Acts Passed at the ... Session of the General Assembly for the Commonwealth of KentuckyJ. Bradford, printer to the Commonwealth, 1968 - Session laws |
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ACT relating agency amended to read amount application appointed appropriations Approved March 21 Assembly authorized staff physician budget unit certificate child circuit court clerk commission commissioner Commonwealth of Kentucky contract corporation cost county clerk coupons created to read deemed Department of Finance Eastern Kentucky University election employe enacted established examination facilities filed fiscal court funds Governor hospital hundred dollars institution issuance issued Kentucky Revised Stat KRS Chapter KRS is created license means ment Mental Health mentally ill mentally retarded motor vehicle operation paid parent patient payable payment person or insurer petition prescribed proceeding provided in KRS provisions of KRS purpose read as follows receipt registered regulations resident retirement revenue bonds riverport section of KRS service of process Statutes is amended Statutes is created subsection term thereof tion Treasurer utes is amended utes is created