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Abergavenny, in and for the county of Monmouth, on Wednesday the tenth of January, in the twenty-feventh year of the reign of our fovereign lord George the Third, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, before John Hambury, efquire, and other juftices of our faid lord the king of the county of Monmouth, and alfo affigned to hear and determine divers felonies, trefpaffes, and other mifdemeanors committed and done in the faid county, George Williams did exhibit and prefer a certain bill of indictment in writing against Edmund William Rees (by the name of Edmund William Rees, late of, &c.) to (name all the grand jury) good and lawful men of the faid county, then and there fworn and charged to enquire for our faid lord the king for the body of the faid county, which said bill The indictment. followeth in thefe words, to wit: "Monmouthshire. The jurors of our lord the king on their oath prefent, that E. W. Rees, late of, &c. on the firft January, in the twenty-feventh year, &c. with force and arms, at the parifh aforefaid, in the county aforesaid, a fmall quantity of hay, of the value of fixpence, of the goods and chattels of one George Williams, then and there being found, then and there feloniously did fteal, take, and carry away, against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity;" and afterwards, to wit, at the fame general quarter feffions of the peace of our faid lord the king, holden for the county aforefaid, at Abergavenny aforefaid, on the faid tenth day of January in the year aforefaid, before the aforefaid juftices of our faid lord the king and others their fellows aforefaid, the faid bill of indictment was by the fame jurors above named then and there returned to the said court at the fame general quarter feffions of the peace holden in and for the faid county, thus indorfed, "No true bill."

Drawn by MR. GRAHAM,

Indictment for ESSEX, The jurors for our fovereign lord the now king felony against a upon their oaths prefent, that Elizabeth Bourne, late of the parish fervant, for em- of Weft Ham, in the faid county of Effex, fpinster, on the

mafter's goods

master's ufe.

bezzling her day of March, in the feventeenth year of the reign of our fovereign delivered to her lord George the Third, king of Great Britain, &c. then being a to keep for her fervant to one A. B. and not an apprentice, or a perfon within the age of eighteen years, he the faid A. B. did then and there, upon confidence and truf, deliver unto his faid fervant ten pounds weight of beef, ten pounds weight of mutton, ten pounds weight of pork, and forty pounds weight of bread, of the value of thirty fhillings, of the goods and chattels of him the faid A. B. fafely to keep the fame goods and chattels to the use of him the faid A. B.; and that fhe the faid Elizabeth Bourne afterwards, to wit, on the faid day of March, in the feventeenth year aforefaid, with force and arms, at the parifh aforefaid, in the faid county aforefaid, did withdraw berfelf from the faid A. B. her faid mafter, and feloniously did go away with the fame goods and chattels, to the intent to fteal the fame, and defraud the faid A. B. her faid mafter thereof, contrary


contrary to the truft and confidence to her the said Elizabeth Bourne put by the faid A. B. her faid mafter, against the form of the ftatute in that cafe made and provided, and against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity.

WILTS. Be it remembered, that at the feffion of oyer and Record of an terminer of our lord the king, held at New Sarum, in and for the indictment for county of Wilts, on Saturday the fourteenth day of March, in the ftealing facks of leventh year of the reign of our fovereign lord George the Third, king of Great Britain, &c. before the honourable Sir Henry Gould, knight, one of the juftices of his majefty's court of common pleas, the honourable James Hewitt, efquire, one of the juftices of his majefty's court of king's bench, and others their fellows, juftices of our faid lord the king, affigned by letters patent of our faid lord the king, under his great feal of Great Britain, to them the faid Sir Henry Gould, James Hewitt, and others, fome two or more of them, directed (and of whom, fome or one of them the faid Sir Henry Gould, knight, and James Hewitt, efquire, our faid lord the king willed to be one) to enquire more fully the truth, by the oath of good and lawful men of the faid county, and by other ways, means, and methods, by which they fhould or might better know, as well within liberties as without, by whom the truth of the matter might be the better known and enquired into, of all treafons, mifprifions of treafon, infurrections, rebellions, counterfeitings, clippings, wathings, falfe coinings, and other falfities of the money of Great Britain, and other kingdoms or dominions whatfoever, and of all murders, felonies, manflaughters, killings, burglaries, rapes of women, unlawful meetings and conventicles, unlawful uttering of words, affemblies, mifprifions, confederacies, falfe allegations, trefpaffes, riots, routs, retentions, efcapes, contempts, falfities, negligences, concealments, maintenances, oppreffions, champarties, deceits, and all other evil doings, offences, and injuries whatsoever, and alfo the acceffaries of them within the faid county, as well within liberties as without, by whomsoever, and in what manner foever done, committed, or perpetrated, and the faid treasons, and other the premises, according to the laws and cuftoms of England, for this time to hear and determine, by the oath of Thomas Goddard, John Jacob, Charles Penruddock, Charles Penruddock, the younger, Nicholas Elliott, Thomas Bennett, John Awdry, William Wyndham, Doddington Egerton, Edward Poore, the younger, John Methuen Poore, Richard Southby, Edward Scroggs, William Hayler, Thomas Phipps, John Cooper, and William Talk, efquires, good and lawful men of the faid county, then and there fworn and charged to enquire for our faid lord the king for the body of the faid county, it is prefented in manner and form following, that is to fay: "Wilts. The jurors for our The indictment. lord the king upon their oath prefent, that Richard Byrt, late of the parish of Cricklade Saint Sampfon, in the county of Wilts, yeoman, on the twenty-fixth day of September, in the fixth year




of the reign of our fovereign lord George the Third, now king of Great Britain, &c. with force and arms, at the parish aforeTen facks of faid, in the county aforesaid, ten facks of wheat, of the value of twelve pounds, of the goods and chattels of one Christopher Saunders, then and there being found, unlawfully and injuriously did feize, take, and carry away, against the peace of our faid lord the zd Count, two king, his crown and dignity. And the jurors aforefaid upon their facks of wheat oath aforefaid, do further prefent, that the faid Richard Byrt afterwards, to wit, on the faid twenty-fixth day of September, in the fixth year aforefaid, with force and arms, at the parish aforesaid, in the county aforefaid, two facks of wheat meal, of the value of three pounds, of the goods and chattels of one Charles Hooke, then and there being found, unlawfully and injuriously did feize, take, and carry away, against the peace of our faid lord the king, his Plea, not guilty. crown and dignity:" At which fame feffion of over and terminer of our faid lord the king, holden at New Sarum aforefaid, in and for the faid county, on the faid fourteenth day of March, in the seventh year of the reign aforefaid, before the fame juftices, cometh the faid Richard Byrt in his own proper perfon; and having heard the said indictment read, fays, he is not guilty thereef, and thereupon puts himself upon the country; and Richard Maddock, efquire, clerk of affize, and clerk of the crown of the faid county, who profecutes Award of venire. for our faid lord the king in this behalf, doth the like: Therefore the sheriff of the faid county is commanded that he do not omit by reafon of any liberty in his bailiwick, but that he cause to come before the juftices of our lord the king at the next feffion of oyer and terminer to be holden for the faid county, twelve good and lawful men of the neighbourhood of Cricklade Saint Sampfon aforefaid, by whom the truth of the matter will be the better known, and who have no affinity to the faid Richard Byrt, to recognize upon their oath whether the faid Richard Byrt be guilty of the premises in the indictment aforefaid above specified or not, because as well the faid Richard Maddock, who, &c. as the faid Richard Byrt, have put themselves upon that jury, the fame day is given to the faid parties at the fame place: at which next feffion of oyer and terminer of our faid lord the king, holden at New Sarum aforefaid, in and for the faid county, on Saturday the first day of Auguft, in the feventh year of the reign of our faid lord the king aforefaid, before the honourable Sir Jofeph Yates, knight, one of the juftices of his majefty's court of king's bench, the faid James Hewitt, efquire, and others their fellows, juftices of our faid lord the king, affigned by letters patent of our faid lord the king under his great feal of Great Britain, to enquire of all treafons, murders, felonies, and all other evil doings, offences, and injuries whatsoever within the faid county, as well within liberties as without, by whomfoever, and in what manner foever done, committed, or perpetrated; and the faid treafons, and other the premises, according to the laws and cuftoms of England, for this time to hear and determine, &c. &c.

Dies datus.




SURRY, to wit. The jurors for our lord the king, For the murder against upon their oath, prefent, that Mary Taylor other- of her own male TAYLOR. wife Tayler, late of the parifh of Wimbledon, in the child, by firangfad county of Surry, wife of John Taylor, otherwife Tayler, on the ling it. twenty-first day of March, in the twenty-fecond year of the reign of our prefent fovereign lord George the Third, &c. being big with a urtain infant male child, by the providence of God, and folely, and fecretly brought forth the faid infant male child alive, from the body of her the faid M. T. otherwife T. and that the faid M. T. not having the fear of God before her eyes, but being moved and feduced by the inftigation of the devil, afterwards, to wit, on the fame day and year aforefaid, and as foon as the faid infant male child was born, with force and arms, at the parish of Wimbledon aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, in and upon the faid infant male child, then and there being alive, and then and there being in the peace of God, and of our faid lord the king, feloniously, voluntarily, and of ber malice aforethought, did make an affault, and that the faid M. the faid infant male child being alive, voluntarily, and of her malice aforethought, did then and there take in both her hands, and the faid infant male child, fo being alive, then and therewith, both her bands aforefaid, fixed about the neck of the faid infant male child, fo being alive, felonioufly, voluntarily, and of her malice aforethought, did choak and ftrangle, of which faid choaking and ftrangling of the faid infant male child aforefaid, with both the faid hands of the said M. the said infant male child, then and there inftantly died; and fo the jurors aforefaid fay that the faid M. the faid infant male child, in manner and form aforefaid, feloniously, voluntarily, and of her malice aforethought, killed and murdered, against the peace, &c. (2d Count extly the fame as 1ft, only 2d Count, for flating it to be for the murder of her infant female child, by own female child frangling as in firft Count.-3d Count for the murder of a certain infant child by ftrangling it). And the jurors aforefaid, &c. 3d Count for do further prefent, that the faid M. T. otherwife T. on the twen- own infant child ty-firft day of March, in the twenty-fecond year of the reign by ftrangling it. aforefaid, being big with a certain other infant male child, &c. &c. did make an affault, and that the faid M. the faid infant male murder of her 4th Count, for child laft aforefaid, fo being alive, did then and there take and own infant male carry to a certain fhed, part of a certain building, called the work- child by hiding houfe, in the parish aforefaid, and the fame infant male child, laft and Arangling it aforefaid, fo being alive, did then and there in the faid fhed, feloniously, voluntarily, and of her malice aforethought, hide, fecrete, and conceal, and the fame infant male child, last as aforefaid, fo being alive, and fo being hidden, fecreted, and concealed, the the faid M. did then and there feloniously, voluntarily, and of her own malice aforethought, leave and defert, and to nourish, fuftain, and provide for the fame infant male child laft aforefaid, fo

murder of her

murder of her

7th Count.

being alive, the the faid M. did then and there wholly neglect and refufe, by reason of which, and hiding, fecreting, and concealing the fame infant male child, laft aforefaid, in manner aforefaid, by the faid M. and of the faid refusal and neglect of the faid M. to nourish, fuftain, or provide for the faid infant male child, laft aforefaid, fo being alive, the faid infant male child laft aforefaid, then and therein inftantly died, and fo the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, fay that the faid M. on the fame day and year laftaforefaid, at the parifh aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, the faid infant male child laft aforefaid, in manner and form aforefaid, feloniously, voluntarily, and of her malice aforethought, killed 5th Count for and murdered, against the peace, &c. (5th Count, for murder of the murder of a certain other infant female child, by hiding and ftarving it: 6th her own female Count, for murder of a certain other infant child, by hiding and child by hiding and starving it. ftarving it.) N. B. put in the words, " to the jurors aforefaid un6th Count, for "known," in this count, at the in the 4th Count, &c. And the the murder of jurors aforefaid do further prefent, that the faid M. T. otherwise her own infant T. on the faid twenty-first day of March, in the faid twenty-fecond child by hiding and starving it. year of the reign aforefaid not having the fear of God before her. eyes, but being moved and feduced by the inftigation of the devil, with force and arms, at the parish of W. aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, in and upon a certain other infant child, to the jurors aforefaid at prefent unknown, then and there lately born, and being alive, and then and there being in the peace of God, and of our faid lord the king, felonioufly, &c. did made an assault, and that the faid M. the faid infant child, to the jurors aforesaid unknown, and being alive, felonioufly, &c. did then and there take both her hands, and the faid infant child laft aforesaid, to the jurors aforefaid, unknown, fo being alive, then and there with both her hands aforefaid, fixed about the neck of the fame infant child, laft aforefaid, unknown, fo being alive, feloniously, &c. did choak and ftrangle, of which faid choaking and strangling of the said infant child laft aforefaid, to the jurors aforefaid unknown, with both the hands of the said M. the faid infant child laft aforefaid, to the jurors aforefaid unknown, then and there inftantly died, and fo the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, fay that the faid M. the faid infant child laft aforefaid, to the jurors aforefaid unknown, in manner and form laft aforefaid, feloniously, &c. killed and murdered, against the peace, &c. That she made an affault upon a certain other infant child, to the jurors aforefaid unknown, and fecreted it, &c. (ftated the fame as the foregoing).

3th Count.


The defendant was tried at Kingston, in Surry, at the Summer Affizes 1782, and acquitted for want of evidence, to prove the actual delivery, or that

the child found washers.—Ashhurst, before whom it was tried, approved of thisindi&tment.

MIDDLESEX, to wit. The jurors for our fovereign lord the against defen- king upon their oath prefent, that Edward Quirk, late of &c. in

dan: for murder,

making an assault on G. H. and beating him with a stick in fuch a manner, that he died.

&c. labourer,

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