of supervisors of the The assess ment may said county may, in their discretion, at their next meeting, by a vote be postponof the majority of supervisors, postpone raising, assessing, levying ed for one and collecting the tax to be raised for the before mentioned purpos- year es, for one year, any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding. CHAP. LXXXIX. AN ACT for the better support and maintenance of the Public Passed April 12, 1816. I. BE it enacted by the people of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, That it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Whitestown, in the county of Oneida, qualified to vole in town meeting, from time to time, at any annual town meeting to be hereafter held in said town, to raise yearly by vote, such sum of money to be levied on said town, for the building, support and maintenance of the public bridges in said town, as the inhabitants of said town, in such meeting assembled, may deem proper and necessary, not exceeeding one cent in the dollar of the taxable property of the said town, any thing contained in any act heretofore passed to the contrary notwithstanding; which sums of money so voted, the supervisors of the said county of Oneida shall cause yearly to be levied and collected, on the inhabitants of said town, and paid over in the manner in which the like taxes for the support and maintenance of bridges have been heretofore levied and collected: And whereas, the inhabitants of the said town of Whitestown, at their last annual town meeting, did vote to raise by tax, on said town, the sum of five hundred dollars, in addition to the sum of two hundred and fifty dellars, also at the same meeting voted to be raised, to be applied to the building and maintenance of the public bridges in said town, for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. II. Be it further enacted, That the same shall be, and hereby is declared to be valid; and the supervisors of the said county shall and are hereby directed to cause the amount of such sums of money, voted as aforesaid, at their next annual meeting, to be assessed, levied and collected on the said town, and paid over in the manner in which |