SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Lagarde (Paul de)-Uebersicht über die im Aramäischen, Arabischen und Hebräischen übliche Bildung der Nomina, with Register. 4to, cloth, pp. 240, 76. Gottingen, 1889. 15s. Lane Poole (S.)-Turkey, by S. Lane-Poole, assisted by E. J. W. Gibb and A. Gilman (The Story of the Nations), with illustrations. Svo, cloth, pp. XVIII. 373. London, 1914. 6s. Lange (Dr. R.)-A Text-book of Colloquial Japanese, based on the Lehrbuch der Japanischen Umgangssprache, by Dr. R. Lange, revised English edition by C. Noss. Demy 8vo, hf. bound, pp. XXXI. 588, 62. Tokyo, 1919. 15s. Lassen (Chr.)--Die altpersischen Keil-Inschriften von Persepolis. Entzifferung des Alphabets und Erklärung des Inhalts. With 2 plates. 8vo, hf. bound, pp. VI. 186. Bonn, 1836. 6s. The same, sewn. 5s. Latham (N. G.)-Elements of Comparative Philology. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XXXII. 774. London, 1862. 6s. Layard (A. H.)-Nineveh and its Remains. A narrative of an expedition to Assyria during the years 1845-1847, abridged by the author from his larger work, with numerous woodcuts. New edition. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. XXVI. 384. London, 1873. 5s. Lee (S.)-Eusebius, Bishop of Cæsarea on The Theophania or Divine manifestation of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into English, with notes, from an ancient Syriac version of the Greek original now lost; to which is prefixed a vindication of the orthodoxy, and prophetical views of that distinguished writer inscribed by permission to His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. 8vo, cloth, pp. CLIX. 344. Cambridge, 1843. 7s. 6d. Legrain (L.)-Le temps des rois d'Abr. Recherches sur la société antique, d'après des textes nouveaux. With map and 57 plates. Large 4to, sewn. Paris, 1912. 15S. Le ming she-Yuen teen too shwo. Explanation of the Celestial. globe. A general treatise on Astronomy by the author, a Taoist priest. 3 vols. In Chinese. Imp. 8vo, sewn. 1821 A.D. £1 IOS. Lenormant (Fr.)-Les syllabaires cuneiformes. Edition critique. classée pour la première fois méthodiquement et précedée d'une introduction sur la nature de ces documents. Roy. 8vo, sewn, pp. VII. 236. Paris, 1877. Paris, 1877. 12s. 6d. Lepsius (R.)-Ueber die XXII. ægyptische Königsdynastie nebst einigen Bemerkungen zu der XXVI. und andern Dynastieen des neuen Reichs. With 2 plates. 4to, boards, pp. 61. Berlin, 1856. 4s. 6d. Li-Ki-Ou Mémorial des Rites traduit pour la première fois du Chinois, et Accompagné de Notés de Commentaires et du Texte Originale par J. M. Callery. 4to, pp. 199, 98. Turin, 1853 SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Li tai ti wang nien piao-Chronological tables. In Chinese. Roy. 8vo, sewn. 1824. 5s. Libbey (W.) and F. E. Hoskins-The Jordan Valley and Petra. With 159 illustrations. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth. New York, 1905. 15S. Loderini (l'Abbé)-Litteratur der Turken. Aus dem Italianischen mit zufazen und Anmerkungen übersetzt von P. W. G. Hausleutner. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Konigsberg, 1790. 8s. Lorrain (Y. H.) and F. W. Savidge-A grammar and dictionary of the Lushai language. (Dulien dialect.) Roy. 8vo, boards, pp. 346. Shillong, 1898. 6s. MacGregor (Major-General Sir C. M.)-Routes in Persia, compiled in the Intelligence branch of the Quarter-Master-General's Department in India under the order of Major-General Sir C. M. MacGregor. Roy. 8vo, hf. bound, pp. IV. 714, 29. Simla, 1887. 12s. 6d. Mackenzie (G. Muir) and A. P. Irby Travels in the Slavonic provinces of Turkey in Europe. With a Preface by the Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 2 vols. With map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877. (Pub. 1 8s.). 14s. Majjhima Nikaya (The), edited by V. Trenckner. Vol. I. (Pali Text Society). 8vo, boards, pp. 573. London, 1888. 6s. 6d. Maoulânâ Hosein ben es'Saad ben Hosein ed-Deshesta. Faradj ba'd ez chidde, après la peine, le plaisir. Recueil d'anecdotes historiques. In Persian, lithographed. Med. 8vo, leather, pp. 534. Bombay, 1272. 6s. Martin (W. A. P.) The Awakening of China. With 22 plates. Cr. 8vo, cloth (slightly water-stained), pp. XVI. 328. London, 1907. 15S. Metcalfe (Lord)--Selections from the Papers of. Edited by J. W. Kaye. Fine copy. Roy. 8vo, hf. bound, pp. XIV. 476. London, 1855. 7s. 6d. Migeon (G.)—Au Japon; promenades aux sanctuaires de l'art. Ouvrage illustré de 69 gravures tirées hors texte et d'une carte dans le texte. Demy 12mo, cloth, pp. 295. Paris, 1908. 5s. Milne (Prof. J.) and Prof. W. K. Burton-The Great Earthquake in Japan, 1891. Illustrated with 29 plates and map. Plates by K. Ogawa. Oblong folio, cloth. Yokohama. £i 5s. Miraat-Attaleb-A Turkish MS. containing a series of connected tales. 19 lines to a page, in red and black inks within a ruling of red, 222 folios. 8vo, boards. 10s. 6d. al-Mohammedieh fi-'l-Kamalat Al-Ahmadiyah. A Turkish general history since the creation, and of Turkish poetries, compiled by Yazidji Zadi in eulogy of the Prophet Mohamed, his companions and the Mohamedan religion. In Turkish, vowel pointed. Lithographed. Roy. 8vo, Oriental flap binding (calf), pp. 478. 1284 A.H. IOS. 6d. SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Monier Williams-A practical grammar of the Sanskrit language, arranged with reference to the classical languages of Europe, for the use of English students. 3rd edition, much enlarged and improved. Med. 8vo, cloth, pp. XXVIII. 409. Oxford, 1864. 10s. 6d. IOS. 6d. IOS. 6d. The same. 4th edition, enlarged and improved. Med. 8vo, cloth, pp. VIII. 417. Oxford, 1877. Montet (E.)-Essai sur les origines des partis Saducéen et Pharisien et leur histoire jusqu'a la naissance de Jesus Christ. Roy. 8vo, hf. bound, pp. XVI. 334. Paris, 1883. Morse (Hosea Ballou)-The Trade and Administration of the Chinese Empire. With illustrations, maps and diagrams. (Few pages at end slightly wormed.) Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XI. 451. Shanghai, 1908. 16s. Muir (Sir W.-The Caliphate, its rise, decline, and fall, from original sources. 2nd edition, revised; with maps. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XV. 612. London, 1892. I2S. The Life of Mahomet, from original sources. With illustrations. 3rd edition. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. CIII. 536. London, 1894. I2S. The Mohammedan Controversy, biographies of Mohammed, Sprenger on tradition, the Indian liturgy and the Psalter. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. X. 220. Edinburgh, 1897. 10s. 6d. Müller (F. Max)—India, what can it teach us? A course of lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge. New edition. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. XX. 315. London, 1892. 4s. La Science du Langage, cours professé à l'Institution Royale de la Grande Bretagne en l'année 1860, traduit de l'anglais. par G. Harris et G. Perrot. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged from the 5th English edition. Roy. Svo, hf. bound, pp. XXXVI. 530. Paris, 1867. 6s. 6d. Auld Lang Syne, Second Series. My Indian Friends. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XII. 302. New York, 1899. Lectures on the Science of Language. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. XIII. 481, VIII. 668. Nestle (E.)-Marginalien und Materialien. Tübingen, 1893. 10s. 6d. 5s. 6d. 6th edition. 2 vols. London, 1871. 6s. 6d. Roy. 8vo, hf. bound. Nizami: Sikandar Namah, Commentary on. In Persian. 4to, sewn, pp. 580. Calcutta, 1253 A.H. 6s. Nöldeke (T.)-Sketches from Eastern History. Translated by J. Sutherland Black, and revised by the author. Roy. 8vo, cloth, pp. IX. 288. London, 1892. 12s. 6d. Neue beiträge zur Semitischen Sprachwissenschaft. Roy. 8vo, sewn, pp. VIII. 240. Strassburg, 1910. 7s. 6d. SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Numismatic Chronicle (The) and Journal of the Numismatic Society. Edited by Sir John Evans, Barclay A. Head and Herbert A. Grueber. 3rd series, vols. XII-XX, 4th series, vols. I-XV. 24 vols. Demy 8vo, hf. bound. London, 1892-1915. £15. Old New Zealand: being incidents of native customs and character in the old times. By a Pakeha Maori. 8vo, cloth, pp. VIII. 216. London, 1863. 3s. Oldenberg (H.)-Zur Geschichte der altindischen Prosa. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der prosaisch-poetischen Erzählung. 4to, sewn, pp. 99. Berlin, 1917. 8s. 6d. Oliphant (L.)-The Land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon. With 9 illustrations and 2 maps. (Frontispiece and title-page slightly water-stained.) Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. XXXVII. 538. London, 1880. 10s. 6d. Oppenheim (Dr. Max F. von)-Vom Mittelmeer zum Persischen Golf durch den Hauran, die Syrische Wuste und Mesopotamien. Mit vier originalkarten, einer uebersichtskarte und zahlreichen abbildungen. 2 vols. Med. 8vo, cloth. Berlin, 1899-1900. £2 25. Oppert (G.)—On the classification of Languages, a contribution to Comparative Philology. 8vo, sewn, pp. VI. 146. Madras, 1879. 6s. Oriental Collections (The), consisting of original essays and dissertations, translations and miscellaneous papers, illustrating the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences and Literature of Asia. Vol. I., Nos. 1-4; Vol. III, Nos. 1-2. With one table and 18 plates. 4to, hf. bound. London, 1797-1800, £1 2s. 6d. Vol. I. binding missing. Orientalische Bibliographie unter mitwirkung der Herren Prof. A. Bezzenberger, Prof. H. L. Strack, Dr. Joh. Muller, Dr. K. Vollers, Dr. Th. Ch. L. Wijnmalen, und mit unterstutzung der Deutschen Morgenland. Gesellschaft herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. A. Muller. Vols. 1-17 and 20, 18 vols. (The backs of one or two vols. slightly damaged.) 8vo, hf. bound. Berlin, 1887-1906. £15. Orientalisches Archiv-Illustrierte Zeitschrift für kunst, kultur-· geschichte und Volkerkunde der Länder des Ostens. Edited by H. Grothe, a quarterly magazine. Vols. I., II., III., complete 12 parts, 3 years. 4to, sewn. £7 10s. Pahlavi Texts-Edited by Jamaspji Dastur Minocheherji JamaspAsana, 2 parts. I. Ayibatkar-i Zariran-Shatuniha-i AêrânAwadih u sahikih i Sigastan-Khusru-i Kavatan u ritak-i— Andarziha-i Peshinikan-Chitak andarz-i Poryotakeshan. II. With an introduction by Behramgore Tahmuras Anklesaria. Roy. 8vo, sewn. Bombay, 1897-1913. 15s. Parliamentary Papers-Matter dealing with Afghanistan. Folio, cloth. London, 1878-81. 15s. SECOND-HAND BOOKS-continued. Patell (C. S.)-Chronology, containing corresponding dates of the different Eras, used by Christians, Jews, Greeks, Hindus, Mohammedans, Parsees, Chinese, Japanese, etc. (Scarce.) 4to, cloth, pp. VIII. 183. London, 1866. £1 IS. Patisambhidamagga-Vol. II. Edited by Arnold C. Taylor. (Pali Text Society.) Svo, boards, pp. VIII. 248. London, 1907. IOS. 6d. Perizonii (J.)—Origines Babylonicae et Acgyptiacae. 2 vols. Quorum Prior, Babylonica, and Turris in Terra Sinear Exstructae, ac Diopersionis Hominum ex ea, Rationem ac Historiam. Continet. 12mo, calf, pp. XIV, 376. 1711. 15. Pinches (T. G.)—The Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records and Legends of Assyria and Babylonia. With illustrations. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. 520. London, 1902. 6s. Plaut (H.)-Japanese conversation grammar, with numerous reading lessons and dialogues. With key. 8vo, cloth, pp. VIII, 391, 66. Heidelberg, 1905. 7s. 6d. Porter (J. L.)-Five Years in Damascus; with travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, the Giant Cities of Bashan and the Hau2nd edition, revised, with map and illustrations. Cr. 8vo, cloth (back broken), pp. XVI, 339. London, 1870. 4s. 6d. Prichard J. C.) The Eastern origin of the Celtic Nations proved by a comparison of their dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic Languages; forming a supplement to Researches into the physical history of mankind. Edited by R. Ghatham. 8vo, cloth, pp. XIX. 387. London, 1857. 6s. Ragozin (Z. A.)-Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria. (Treated as a general introduction to the study of Ancient History). 5th edition, map and illustrations. (The Story of the Nations.) 8vo, cloth, pp. XX. 381. London, 1896. 6s. Rawlinson (G.)-Phoenicia. 2nd edition, illustrated. (Story of the Nations.) 8vo, cloth, pp. XVII. 356. London, 1890. 5s. Reuter (J. N.)Die Betonung der Copulativen und der Determinativen Composita mit einem verbalnomen als schlussglied. 8vo, sewn, pp. 203. Helsingfors, 1891. 5s. Roy (Sarat Chandra)-The Oraons of Chota Nagpur, their history, economic life and social organisation. With numerous illustrations and a map, and an introduction by A. C. Haddon. Cr. Svo, cloth, pp. XIX. 491. Ranchi, 1915. I2S. The Mundas and their country. With an introduction by E. A. Gait. Illustrated. Cr. 8vo, cloth, pp. X. 546, LXXXIII. VII. Calcutta, 1912. 9s. 6d. Sadi. The Bostan of Shaikh Saadi of Shiraz, for the high proficiency examination in Persian for officers in the military and civil services. 8vo, hf. bound, pp. 307. Calcutta, 1882. 5s. The Gulistan (Rose Garden) of Shekh Sadi of Shiraz. A new edition, carefully collated with original MSS. by E. B. Eastwick. 8vo, calf, pp. IV, 13, 127, 231. Hertford, 1850. 1 |