his faid moft wicked and evil treafon, compaffings, and imaginations aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor, during the war aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously did compoie and write, and caused to be compofed and written, divers letters and inftructions in writing to fhew and inform the faid French king of the ftate, condition, and force of feveral of the fhips of war of our faid lord the king, and the number of the fhips and forces of our faid lord the king then and there defigned and prepared for the defence of this kingdom, and the enemies of the faid realm to attack, repel, and refift, and how fome of the fhips of our faid lord the king were manned, and for what time divers fhips of war of our faid lord the king were furnished with provifions, and of the ftations of divers fquadrons of fhips of war of our faid lord the king employed in carrying on and profecuting the faid war, and the names of the commanders of such squadrons, and the number and force of the ships of war of which fuch fquadrons confifted, and alfo of the fervice on which divers other fhips of war of our faid lord the king were then employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war, and alfo the number and force of the fhips of war of our faid lord the king within certain parts of this kingdom, and of the state and condition of feveral of the faid fhips, and of the number of the land-forces of our faid lord the king in this realm, and the dominions thereunto belonging, and of the times of the failing of divers fhips of war of our faid lord the king, and the deftination of the said ships, and the fervices on which fuch fhips were employed, and of the times when other fhips of war of our faid lord the king were then expected to fail from this kingdom, and the voyages, cruizes, and fervices, upon which fuch fhips were failed, and alfo of the times when other ships of war of our faid lord the king employed in the profecuting and carrying on the said war were expected to arrive in this kingdom, and allo of the times of the failing of feveral ships and veffels belonging to divers fubjects of our faid lord the king from this realm to the dominions of our faid lord the king, and other places in parts beyond the feas, and alfo of the times when other fhips and veffels belonging to divers other fubjects of our faid lord the king were expected to fail from this realm to the dominions of our faid lord the king, and other places in parts beyond the feas, and alfo the times when other ships of divers fubjects of our faid lord the king were expected to arrive in this kingdom from the dominions of our faid lord the king, and other places beyond the feas: And that afterwards, and during the faid war, viz. on the first day of January, in the twentieth year aforefaid, at the parifh aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex, he the faid defendant as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, in profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitoroufly, compofed and wrote, and caufed and procured to be compofed and wrote, a certain letter, to be fent to certain subjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, and then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid letter the faid defendant among other things, wickedly, falfely, and traitorously, 3 notified notified and discovered and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king, that the regiments of the army of our faid lord the king were preparing to go to the West Indies, and alfo of the number of land-forces of our faid lord the king to be fent to North America and Canada, and the stations of divers thips of war of our faid lord the king employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war of our faid lord the king against the enemy, the faid Louis the French king; and afterwards, and during the faid war, viz. on the thirtieth June, in the twentieth year aforelaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforesaid, in prosecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote a certain other letter to be fent to certain fubjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid laft-mentioned letter the defendant among other things wickedly, falfely, and traitorously notified, difcovered, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king, that Sir George Brydges Rodney, bart. then being one of the admirals of our faid lord the king, was at the island of Barbadoes, in parts beyond the feas, with fourteen fhips of war of our faid lord the king, part of a squadron of fhips of war of our faid lord the king employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war under the command of the faid Sir George Brydges Rodney, being fuch admiral of our faid lord the king, and that feven other fhips of war of our faid lord the king, other part of the faid fquadron, were under repair at St. Lucia, in parts beyond the feas, and alfo that Francis Geary, efquire, then being one other of the admirals of our faid lord the king, was cruizing with a fquadron of other fhips of war of our faid lord the king between the Scilly Islands and Ufhant, and that certain fhips and veffels were getting ready with provifions for the faid fquadrons, and that a certain fhip of war of our faid lord the king called the Marlborough had failed from Spithead on Tuesday then laft paft to join the faid fquadron, and that certain other ships of war of our faid lord the king employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war were off Cherbourg in the kingdom of France; and afterwards, and during the faid war, viz. on the first day of Auguft, in the twentieth year aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor, wickedly and traitorously compofed and wrote certain accounts or lifts to certain fubjects of the French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in one of which accounts or lifts the faid defendant falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed to the enemies of our faid lord the king, the number, force, and statement of a certain fquadron of fhips of war of our faid lord the king then employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war, under the command of the faid F. G. then being one of the admirals of our faid lord the king, and in other of the faid accounts or lifts the faid defendant falfely, wicked.y, and traitorously notified, difcovered, and revcaled to the enemies of our faid lord the king, the number, names, and force of certain ships of war of B 2 our our faid lord the king in this realm, and the state and condition and destination of the fame fhips of war; and in another of the fame accounts or lifts he the faid defendant falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, disclosed, and revealed to the enemies of our faid lord the king the times of failing and deftination of divers other fhips of war of our faid lord the king, which had lately before that time failed from this kingdom, and also the number, ftate, condition, and force of divers other fhips of war of our faid lord the king, then in the ports of this kingdom; and in another of the faid accounts or lifts, he the faid defendant falfely, wickedly, and traitoroufly notified, difclofed, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king the stations of divers ships and veffels of our faid lord the king, then cruizing against the enemies of our faid lord the king; and afterwards, during the faid war, on the faid first day of Auguft, in the twentieth year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch false traitor as aforefaid, in profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously composed and wrote, and caufed and procured to be compofed and wrote, an account or state to be fent to certain fubjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid account or ftate the faid defendant notified, difclofed, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king, the number of the naval forces of our faid lord the king, as employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war under the command of certain admirals of our faid lord the king; and afterwards, and during the faid war, viz. on the ninth day of Auguft, in the twentieth year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, in profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote, and caused and procured to be compofed and wrote, a certain other letter to be fent to certain fubjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, and then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid laft-mentioned letter the faid defendant amongst other things falíely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king, that certain fhips of war of our faid lord the king, under the command of the faid F. G. then being one of the admirals of our faid lord the king, and that certain other fhips of war of our faid lord the king, were preparing to join the fquadron, and that certain other ships of war of our faid lord the king had failed under the command of Murray, efquire, then being one of the officers of the navy of our faid lord the king, and the place and deftination thereof; and afterwards, and during the faid war, viz. on the fifth day of September, in the twentieth year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in profecuting his faid treafon and treafonable purpofes aforefaid, wickedly, falfely, and traitorously compofed and wrote a certain other account to be fent to certain fubjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid laft laft-mentioned account the faid defendant amongst other things falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king the number and force of the ships of war of our faid lord the king then being within certain parts within this kingdom equipped for fervice, and alfo the number and force of other fhips of war of our faid lord the king then cruizing against the enemies of our faid lord the king, under the command of Robert Digby, efquire, then being one other of the admirals of our faid lord the king, and alfo the number and force of the ships of war of our faid lord the king then repairing in certain ports within this kingdom, and the time when certain other ships and veffels belonging to certain fubjects of our faid lord the king were expected to arrive at this kingdom, and the time when certain other ships and vessels belonging to certain fubjects of our faid lord the king were expected to arrive in this kingdom from the dominions of our faid lord the king, and other places in parts beyond the feas; and afterwards, and during the faid war, to wit, on the feventeenth November, in the twenty-first year of the reign of our faid lord the king, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, in profecution of his treafon and treasonable purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote, and caused to be compofed and wrote, a certain other letter to be fent to certain subjects of the said French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid laft-mentioned letter the faid defendant amongst other things falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king the time when a fquadron of fhips of war of our faid lord the king, under the command of G. D. efquire, then being one of the admirals of our faid lord the king employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war, was expected to return to this kingdom; and afterwards, and during the faid war, to wit, on the faid feventeenth day of November, in the twenty-fift year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, in profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purposes as aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote, and caufed and procured to be compofed and wrote, a certain account to be sent to certain fubjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid laft-mentioned account the faid defendant among other things falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king, the number of the land and sea forces of our faid lord the king in this kingdom, and other the dominions of our faid lord the king beyond the feas, and alfo the number of feamen in the service of our faid lord the king; and afterwards, and during the faid war, to wit, on the first day of December, in the twentyfirst year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforesaid, in profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purposes aforefa d, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote, and caufed B 3 to to be compofed and wrote, a certain other letter to be sent to certain fubjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord he king, in which faid laft-mentioned letter the faid defendant falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed, among other things, to the enemics of our faid lord the king, the time of the failing of a squadron of ships of war of our faid lord the king from this kingdom, under the command of Sir Samuel Hood, then being one of the admirals of our faid lord the king, and the destination of the said squadron; and the faid defendant, on the fame day and year laft aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, in profecution, and to promote his treason, imaginations, and compaffings aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously did fend, and procure to be fent, all and fingular the faid feveral letters, inftruments in writing, accounts or lifts, and accounts or statements, hereinbefore mentioned to have been wrote and compofed by him the faid defendant, from the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, to be delivered in parts beyond the feas to feveral perfons fubjects of the French king, then and yet being enemies of our faid lord the king; and that during the faid war, to wit, on the thirtieth day of June, in the twentieth year aforefaid, at the parifh aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, the faid defendant, as fuch false traitor as aforefaid, and in profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitoroufly did retain, hire, and procure, and caused to be retained, hired, and procured, one S. Radcliffe, then and there being mafter of a certain fhip or veffel, to carry and convey in the said fhip or veffel, from this kingdom to the kingdom of France, and there to deliver to certain fubjects of the faid French king, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, certain letters and inftructions in writing to inform the faid French king and his fubjects, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, of the ftate, condition, deftination, and stations, of the naval and military forces of this kingdom, and other advice and intelligence to enable and affilt the faid French king and his fubjects in the profecution and carrying on of the faid war against our faid lord the king and his fubjects: And the jurors aforefaid upon their oath aforefaid further prefent, that during the faid war, on the fifth day of January, in the twenty-first year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as such falle traitor as aforefaid, in further profecution of his faid treason and treafonable purpofes aforefaid, fecretly, knowingly, unlawfully, and traitorously did obtain, procure, and get into his hands, cuftody, and poffeffion, divers accounts in writing of the number and names of the fhips of war of our faid lord the king then being at a place called Spithead, near Portsmouth, in the county of Southampton, and alfo in the harbour of Portfmouth aforefaid, and the state and condition of feveral of the said ships, and of the deftination of fome of the faid fhips, and for what time fame of the faid fhips were victualled, and in what the faid fh.ps were employed, and the number and names of a iqua roofe inips of war of our faid lord the king then shortly expected to fail from the kingdom under the command of |