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Acta Orientalia: Ediderunt Societates Orientales Batava, Danica, Norvegica. Vol. VII., Pars I. Subscription per year, £1 2s. Anthropos International Review of Ethnology and Linguistics, Vol. XXIII., Nos. 3 and 4, May-Aug., 1928. Contents: Weltanschauung und Schamanismus der Alaren-Burjaten (ill.)— Garma Sandschejew.-Proverbes, maximes et sentences Tays.J. B. Degeorge.--Die kulturhistorische stellung der Lamazucht in der Wirtschaft der peruanischen Erntevölker.-Dr. Hermann Trimborn. Etc, etc. Subscription per year, £1 16s. Asia Major--Vol. 5, fasc. 1. Svo, pp. 147. Lg. 1928. £3 2s. 6d. Chinese Economic Bulletin-Compiled and published weekly by the Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Information, Pekin. Vol. XIII, No. 5, Aug., 1928. Subscription per year, 15s., postage extra. Single numbers, 6d.

Chinese Economic Journal-Published monthly. Vol. III, No. 1, July, 1928. Subscription per year, 15s., postage extra. Single numbers, Is. 6d.

Eastern Art A quarterly, edited by Hamilton Bell, Langdon Warner, Horace H. F. Jayne. Vol. I, No. 1, July, 1928. Contents-Chinese Influences in Musulman Pottery, by R. Koechlin. Okumura Masanobu's "Yamato Irotake," by F. W. Gookin. Notes on Persian Miniature Paintings, by M. S. Dimand. Early Indian Iconography, Pt. I, Indra, by A. K. Coomaraswamy. The Four Bronze Vessels of the Marquis of Ch'i, by J. C. Ferguson. Khmer Art in the Musée Guimet, by Gaston Migeon. Reviews. Subscription per year, $6.

Enzyklopädie des Islam-Lfg. 37. Labbai-Ma'arrat al Nu'man. 4to, pp. 64. Lg. 1928. 5s.

Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal-New series, Vol. XXIII, No. 1. 14s.

Journal Asiatique-Recueil de mémoires et de notices relatifs aux études Orientales. Tome CCXI, No. 1, Juillet-Sept., 1927. Subscription per year, £1 10s.

Journal of the Society of Oriental Research-Vol. XII, No. 2, April. Edited by Samuel A. B. Mercer, in collaboration with John A. Maynard. Subscription per year, £1 4s. ód.

Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society-Vol. XIV., Pt. II, June, 1928. Subscription per year, £1 14s., post free. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, New Ser., Vol. III, Nos. 1 and 2, May.

Journal of Indian History (published three times a year). Edited by S. Krishnaswami Aiyangar. Vol. VI, Pt. 3, April, 1928. 6s. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay, Vol. XIII, No. 8. 6s.


Journal of the Siam Society, Vol. XXI, Ft. 3.


Buddhist Annual of Ceylon, Vol. III, Pt. II, 1928. 35.

Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 48, No. 2, June, 1928. Subscription per year, £1 7s. 6d.

Maha-Bodhi (The), and the United Buddhist World. A monthly
Journal of International Buddhist brotherhood. Vol. XXXVÍ
Nos. 5 and 6, May and June, 1928. Subscription per year, 6s.
Ostasiatische Zeitschrift-Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Kunst und
Kultur des Fernen Ostens. New Ser., Vol. IV, Heft. 3.
Revue (La) de l'Academie Arabe, Vol. VIII, Pts. VII and VIII, 1928.
Subscription per year, 15s.

Rupam A Journal of Oriental Art, chiefly Indian. Nos. 33 and 34.
January-April, 1928. Subscription per year, £2 5s., postage


Sufi Quarterly--A Philosophical Review. Edited by Ronald A. L Mumtaz Armstrong. Vol. IV, No. 1, June, 1928. 2s. 6d. T'Oung Pao. Vol. XXV, No. 5. Subscription per year, £1 10s. 6d, post free.

Visva-Bharati Quarterly, Vol. VII, No. 2, July, 1928. Subscription per year, 12s.

Young East (The), Vol. IV, No. 2, July, 1928. Subscription per year, 11s. 6d., post free.


Massy (Col. P. H. H.)-Eastern Mediterranean lands. Twenty years of life, sport, and travel. preface by Sir E. Denison Ross. L. 1928. 12s. 6d.

With 56 illus. and maps, and
Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XII, 262.

Windle (Bertram C. A.)-Religions, past and present: an elementary account of comparative religion. 8vo, cloth, pp. X. 308. L. 1928. Ss. 6d.

LIST OF RECENTLY ACQUIRED SECOND-HAND BOOKS. 'Abd al-Kadir al-Jazā'ivi—'Ikd al-ajyad. A treatise on horses. In Arabic. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. 410. 1876. 6s.

'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Kadir-The History of. In Malayan Lithographed. (Many marginal notes in pencil.) Cr. 4to, cl Pp. 441. 17s. 6d. Aboulfeda—Géographie d'Aboulféda, texte arabe publié d'après les manuscrits de Paris et de Leyde aux frais de la Société Asiatique, par M. Reinaud et M. le Bon. MacGuckin de Slane. 4to. half morocco, pp. XLVII, 538. Paris, 1840. £4 4s.


Acharya (Madhava)-The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha, or review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy. Translated by E. B. Cowell and A. E. Gough. (Trübner's Oriental Series.) Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. IX. 281. London, 1882. 8s. 6d. el-Ahkam Es-Soulthanuja--Traité de Droit Public Musulman d'Abou 'l-Hassan Ali Ibn Mohammed Ibn Habib El-Mâwerdi, traduit et annoté d'après les sources orientales par le Comte Léon Ostrorog. In 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 19011906. 35s.

Akashi (Rev. S.)--A Dictionary of English and Japanese Military and Naval Terms. Illus. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. 542. 8s. 6d. Allen (Capt. W.) The Dead Sea, a new route to India: with other fragments and gleanings in the East. With maps and coloured plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1855. 5s.

(Rev. R.) The Siege of the Peking Legations, being the diary of the Rev. R. Allen. With maps and plans. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XII. 304. London, 1901. 7s. 6d.

Arda Viraf Glossary and Index of the Pahlavi texts of the book of Arda Viraf, the tale of Gosht-i Fryano, the Hadokht Nask, and to some extracts from the Din-Kard and Nirangistan; prepared from Destur Hoshangji Jamaspji Asa's glossary to the Arda Viraf Namak, and from the original texts, with notes on Pahlavi grammar by E. W. West, revised by M. Haug. Med. Svo, sewn, pp. VIII. 350. London, 1874. 8s. 6d.

Ardschuna's Reise zu Indra's Himmel, nebst anderen Episoden des Maha-Bharata; in der Ursprache zum erstenmal herausgegeben, metrisch ubersetzt, und mit Kritischen Anmerkungen versehen von F. Bopp. 4to, pp. XXVIII. 78, 122. Berlin, 1824. 5s. 6d. Arnold (E.) Indian Poetry, containing "The Indian Song of Songs," from the Sanskrit of the Gita Govinda of Jayadeva, Two books from "The Iliad of India" (Mahabharata), "Proverbial Wisdom" from the Shlokas of the Hitopadesa, and other Oriental poems. 4th edition. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. VI. 270. London, 1886. 8s.

(E. L.) On the Indian Hills, or Coffee Planting in Southern India. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Madras, 1888. 6s.

Ars Asiatica-Etudes et Documents publiés sous la direction de V.
Goloubew. 10 vols. Vol. 1. La Peinture Chinoise au Musée
Cernuschi en 1912. Vol. 2. Six Monuments de la Sculpture
Chinoise. Vol. 3. Sculptures Civaites de l'Inde. Vol. 4. Les
Sculptures Chames au Musée de Tourane. Vol.
Vol. 5. Bronzes
Khmers. Vol. 6. L'Art Asiatique au British Museum (Sculpture
et peinture). Vol. 7. Documents d'Art Chinois de la Collection
Osvald Sirén. Vol. 8. L'Art Javanais dans les Musées de Hol-
lande et de Java. Vol. 9. Les Peintures Chinoises dans les Col-
lections d'Angleterre. Vol. 10. Ajanta. Les Peintures de la
Première Grotte. 4to, sewn. Bruxelles, 1911-27. £40.


Texte San

Demy 8vo,

Aryabhatîya (The)-A Manual of Astronomy, with the Commentar Bhatadîpikâ of Paramâdîçvara, edited by H. Kern. skrit. 4to, pp. XII. 116. Leiden, 1874. 10s. 6d. al-'Asmai-Das Kitab al-Chail von al-'Asmai, herausgegeben und mit anmerkungen versehen von Dr. A. Haffner. sewn, pp. 62. Wien, 1895. Wien, 1895. 2s. 6d. Ashtanga-hridaya: A Treatise on Medicine, by Vagbhata. In Sanskrit. 12mo, cloth, pp. II, 792. Bombay, 1900. 9s. Atharvavedasamhitâ: with the Commentary of Sâyanâchârya. Edited by Shankar Pandurang Pandit. 4 vols. In Sanskrit 4to, cloth, pp. 28, 796, 796, 836, 846. Bombay, 1895-8. £5. Aubin (E.)—La Perse d'aujourd'hui, Iran, Mésopotamie.

Avec unc carte en couleur hors texte. Svo, half bound, pp. VIII. 442. Paris, 1908. 4s. 6d.

Augustine (St.)-Confessions of St. Augustine. In Hindustani With frontispiece. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XLVII. 362. Mirzapur, 1876. 6s.

Babylonian and Oriental Record (The)-A Monthly Magazine of the Antiquities of the East. Edited by T. de Lacouperie, T. G. Pinches, C. de Harlez and others. Vol. I complete (scarce Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. 210. London, 1887. 18s. Baldwin-Manual of the Foochow Dialect. Part VII., Vocabulary. 2nd edition (title-page missing), (shabby). Cr. 8vo, leather, pp. II. 344. 1905. 6s.

Ball (J. D.)-The Chinese at Home, or the Man of Tong and his land. With illus. 8vo, cloth, pp. XII. 370. London, 1911. 108. Barton (Geo. A.)-A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XIV. 212. Edinburgh, 1908. 5s.

Baudhayana Srauta Sutra (The), Belonging to the Taittiriya Samhita. Edited by Dr. W. Caland. 3 vols. in I (fine binding. 8vo, half morocco. Calcutta, 1904-13. £1 10s.

Beale (Th. W.)—The Oriental Biographical Dictionary, edited by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 4to, half bound, pp. V. 291. Calcutta, 1881. £2 2s.

Bell (G. L.) The Desert and the Sown. With many illus. and s map. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XVI. 347. London, 1907. 155. Bellew (H. W.)-A Dictionary of the Pukkhto or Pukshto language, in which the words are traced to their sources in the Indian and Persian language. Cr. 4to, cloth, pp. XI. 355 London, 1867. £1 10s.

Benjamin (S. G. W.)-Persia, with illus. (Story of the Nations Series.) 8vo, cloth, pp. XIV, 304. London. 4s. 6d.

Persia and the Persians. Illustrated. Cr. 4to, cloth, pp. XVII. 507. Boston, 1887. 18s. 6d.


Bernard (Mme. L.)-Histoire de Perse, Mours, usages et coutumes de ce Pays, frontispiece, plates. 8vo, cloth, pp. 300. Rouen,

N.D. 9s.

Bhaimiparinaya_Natakam-A Sanskrit drama on the legend of Nala by M. Rama Sastri. In Sanskrit. 8vo, half bound boards, pp. XXIV. 258. Mysore, 1914. 5s.

Bharucha (E. S. D.)-Pahlavî- Pazend-English glossary and English-Pahlavi-Pázend glossary. Cr. 8vo, half bound boards, pp. IX. 513.

1912. 5S.

Bhasha Bharatasâra-In Sanskrit, with many illus. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. 344. 10s. 6d. Bible-Arabic version of the Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

don, 1902. 45.

8vo, cloth.


The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England: together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Translated into Sinhalese by Rev. S. W. Dias. 3rd edition. Svo, cloth, pp. 513. Colombo, 1883. 3s. 6d.

With S 4s. 6d.

Old and New Testaments. In Romanised Urdu. maps. 12mo, leather, pp. 1,110, 358. London, 1900. Binning (R. B. M.)-Journal of two years' travel in Persia, Ceylon, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857. 12s. 6d. Binyon (L.) and Sexton (J. J. O.)—Japanese Colour Prints.


46 plates (16 in colour). Demy 4to, cloth, pp. LVI. 237. London, 1923. £4 4s.

Bishop (Mrs. -Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, including a summer in the Upper Karun region and a visit to the Nestorian Rayahs. In 2 vols., with portrait, maps and illus. Demy 8vo, cloth. London, 1891. 12s. 6d.

Blochet (E.)-Les Peintures des Manuscrits Orientaux de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Avec 86 planches. (Fine binding.) 4to, half levant morocco, pp. 325. Paris, 1914-20. £10. 10s. Bogda Gesser Chan-Die Thaten des Vertilgers der zehn Uebel in den zehn Gegenden des verdienstvollen Helden Bogda Gesser Khan, nach einem in Peking gedruckten Exemplare aufs neue abgedruckt. Scarce. 4to, sewn, pp. 191. St. Petersburg, 1836. £1 10S.

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