SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Burnell (A. C.)-Elements of South-Indian Paleography, from the fourth to the seventeenth century A.D. Being an introduction to the study of South-Indian inscriptions and MSS. Second enlarged and improved edition. Illus. with numerous plates and a map. (Out of print and scarce.) Demy 4to, cloth, pp. XII. 147. London, 1878. £4 10s. Caldwell (Rev. R.)-A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XLII. 608. London, 1875. 12s. 6d. A Political and General History of the District of Tinnevelly, in the Presidency of Madras, from the earliest period to its cession to the English Government in A.D. 1801. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. X. 300. Madras, 1881. 8s. 6d. Cecil (Lord E.)—The Leisure of an Egyptian Official. 2nd edition, with portrait. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. IX. 336. London, 1921. 15s. Cowley (A.)—Another unknown language from Eastern Turkestan. With 4 plates (J.R.A.S.) Demy 8vo, sewn, pp. 159-166. 1911. 3s. Crosthwaite (Sir C.) The Pacification of Burma. With illus. and maps. (Slightly wormed). Svo, cloth, pp. VII. 355. London, 1912. IOS. Cunha (J. G. da)-Notes of the History and Antiquities of Chaul and Bassein. Illus. with 17 photographs, 9 lithographic plates and a map. (Very scarce). 8vo, cloth, pp. XVI. 262. Bombay, 1876. 1 IOS. Curtis (W. E.)-Turkestan. The Heart of Asia. With 34 illus., by J. T. McCutcheon. (Scarce), 8vo, cloth, pp. 344. London, 1911. 17s. 6d. Cust (R. N.) A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies. Accompanied by 2 language maps. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XII. 198. London, 1878. 7s. 6d. Daji (Dr. B.) The Literary Remains of Dr. B. Daji. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. II. 254. Calcutta, 1887. 6s. Doughty (C. M.)-Wanderings in Arabia. Being an abridgment of "Travels in Arabia Deserta," arranged with introduction by E. Garnett. With 2 frontispieces. In 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, pp. London, N.D. 16s. Dufay (M. J.)-L'Asie. Histoire des Voyages, dans cette partie du Monde-Guerres, Mœurs, Produits, Anecdotes: Abrégé de la Harpe et des Voyageurs Modernes. 3 vols., 12mo, calf. With maps and coloured plates. Paris, 1826. 125. **Nice copy. Interesting coloured plates. SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Elliot (R. H.)—Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore. With chapters on coffee planting in Coorg, the Mysore Representative Assembly, the Indian Congress, Caste, and the Indian Silver Question. Being the 38 years' experiences of a Mysore Planter. With a map. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. XXX. 480. London, 1894. 55. Erskine (J. E.)-Journey through the islands of the Western Pacific. With a map and numerous illus. (Title-page missing.) Demy 8vo, half bound, pp. VI. 488. 10s. 6d. Fellows (C.)-A Journal written during an excursion in Asia Minor, 1838. Illustrated. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. X. 347. London, 1839. 4s. 6d. Ferrier (J. P.-History of the Afghans, translated from the original unpublished manuscript by Capt. W. Jesse. With front. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XXV. 491. London, 1858. 15s. Fleet (J. F.) Indian Epigraphy. The Inscriptional Bases of Indian Historical Research. (Reprinted from the Imperial Gazetteer of India, "The Indian Empire," Vol. II, pp. i to 88.) Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. 88. Oxford, 1907. 3s. 6d. Fleming (R. M.)-Stories from the Early World, with an appendix by H. J. Fleure. With 4 colour and 8 half-tone plates. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. 156. London, 1922. IIS. 6d. Forsyth (Capt. J.) The Highlands of Central India. Notes on their forests and wild tribes, natural history and sport. With map and illus. New edition. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XI. 475. London, 1889. £1 5s. Garrett (J.)-A Manual, Canarese and English Dictionary, chiefly from the Rev. W. Reeves' Carnatica and English Dictionary. 8vo, half bound, pp. VIII. 764. Bangalore. 1845. 7s. 6d. Grant (J.)—Cassell's Illustrated History of India. 2 vols. Mus 4to, half bound cloth. N.D. 5s. 7s. 6d. Hammer (J. Von)-The History of the Assassins. Derived from Oriental sources. Translated from the German, by O. C. Wood. 8vo, cloth, pp. VI. 240. London, 1835. Harris (W. B.)-A Journey through the Yemen, and some general remarks upon that country. Illus. Illus. Svo, cloth, pp. XII. 385. Edinburgh, 1893. 10s. 6d. Hedin (Dr. S.)-Trois ans de Luttes aus Deserts d'Asie, ouvrage traduit du suedois et resume par C. Rabot. With illus. Roy. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 280. Paris, 1899. 12s. 6d. Hikmat al-ain-By Muhammad ibn Mubarak Shah al Bukhari, Medical work on the eye. Arabic MS. written in black ink, 14 lines to a page, with notes in the margins, 400 folios, size 8 by 5 ins., leather flap binding. £6 10s. SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Hærnle (A. F. R.) The "Unknown Languages" of Eastern Turkestan. With plate. (J.R.A.S.) Demy 8vo, sewn, pp. 1,285-1300. 1910. 2s. 6d. The "Unknown Languages (J.R.A.S.) With 6 plates. Demy 8vo, sewn, pp. 447-477. 1911. 2s. 6d. Holden (E. S.)-The Mogul Emperors of Hindustan, A.D. 1398A.D. 1707. With illus. 8vo, cloth, pp. XVI. 365. Westminster, 1895. £1 5s. Holzman (J. M.) The Nabobs in England. A study of the returned Anglo-Indian, 1760-1785. With illus. (Privately Printed.) Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. 186. New York, 1926. £1 IS. Honigberger (J. M.) Thirty-five Years in the East. Adventures, discoveries, experiments, and historical sketches, relating to the Punjab and Cashmere; in connection with medicine, botany, pharmacy, etc., together with an original Materia Medica; and a medical vocabulary, in 4 European and 5 Eastern languages. 2 vols. in I. Illus. Demy 8vo, cloth. London, 1852. £1 5S. Hunter (W. W.) The Indian Empire. Its people, history and products; second edition (covers worn). 8vo, cl., pp. XXIX. 747. London, 1886. IOS. Indian Calendar (The), with tables for the conversion of Hindu and Muhammadan into A.D. dates, and vice versa, by R. Sewell and S. B. Dikshit. With tables of eclipses visible in India, by Dr. R. Schram. 4to, cloth, pp. XII. 169. London, 1896. 10s. 6d. Indian Rebellion-Annals of the Indian Rebellion, 1857-58. Parts 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 only. 5 Parts, 8vo. Calcutta, 1859-60. 4s. 6d. Iyer (V. V.)—The Tamils over three thousand years ago. A dissertation. (Off-printed from "Mysore Univ. Mag.") Demy 8vo. sewn, pp. 29. 1926. 2s. 6d. Jataka (The), or Stories of the Buddha's former births, franslated from the Pali by various hands under the editorship of Prof. E. B. Cowell. Vol. 1, Translated by R. Chalmers. Vol. 2 by W. H. D. Rouse. Vol. 3 by H. T. Francis and R. A. Neil. Vol. 4 by W. H. D. Rouse. Vol. 5 by H. T. Francis. Vol. 6 by E. B. Cowell and W. H. D. Rouse. Vol. 7. Index. 7 vols., with 3 fronts. Out of print. Roy. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1895-1913. £8 10s. Kalhana's Rajatarangini, or Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, edited by M. A. Stein. Vol. I. Sanskrit text with critical notes (all published). Folic, cloth, pp. XIX. 296. Bombay, 1892. £2 25. Kalidasa Sakuntula-In Canarese.. De loth. 3s. 6d. SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Keene (H. G.)-The Turks in India, critical chapters on the administration of that country by the Chughtai, Babar, and his descendants. With front. and a map. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XVI. 255. London, 1879. 10s. 6d. Khan (Hâdji) and Sparroy (W.)--With the Pilgrims to Mecca. The great pilgrimage of A.H. 1319; A.D. 1902. With an introduction by Prof. A. Vambéry. Out of print. Illus. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. 314. London, 1905. 12s. 6d. Knight (E. F.)—Where Three Empires Meet. A narrative of recent travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries. With a map and 54 illus. New edition. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1896. 5s. Kornemann (E.) Die Neue Livius-Epitome aus Oxyrhynchus. Text und Untersuchungen. Mit einer Tafel (Beitrage zur Alten Geschichte. Zweites Beiheft). (Egyptian literature.) 8vo, pp. 131. 1904. 4s. 6d. Kunte (M. M.)-The Vicissitudes of Aryan Civilisation in India. An essay, which treats of the history of the Vedic and Buddhistic polities, explaining their origin, prosperity, and decline. Illus. by 4 maps. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XXV. 599. Bombay, 1880. 15s. Lacam The Case of Mr. Benjamin Lacam, Proprietor of New Harbour in the Kingdom of Bengal, most respectfully submitted to the Hon. United East India Company. Together with the Report from the Committee to whom the Petition was referred, with Appendices. Folio, caif, pp. 16, 52, 3 and 4. London, 1782. 6s. 6d. Land Revenue Administration in the Central Provinces of India. Compiled by the Tenants' and Landlords' Association of Jabalpur. Svo, cloth, pp. 143. Jabalpur, 1905. 2s. 6d. Lane (E. W.)-An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. Written in Egypt during the years 18331835. With 65 illus. and 27 full-page engravings. (Covers soiled.) 8vo, cloth, pp. XII. 595. London, 1895. 4s. 6d. Lexa (F.) La Magie dans l'Egypte antique de l'ancien empire jusqu'a l'époque copte. Vol. 1. Exposé. Vol. 2. Les textes magiques. Vol. 3. Atlas. Cr. 4to, sewn. Paris, 1925. £1 5s. Lists of Manuscripts collected for the Government Manuscripts Library by the Professors of Sanskrit at the Deccan and Elphinstone Colleges since 1895 and 1899, compiled by the Manuscripts Department of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. Roy. 8vo, sewn, pp. V. 94. Poona, 1925. 3s. 6d. Lukach (H. C.-The City of Dancing Dervishes, and other sketches and studies from the Near East. Illus. with photographs. Svo, cloth, pp. XI. 257. London, 1914. 6s. 6d. SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Lukis (Sir Pardey), and Blackham (R. J.)—Tropical Hygiene for residents in tropical and sub-tropical climates. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. Illus. 8vo, cloth, pp. 302. Calcutta, 1915. 5s. MacGregor (Maj.-Gen. Sir C. M.)-Wanderings in Balochistan. With map and illus. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. 315. London, 1882. 15s. MacMahon (A. Ruxton)-Far Cathay and Farther India. With 8 illus. 8vo, cloth, pp. XII. 340. London, 1893. 6s. Madras Annual Report of the Archæological Department, Southern Circle, Madras, for the year 1916-1917. With numerous illus. Folio, sewn, pp. 38. Madras, 1917. 4s. 6d. Malleson (Col. G. B.)-Seringapatam; Past and Present. graph. Illus, with 2 plans. 8vo, sewn, pp. VIII. 64. 1876. 3s. 6d. A mono Madras, = An Historical sketch of the Native States of India, in subsidiary alliance with the British Government. With a notice of Mediatized and Minor states. With 6 maps and appendices. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XIII. 397. London, 1875. 18s. 6d. Map. Egypt Carte de la Basse-Egypte et du Canal Maritime de Suez. Dressée par Desbuissons. Prnited in colours. Scale 300000 24 in. by 18. Morocco cover. 1882. 35. Margary (A. R.)-The Journey of; From Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne. From his journals and letters, with a brief biographical preface. To which is added a concluding chapter, by Sir Rutherford Alcock. With a portrait and a route map. 2nd edition. 8vo, cloth, pp. XXIV. 382. London, 1876. 5s. 6d. Markman (C. R.)-Narratives of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and of the journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. Edited, with notes, an introduction, and lives of Mr. Bogle and Mr. Manning. Illus. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. CLXI. London, 1876. 6s. Mesnevi (The), (Usually known as the Mesneviyi Sherif, or Holy Mesnevi) of Mevlana (Our Lord), Jelalu-'d-din, Muhammed, erRumi. Book the first. Together with some account of the life and acts of the Author, of his ancestors, and of his descendants; illustrated by a selection of characteristic anecdotes, as collected by their historian, Mevlana Shemsu-'d-din Ahmed, el Eflaki, el 'Arifi. Translated, and the poetry versified, by J. W. Redhouse. (Large paper edition, scarce.) Cr. 4to, boards, pp. XV. 290. London, 1881. £3 3s. Mills (Dr. L. H.)-Zaraoustra, Philo, the Achæmenids and Israel, being a treatise upon the antiquity and influence of the Avesta for the most part delivered as University lectures. Part I, Zaraoustra and the Greeks. Part 2. Zaraoustra, the Achæmenids and Israel. In 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth. Leipzig, 1905-6. 12s. 6d. |