From the beginning of the Reformation by Luther to the present times [i.e., 1615T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1811 - Bibliography |
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alfo almoſt alſo Anabaptifts ancient aroſe aſſembly authority biſhops Calvin cauſe CENT Chriſt Chriſtian church of Rome clergy communion compoſed confeffion confiderable confidered conſequence controverfy council council of Trent counſels defire denomination deſign difcipline diftinguiſhed diſciples diſpute divine diviſions doctors doctrine ecclefiaftical edict of Worms elector of Saxony eminent eſpecially eſtabliſhed eucharift facred fame fect fince firſt fome foon fucceſs fuch German Hift History inſtitutions inſtructed intereſts Jefuits jurifdiction Le Quien learned leſs Luther Lutheran church manner meaſures Melancthon Mennonites moſt nature obſerved occafion opinions oppofition oppoſed papal patriarch perſons philofophy pope preſent princes progreſs propoſed proteftant publiſhed purpoſe reaſon reformed church religion religious reſpect Roman pontiff ſame ſchools ſcience ſecond SECT ſeemed ſenſe ſentiments ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſhould ſociety Socinians ſome ſpirit ſtate ſtill ſubject ſuch ſuppoſed ſyſtem themſelves theſe thoſe tion univerſity uſed utmoſt whoſe worſhip zeal Zuingle
Popular passages
Page 128 - Doctor coming up to his. chamber, suspecting nothing of what had been done, put up the box as formerly. The next day, going to the...
Page 46 - His greatest enemies have borne testimony to his merit. They have been forced to acknowledge, that the annals of antiquity exhibit very few worthies that may be compared with him, whether we consider the extent of his knowledge in things human and Divine, the fertility and elegance of his genius, the facility and quickness of his comprehension, or the uninterrupted industry that attended his learned and theological labours. He rendered to philosophy and the liberal arts, the same eminent...
Page 133 - But the terrors of the inquisition, which frightened back into the profession of popery several protestants in other parts of Italy, could not penetrate into the kingdom of Naples, nor could either the authority or entreaties of the Roman pontiffs engage the Neapolitans to admit within their territories either a court of inquisition, or even visiting inquisitors.
Page 128 - Ireland, calling the Protestants by that title. The good woman of the house being well affected to the Protestant religion, and also having a brother, named John Edmonds, of the same, then a citizen in Dublin, was much troubled at the doctor's words ; but, watching her convenient time...
Page 89 - His zeal exposed him to danger ; and the friends of the reformation, whom Francis was daily committing to the flames, placed him more than once in the most perilous situation, from which he was delivered by the interposition of the queen of Navarre. — He therefore retired out of France to Basil in Switzerland, where he published his Christian Institutions, and became afterwards so famous.
Page 293 - He denied that the external word, which is committed to writing in the holy scriptures, was endowed with the power of healing, illuminating, and renewing the mind: and he ascribed this power to the internal word, which, according to his notion...
Page 366 - ... by the authority of the canonical Scriptures, or by the first four general Councils, or any of them, or by any other general Council wherein the same was declared heresy by the express and plain words of the said canonical Scriptures...
Page 97 - Melancthon appear in a very different point of light ; then a spirit of intrepidity, ardour, and independence animated all his words and actions, and he looked down with contempt on the threats of power, the frowns of fortune, and the fear of death. The truth is, that in this great and good man, a soft and yielding temper was joined with the most inviolable fidelity, and the most invincible attachment to the truth.
Page 129 - The doctor, being troubled in his mind, went away, and returned into England, and, coming to the court, obtained another commission; but, staying for a wind on the water- side, news came to him that the queen was dead : and thus God preserved the Protestants of Ireland.
Page 127 - Dublin, began to act with the utmost vigour in consequence of this change in the hierarchy. He purged the churches of his diocese from superstition in all its various forms, pulled down images, destroyed relics, abolished absurd and idolatrous rites, and by the influence as well as authority he had in Ireland, caused the king's supremacy to be acknowledged in that nation.