"confolidating certain Annuities which were made one joint Stock "by an Act of Parliament made in the Second Year of, &c. with "certain Annuities confolidated by feveral Acts made in the "Twenty-Fifth and Twenty-Sixth Years of George the Second, "and the Fifth of his prefent Majefty ;" and by another act of 22. Geo. 3. parliament, made in the twenty-fecond year, &c. intitled, “ An Act for raifing a certain Sum of Money by Way of Annuities, " and for establishing a Lottery;" the proprietors of which said annuities, so established as aforefaid, then, to wit, on the twentyfifth day of April, in the twenty-fecond year aforefaid, had, in refpect of the faid annuities, transferable fhares in the faid capital ftock of the faid annuities, in proportion to their respective annuities, to wit, at London aforefaid, that is to fay, at the parish of Saint Chriftopher le Stock, in the ward of Broad-Street, in London aforefaid; and that he the faid M. Groves, on the said twenty-sixth day of April, in the twenty-fecond year aforefaid, was the true and real proprietor of a fhare in the faid annuities, and in respect thereof then and there had the faid transferring share above-mentioned of and in the faid capital ftock of the faid annuities. And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, further prefent, that Henry Berthand, late of London, labourer, well knowing the premises, but wickedly devifing and intending the governor and company of the Bank of England to defraud, afterwards, to wit, on the twentyfixth day of April, in the twenty-fecond year aforefaid, with force and arms, at London aforefaid, that is to fay, at the parish of Saint Chriftopher aforefaid, in the ward of Broad-street, in London aforefaid, falfely, deceitfully, and feloniously did perfonate the faid M. G. the true and real proprietor of the faid one hundred pounds fhare of and in the faid capital stock of the faid annuities, and thereby did then and there feloniously transfer the faid one hundred pounds fhare of the faid M. G. of and in the faid capital ftock of the faid annuities unto one R. B. as if he the faid R. B. then was the true and lawful owner of the faid one hundred pounds share of and in the faid capital stock of the faid annuities, against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c. And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath 2d Count. aforefaid, further prefent, that the said M. G. on the twenty-fixth day of April, in the twenty-fecond year aforefaid, was poffeffed of and entitled to a fhare, to wit, one hundred pounds fhare of and in certain transferable annuities established by certain other acts of parliament made in the twenty-fifth year of, &c. (fet forth all the acts of parliament as in the first Count); and that the faid M. G. on the faid twenty-fifth day of April, in the twenty-second year aforefaid, was the true and real proprietor of the faid one hundred pounds fhare of and in the faid laft-mentioned annuities. And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, further present, that the faid H. B. well knowing the premises, but wickedly devifing and intending the governor and company of the Bank of England to deceive and defraud, to wit, on the faid twenty-fixth day of April, in the twenty-fecond year aforefaid, with force and arms, at London aforefaid 3d Count. 4th Count. aforefaid, that is to fay at the parish of, &c. in the ward of, &c. in London aforefaid, falfely, deceitfully and feloniously did perfonate the faid M. G. the true and real proprietor of the faid hundred pound fhare, of and in the faid laft mentioned annuities, and thereby did then and there feloniously transfer the faid one hundred pounds thare of the faid M. G. of and in the faid laft-mentioned annuities, unto one R. P. as if he the faid R. B. then was the true and real proprietor of the faid one hundred pounds fhare of and in the said annuities, against the form, &c. and against the peace, &c. And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, further prefent, that the faid M. G. on the faid twenty-fixth of April, in the twentyfecond year aforefaid, was poffeffed of and intitled to a certain other fhare, to wit, one hundred pounds fhare, of and in certain annuities, in refpect which of the proprietors of the said last-mentioned annuities, then had transferable fhares of and in the faid capital ftock of annuities, eftablifhed by certain other acts of Parliament, that is to fay, by, &c. (fet forth all the acts as above), in proportion to their refpective annuities, and that he the faid M. G. &c. (as in laft Count), against the form, &c. and againft the peace, &c. (4th Count fame as the third). Defendant was tried in September feffions, 1782, at the Old Bailey, and convicted: Mr. Graves was admitted to give evidence, it appearing that the Bank had replaced his stock, by which his intereft in proving that he had not transferred is removed, Indictment for a house con tempting to fet MISDEMEANOR. BURNING DWELLING-HOUSES. SURRY. The jurors for our lord the king, upon their oath arfon in fetting prefent, that A. B. late of the parish of S. in the county of S. carfire to a floor in penter, being a perfon of a wicked mind and difpofition, and untiguous to others, lawfully and maliciously, devifing and intending to fet on fire and with intent to burn a certain house belonging to him the faid A. B. fituate in the fet it on fire. parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, on the twenty-eighth day 2d Count for at- of May, in the thirty-third year of the reign of our fovereign lord his own houfe George the Third, king of Great Britain, &c. with force and arms, at the parish aforelaid, in the county aforefaid, unlawfully, wickedly, and maliciously did fet fire to a certain part of the wooden floor of and belonging to the faid houfe, which faid wooden floorwas then and there placed on the ground floor of the faid houfe, which Jaid houfe was then and there contiguous and near to a certain davelling boufe of and belonging to divers of the liege fubjects of our faid lord the king, fituate in the parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, with a wicked intention by means of fuch fetting fire to the on fire. faid 1 faid part of the faid wooden floor, of and belonging to the faid house, of the faid A. B. then and there unlawfully, wilfully, and maliciufly to fet on fire and burn the faid houfe of the faid A. B. to the great damage, danger, terror, and affrightment of all the liege fubjects of our faid lord the king, near the house of the faid A. B. then and there inhabiting and dwelling; in contempt of our faid lord the king and his laws, to the evil example, &c and against the peace, &c. And the jurors, &c. that the faid A. B. being, &c. ad Count, afterwards, to wit, on, &c. at, &c. unlawfully and malicioufly did attempt then and there to fet on fire and burn a certain houfe of the faid . B. fituate in the parish, &c. (conclude this count with the words in Italic in the firit). N. B. If the houfe was actually on fire, and part burnt, leave out the words in the ad Count in Italic. MIDDLESEX. The jurors for our lord the king upon their Indictment for oth prefent, that Elizabeth Wead, late of the parish of Saint felting fire to James, Clerkenwell, in the county of Middlefex, finglewoman, part of the wainbeing a perfon of a wicked mind and difpofition, and not having which defendant the fear of God before her eyes, but being moved and feduced by lodged, in ༢ the inftigation of the devil, on the twenty-first day of May, in the houfe contiguous twenty-lixth year of the reign of our fovercin lord George the to others. Thid king of Great Britain, &c with force and arms, at the parifh aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, unlawfully, wilfully, and maliciously did fet fire to part of the wainscot of and belonging to a certain room, then being in the occupation of her the faid Elizabeth Wead, and then being parcel of the dwelling houfe of Edward Dod, fituate in a certain ftreet called Great Bath-street, in the par fh aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, and which faid dwellinghoufe there was contiguous and adjoining to certain other dwellinghoufes, thereof and belonging to divers of the liege fubjects of our faid lord the king, with a wicked intention by means thereof, then and there unlawfully, wilfully, and malicioufly to burn and confume the faid room, and two other rooms, then and there being in the occupation of her the faid Elizabeth Wead, and which faid laftmentioned rooms then were alfo parcel of the faid dwelling-houfe of him the faid Edward Dod, to the great damage of the faid Edward Dod, to the great danger, terror, and affrightment of all the liege fubjects of our faid lord the king, near the faid dwelling houfe of the faid Edward Dod, then and there inhabiting and dwelling, in contempt of our faid lord the king, and his laws, and against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity: And the 2d Count, for jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, further prefent, that the putting faid Elizabeth Wead, being fuch perfon as aforefaid, afterwards powder (that is to fay), on the faid twenty-firft day of May, in the twen- a trunk, in the ty-fixth year aforefaid, with force and arms, at the parifh aforefaid, dining-room. in the county aforefaid, unlawfully, wickedly, and maliciously did fet fire to a certain quantity of gunpowder, (to wit), one 2 ounce gunand combustibles in 3d Count for at tempting to fet fire to three other rooms, ounce of gunpowder, then lately before put by her the said Elizabeth Wead, into a certain wooden trunk, among divers combustible materials, then being in the faid trunk, and which faid trunk, then was placed in a certain room, there called the dining room, then and there being in the occupation of her the faid Elizabeth Wead, and which faid room, called the dining-room, then was parcel of the faid dwelling-house of him the faid Edward Dod, fituate in a certain ftreet, called Great Bath-street, in the parish aforefaid, in the said county aforefaid, and which faid dwelling-house then was contiguous and adjoining to certain other dwelling-houses, thereof and belonging to divers of the liege subjects of our faid lord the king, with a wicked intention by means thereof, then and there unlawfully, wilfully, and maliciously to fet on fire and burn the faid room, called the dining room, so then being in the occupation of her the faid Elizabeth Wead, to the great damage of the faid Edward Dod, to the great danger, terror, and affrightment of all the liege fubjects of our faid lord the king near the faid dwelling house of the faid Edward Dod, then and there inhabiting and dwelling, in contempt of our faid lord the king, and his laws, and against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity: And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, further present, that the faid Elizabeth Wead, being fuch perfon as aforefaid, afterwards, (that is to fay), on the faid twentyfirst day of May, in the twenty-fixth year aforefaid, with force and arms, at the parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, unlawfully, wickedly, and maliciously did attempt then and there to fet fire to, and burn and confume certain rooms, (to wit), three rooms of and belonging to the dwelling-houfe of the faid Edward Dod, fituate in a certain ftreet called Great Bath-street, in the parish aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, and which faid laft-mentioned rooms, then and there were in the occupation of her the faid Elizabeth Wead, the faid laft-mentioned dwelling-houfe there being contiguous and adjoining to certain other dwelling houses, thereof and belonging to divers of the liege fubjects of our faid lord the king, to the great danger and affrightment of all the liege fubjects of our faid lord the king, near the faid dwelling-house of the faid Edward Dod, then and there inhabiting and dwelling, in contempt of our faid lord the king and his laws, and against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity. I approve of this draft. V. GIBBS. Counts of the like fort, with intention V. GIBES. Indictment a gainst a ASSAULT. MIDDLESEX. The jurors for our fovereign lord the king mander in comer upon their oath prefent, that Sir R. B. late of Weftminster, in the in chief of one of the Eaft-India provinces, for an affault and imprisoning the profecutor there for ten months county county of Middlesex, knight, was heretofore employed in the East Indies, in the fervice of the united company of merchants of England, trading to the East Indies, commonly called the "East India Company," in a military capacity, that is to fay as commander in chief of the faid Company's forces, at the fortrefs of Allahabad, in the province of Allahabad, in the East Indies, and that the faid Sir R. B. during the time that he was fo employed, to wit, from the tenth of March, in the feventh year of the reign of our fovereign lord the king, was guilty of an offence against one Thomas Davie, one of his majefty's fubjects beyond the feas in the Eaft Indies aforefaid, to wit, within his jurifdiction, that is to say at A. aforefaid, for that he the faid Sir R. B. then and there, with force and arms, to wit, with fwords, ftaves, and fticks in and upon the faid T. D. in the peace of God and our faid lord the king then and there being, did make an affault, and him the faid T. D. did beat, wound, and ill-treat, fo that his life was greatly defpaired of, and him the faid T. D. then and there with force and arms, unlawfully, injuriously, oppreffively, and against the will of him the faid T. D. and against the laws of that part of Great Britain called England, without any legal warrant or authority, and without any reasonable or probable cause whatsoever, did imprifon, and detain in prison, for a long space of time, to wit, for the space of ten months then next following, that is to fay, at Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, and other wrongs to the faid T. D. then and there did to the great damage of the faid T. D. in contempt of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity, &c. And the jurors aforefaid, ad Count, upon their oath aforefaid, do further prefent, that the faid Sir R. B. was heretofore in the East Indies, in the fervice of the united company of merchants of England trading to the Eaft Indies, commonly called the "Eaft India Company," in a military capacity, that is to fay, as commander in chief of the faid company's forces at the fortrefs of Allahabad, in the province of Allahabad, in the East Indies, and that the faid Sir R. B. during the time that he was fo employed, to wit, on the tenth day of March in the feventh year aforefaid, was guilty of an offence against the faid T. D. one of his majesty's fubjects beyond the feas, in the Eaft Indies aforefaid, to wit, within his jurifdiction, that is to fay at Allahabad aforefaid, and alfo at Moughier, in the province of Bahar, in the Eaft Indies, and at Calcutta, in the Eaft Indies, for that he the faid Sir R. B. then and there, that is to fay at Allahabad aforefaid, with force and arms, to wit, with fwords, ftaves, and fticks, in and upon the faid T. D. in the peace of God and of our faid lord the king then and there being, did make an affault, and him the said T. D. did then and there beat, wound, and ill-treat, fo that his life was greatly despaired of, and him the faid T. D. then and there, with force and arms, wrongfully, unlawfully, injuriously, and oppreffively, against the will of the faid T. D. and against the laws of that part of Great Britain called England, without any legal warrant or authority, and without any reafonable or probable cause whatsoever, did imprifon and detain in prifon for a long time, to |