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Roerich (N. K.-Himalaya: A Monograph. Articles by Frances R. Grant, Mary Siegrist, Georges Grebenstchikoff, Ivan Narodny. 24 colour plates and 78 half-tone plates and portrait. (Edition limited to 500 numbered copies.) Folio, cloth, pp. 210. 1927. £9.



Ali (Abdullah Yusuf)-India and Europe: a study of contrasts with a view to discovering avenues of cultural co-operations. 8vo, pp. 132. L. 1927. 7s. 6d.

Arrian L'Inde. Avec une carte hors texte. Texte établi et traduit par Pierre Chantraine. P. 1927.

Ayyar (R. S. Vaidyanatha)—Manu's Land and Trade Laws: Their Sumerian Origin and Evolution up to the beginning of the Christian Era. With a foreword by Diwan Bahadur Sir T. Vijayaraghavachariya, K.B.E. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. XXI. 164, VII. M. 1927. I2S.

Charles-Roux (F.)-Le Projet français de commerce avec l'Inde par Suez sous le règne de Louis XVI. 8vo, pp. 107. P. 1926. Coxon (Stanley W.)-And that reminds me incidents of a life spent at sea, and in the Andaman Islands, Burma, Australia, and India. Cheap ed. Cr. 8vo, pp. 338. L. 1927. 6s. Fülöp-Miller (René)—Lenin und Gandhi. Mit 105 Abb. (im Text u. auf Taf.). 8vo, pp. 306. Wien, 1927. 10s. 6d.

Furon (Raymond)-L'Hindou-Kouch et le Kaboulistan. Contribution à l'étude geologique et geomorphogénique de l'AfghanisOuvrage accompagné de 23 figures, 10 pl. et une carte géologique hors texte. 8vo, pp. 169. P. 1927.


Gatty (Reginald)-Robert Clive and the founding of British India. (Junior hist. ser.) Cr. 8vo, pp. 206. L. 1927. 2s. 6d. Hennell (Reginald, Col. Sir)--A Famous Indian regiment: the Kali Panchwin, 2/5th (formerly the 105th) Mahratta Light Infantry, 1768-1923. Prep. for press by M. C. Hennell. 8vo, pp. 304. L. 1927. I 25.

Indian Year Book, 1927-Edited by Sir Stanley Reed, K.B.E., L.L.D. Issued early in each year. Nearly 900 pages. Many maps and copious Index. Ca. 1927. 12s бd.

India Office Indian Sandhurst Gtte. Report. L. 1927. 3s.
India (East)-Statement exhibiting the moral and material pro-
gress of India, 1925-26. (61st no.) L. 1927.
L. 1927. 4s. 6d.

Statistical abstract, 1915-16 to 1924-25. L. 1927. 3s. 6d. MacDonell (A. A.)---India's past: a survey of her Literatures, Religions, Languages, and Antiquities. Illus. 8vo, cloth, pp. VII. 293. L. 1927. IOS.


Meyer (J. J.-Uber das Wesen der altindischen Rechtsschriften u. ihr Verhältnis zueinander u. zu Kautilya. Lg. 1927. £1 IS.

Das Arthaçãstra des Kautilya, das altindische Buch vom Welt u. Staatsleben. Aus dem Sanskrit übers. Lg. 1927. £3 12s. Pieris (P. E.) and Fitzler (M. A. H.)--Ceylon and Portugal, Part I, Kings and Christians, 1539-52, from the original documents at Lisbon. Ready in June, 1927. Date of subscription expires June 1st. Crown 8vo, cloth, pp. 450. Lg. 1927. Subscription price, £1 15s.

Randle (H. N.)-Fragments from Dinnaga (Prize Publications. Fund, Vol. IX). 8vo, cloth, pp. XII, 2, 93. L. 1926. 6s. Rutherford (V. H.)-Modern India, its Problems and their Solution. Cr. 8vo, pp. 284. L. 1927. 7s. 6d.

Sastri (C. Sankararama)-Fictions in the Development of the Hindu Law Texts: being the V. Krishnaswamy Aiyar Lectures, 1925, delivered under the auspices of the University of Madras. With portrait. 8vo, cloth, pp. XV, 229. Adyar, 1926. 10s. Stocks (C. de Beauvoir)-Folk-lore and Customs of the Lap-chas of Sikkim, with 6 plates. (Journal and Proc. of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, new series, Vol. XXI, No. 4.) 8vo, sewn, pp. 179. Ca. 1927. IIS. 6d.

Thakore (B. K.)-Indian Administration to the Dawn of Responsible Government. Revised edition. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. XXVII, 498, V. B. 1926. 1926. 12s.

Thomas (Henry S.)--Tank Fishing in India. Second edition, revised, edited by W. S. Burke. 16 illus. Ca. 1927.


Tyacke (Lt.-Col. R. H.)-In Quest of Game Shooting in Kulu, Lahoul and Ladak to the Tsc Morari Lake. Third edition, revised. Ca. 1927. I2S.

Vakil (C. N.) and Muranjan (S. K.)-Currency and Prices in India. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XVI, 549, 4. L. 1927. 18s.

Van Wart (R. B.)-The Life of Lieut.-General H. H. Sir Pratap Singh, G.C.B., etc. Illus. 8vo, pp. 249. L. 1927. 12s. 6d. Waley (Adolf)—A Pageant of India. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. X, 556. L. 1927. 15S.


Anthology of Modern Indian Poetry-Edited by Gwendolin Goodwin. (Wisdom of the East Series.) 12mo, cloth, pp. 124. L. 1927. 3s. 6d.

Bonnerjea (Biren)--Praktische Grammatik der Hindisprache. (Hartleben's Biblio. d. Sprachenkunde. Tl. 137.) 8vo, pp. 8, 83. Wien. 2s. 6d.

Brown (Hilton)--Potter's Clay: Stories of South India. 8vo, pp. 176. L. 1927. 3s. 6d.


Budhabhūsana (The) of King Sambhu-Sanskrit text, with an introduction (in English) and notes by H. D. Velankar, M.A. (Government Oriental Series, Class C, No. 2.) Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XV, 96, 10. Poona, 1926. 3s. 6d.

Chandidasa-Les amours de Radha et de Krichna. Traduites du bengali, avec introduction par Man'ha. (Le Cabinet cosmopolite, No. 14.) P. 1927.

Gordon (H. K.)—Prem: a tale of Modern India. Foreword by Sir M. O'Dwyer. Popular ed. Cr. 8vo, pp. 319. L. 1927. 3s. 6d. Kharosthi Inscriptions-Discovered by Sir Aurel Stein in Chinese Turkestan. By A. M. Boyer and others, eds. Pt. 2, Text of inscription discovered at the Niya, Endere and Lou-Lan sites, 1906-7. Folio, sewed. L. 1927. £I IOS.

Ramayana (The)-Translated from the original of Valmiki: a modernised version in English prose, by Makhan Lal Sen, B.L. To be complete in eight parts, each part is illustrated with coloured and other plates. Subscription to the 8 parts, 17s. 6d. or each part, 2s. 6d.

Sinderby (Donald)—The Jewel of Malabar: a story of the Moplah Rebellion in India, 1921. Cr. 8vo, pp. 320. L. 1927. 7s. 6d. Thompson (Edward and Theodosia) Three Eastern Plays. With a terminal essay on "Suttee." Cr. 8vo, pp. 134. L. 1927. 5s. Toussaint (F.)-Le Râmâyana. Dans un vase de jade, un banian qui a trente siècles. P. 1927.

Wickremasinghe (Don M. de Silva)-Malayalam Self-taught by the Natural Method, with Phonetic Pronunciation. (Marlborough's Self-taught Series.) 12m0, cloth, pp. 136. L. 1927.



Farquhar (J. N.)—The Apostle Thomas in South India. (Reprinted from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol. II, No. 1, January, 1927.) Roy. 8vo, sewn, pp. 33. L. 1927. Is. 6d. Jaina Puja (The)-Edited and translated by Champat Rai Jain, Vidya Varidhi. 8vo, sewn, pp. III, 45. Bijnor, 1926. 2s. 6d. Jinarajadasa (C.)-Lettres des maîtres de la sagesse. Ire série. 2e édition. Pp. 132. P. 1927. 12 fr.

Krishnamurti (J.), (Alcyone)-At the Feet of the Master. With 4 illustrations in colour and portrait. Sm. 4to, imit. vellum, pp. XV, 25. L. 1927. 7s. 6d.

The Kingdom of Happiness. Port. Cr. 8vo, pp. 107. L. 1927. 3s. 6d.


Yogananda (Swami) The Science of Religion. With portrait, 12mo, cloth, pp. XIV, 107. Los Angeles, 1926, 7s. 6d.

Songs of the Soul, including "Vision of Visions" (from the Bhagavad Gita). With a preface by Dr. Frederick B. Robinson, Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo, cloth, pp. X, 1II. Los Angeles, 1926. 7s. 6d.


Aarifi (J. M.)-L'Anti-Coran ou le Mahométisme condamné par luimême. 2e édit. 16m0, pp. 304. P. 1927. 20 fr.

Emin Pasha (ie., Eduard Schnitzer)-Die Tagebücher v. Dr. Emin Pasha. Hrsg. mit Unterstützg. d. Hamburg. Staates u. d. Hamburg Wissenschaftl. Stiftung von Dr. F. Stuhlmann. Bd. 4. 4to, pp. VI, 448. Braunschweig, 1927. £1 12s. 6d. Encyclopædia of Islam-A Dictionary of the Geography, Ethnography and Biography of the Muhammadan Peoples. No. 34, Kirgiz-Kubbat al-Sakhra. Price 5s.

Marçais (Georges) -Manuel d'art musulman. L'Architecture. Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc, Sicile, Espagne du ge au 19e siècle.


Vol. Coll. Manuels d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'art. Pp.
XI, 966. P.
P. 1927. £1 7s. 6d.

Meyerhof (Max)--Le Monde islamique. Avec 59 pl. en héliogravure. 8vo, pp. 80. P. 1926.

Migeon (G.)—Manuel d'art musulman. Les Arts plastiques et industriels. T. I. Peinture et Miniature, Sculpture, Pierre, Bois, Stuc, etc. Coll. Manuels d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art. Pp. 440. P. 1927. 145.

Mirza Riza Khan Arfa, Princess. Der Gesang der Dunklen Wasser. Ein Buch von Konstantinopel. Einz, berecht. Übertr, aus d. Schwed. von Heinrich Goebel. I Titelb. 8vo, pp. 225. Tübingen, 1927. 7s.

Reid (William W.), comp.-Tales from Moslem Lands. 12mo, pp. 87. N. Y. 1926. 65c.


Acta Orientalia-Ediderunt Societates Orientales Batava Danica Norvegica Redigenda curavit Sten Konow. Vol V, Pt. IV. Subscription per year, £1 25.

Asiatic Society of Japan -Transactions. 2nd ser., Vol. 3, 1926. 8vo, Pp. 179 L. 1927. 10%.

Buddhism in England -Vol. 2, No 2. June, 1927. Annual Sub-. scription, 7s. 6d.


Buddhist India-An illustrated Buddhist Quarterly and Buddhist Gazette (Founded by Dharma Adityar Dharmacharya). Vol. 1, No. 1. Subscription per year, 6s.

Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, London Institution. Vol. IV, Part III. 6s.

China Journal (The), Vol. VI, No. 5. May, 1927. Subscription per year, 1 55.

Indian Historical Quarterly, Vol. III, No. 1. March, 1927. Annual Subscription, 10s. 6d., postage extra.

Islamic Culture The Hyderabad Quarterly Review, Vol. I, No. 1. Jan., 1927. Subscription per year, 21s.

Journal and Proc. of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, new series, Vol. XXI, No. 4. IIS. 6d.

Journal of the Society of Oriental Research, Vol. XI, No. 2. April, 1927. Subscription per year, £1 4s. 6d.


New Orient (The)--A journal of International Fellowship. Edited by Syud Hossain. Vol. III, No. 3. Jan., 1927. Ostasiatische Zeitschrift-Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Kunst und Kultur des Fernen Ostens. Neue folge 3. Heft 3/4, 1926. Subscription per year, £1 16s., postage extra.

Revue des Arts Asiatiques; avec la collaboration de l'Association Française des amis de l'Orient. Mar., 1927. Vol. IV. No. I. Subscription per year, 18s. 6d.

Revue de l'Academie Arabe. Vol. VII, Nos. 3 and 4. Mars-Avril, 1927. Subscription per year, 15s.

Visva Bharati Quarterly, Vol. V, No. 1. April, 1927. Subscription per year, IOS.

Zeitschrift für Indologie und Iranistik. Hrsg. im Auftr. d. Deutschen Morgenländ. Gesellschaft von Wilh. Geiger. Bd. 5, H. I. (Sort. u. Antiq.) in Komm. Svo, pp. 128. Lg. 1927. Der Bd, £1 5s.


Acharya (Swami Sri Ananda)-Sara, and other Poems.

Close (Upton)--The revolt of Asia. The end of the white man's world dominance. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XIII. 325. N.Y. 1927. IOS. 6d.

Dölger (Franz)-Beiträge zur Geschichte der byzantinischen Finanzverwaltung besonders des 10. u. 11. Jahrhunderts, Mit 1 Lichtdrucktaf. (Byzantinisches Archiv., H. 9.) 8vo, pp. IV. 160. Lg. 1927. IIS.

Edgar (C. C.)-Zenon Papyri, Vol. 2, with 30 plates. Imp. 4to, sewn, pp. VIII. 207. Co. 1926. £2 55.

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