in profecution of his treafon and treasonable purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote a certain other letter, to be fent to certain fubjects of the faid French king, in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which aid laft-mentioned letter, the faid defendant among other things falfely, wickedly, and traitorously difclofed and revealed to the enemies of our faid lord the king, when a fquadron of fhips of war of our faid lord the king, under the command of G. Darby, efquire, then being one of the admirals of our faid lord the king, and then employed in profecuting and carrying on the faid war, . on the faid feventeenth day of November, in the twenty-firft year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, in profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable adhering and purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote, and caufed to be compofed and wrote, a certain account to be sent to certain fubjects of the faid French king, in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which said laft-mentioned account, he the faid defendant, among other things falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed to the faid enemies of our faid lord the king, the number of land and feaforces of our faid lord the king in this kingdom, and other dominions of our faid lord the king, and afterwards, and during the faid war, . on the faid first day of December, in the year aforefaid, in the parifh aforefaid, in the faid county of Middlefex, he the faid defendant, as fuch faite traitor as aforefaid, in prosecution of his said treafon and treasonable adhering and purposes aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously compofed and wrote, and caufed and procured to be composed and wrote a certain other letter to be sent to certain fubjects of the faid French king in parts beyond the feas, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, in which faid last-mentioned letter, the faid defendant falfely, wickedly, and traitorously notified, difclofed, and revealed among other things, to the enemies of our faid lord the king, the time of failing of a fquadron of fhips of war of our faid lord the king, under the command of Sir Samuel Hood, then being one of the admirals of our faid lord the king, from this kingdom, and the deftination of the faid fquadron; and the faid defendant on the fame day and year laft aforesaid, at the parifh aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, in profecution of his faid traitorous adhering purposes, defendant to the faid Louis the French king and his fubjects, enemies of our faid lord the king, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously did fend and procure to be fent, all and fingular the said several letters, inftructions in writing, accounts or lifts, and accounts or states, hereinbefore mentioned to have been wrote and compofed by him the faid defendant from the parifh aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, to be delivered in parts beyond the feas to several subjects of the faid French king, then and yet being enemies of our faid lord the king, and that during the faid war, on the thirtieth day of June, in the twentieth year aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, and n profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable adhering and papoles aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously did retain, bre, and procure, and caufed, and procured to be retained, hired, and procured one Stephen Ratcliffe, then and there being mafter of a certain fhip or veffel, to carry or convey in the faid fhip or veffel, from this kingdom to the kingdom of France, and thereto deliver to certain fubjects of the faid French king, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, certain letters and inftructions in writing, to inform the faid French king, and his fubjects, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king, of the itate, condition, deftination, and ftation of the naval and military forces of this kingdom, and other advice and intelligence, to enable and affift the faid French king and his fubjects in the profecution and carrying on the faid war against our faid lord the king and his fubjects: And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, further present that during the faid war, . on the fifth day of January, in the twenty-first year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, he the faid defendant, as such falfe traitor as aforefaid, in further profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable adhering and purposes aforefaid, fecretly, knowingly, unlawfully, and traitorously did obtain, procure and get into his hands, cuftody and poffeffion, divers accounts in writing of the number and names of the fhips of war of our faid lord the king, then being at a place called Spithead near Portsmouth aforefaid, in the county of Southampton, and alfo in the harbour of Portsmouth aforefaid, and the ftate and condition of feveral of the faid fhips, and the deftination of fome of the faid fhips, and for what time fome of the faid fhips were then expected to be employed, and of the number and names of a fquadron of fhips of war of our faid lord the king, then fhortly expected to fail from this kingdom, under the command of the faid G. Johnson, efquire, then being, &c. and of the time for which the faid fquadron was victualied, and of certain regiments of the army of our faid lord the king then expected to be taken to fea in the faid fquadron, and also of the ftate and condition of divers fhips of war of our faid lord the king in parts beyond the feas, and alfo of certain fhips of war of our faid lord the king employed in cruizing against the enemies of this realm, and of the fervice of which the faid fhips were fo employed, in order and with intent to fend, and cause to be fent the fame accounts, or the fubftance and contents thereof, to certain fubjects of the faid French king, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king; for that purpose the faid defendant, afterwards, to wit, on the fame day and year laft aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously did convey the said accounts to the dwelling houfe of one R. O. fituate in the parish aforefaid, in the faid county of Middlefex: And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, further prefent that during the faid war, to wit, on the faid eleventh day of January, in the twentieth year aforesaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the faid county of Middlefex, he the faid defendant, as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, in further profecution Indiament for profecution of his faid treafon and treasonable purpofes aforefaid, unlawfully and traitorously did retain, hire, and employ one H. L. to obtain accounts and intelligence of the fhips of war of our faid lord the king which should fail from Spithead aforefaid, and of the times of failing, and of the names, force, and deftination of fuch ships of war, and allo the arrival at Spithead aforefaid of fuch fhips of war of our faid lord the king as should be in the harbour of Portfmouth, and of the ftate, condition, and force of fuch fhips, and of the times when fuch fhips should fail, and of the deftination of fuch fhips, and to communicate fuch accounts and intelligence to the faid defendant, in order that he the faid defendant might fend fuch accounts and intelligence to the fubjects of the faid French king, then and yet enemies of our faid lord the king: And the jurors further prefent, that during the faid war, to wit, on the fifth day of January, in the twenty-first year aforefaid, at the parish aforefaid, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, as fuch falfe traitor as aforefaid, and in further profecution of his treafon and treasonable adhering and purposes, falfely, wickedly, and traitorously did retain, hire, and employ, the faid H. L. to obtain information and give intelligence of the failing of the faid fquadron of fhips of our faid lord the king then fhortly expected to fail from Spithead aforefaid under the command of G. Johnson, then being one of the officers in the navy of our faid lord the king, and of the time when fuch fquadron fhould fail, and the number and force of such ships of the said squadron, and immediately to fend and caufe to be fent fuch information and intelligence to certain fubjects of the faid French king, then and yet being enemies of our faid lord the king, against the duty of the allegiance of him the faid defendant, against the peace of our faid prefent fovereign lord the king, his crown and dignity, and alfo against the form of the ftatute in fuch case made and provided. MIDDLESEX, to wit. Be it remembered, that at a fpecial high treason, in feffion of oyer and terminer of our fovereign lord the king, of and procuring conventions to be for the county of Middlefex, holden at the feffion-house, on Clerkheld in order to enwell-green, in the faid county, on Thurfday the fecond day of levy war against October, in the thirty-fourth year of the reign of our fovereign lord the king and al- George the 1 hird, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, ter the govern- and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, and fo forth, before the right ment. honourable Sir James Eyre, knight, chief justice of our faid lord the king of his court of common pleas; the right honourable Sir Archibald Macdonald, knight, chief baron of our faid lord the king of his court of exchequer; the honourable Sir Beaumont Hotham, knight, one of the barons of our faid lord the king of his faid court of exchequer; the honourable Sir Francis Buller, baronet, one of the juftices of our faid lord the king of his faid court of common pleas; the honourable Sir Nafh Grofe, knight, one of the juftices of our faid lord the king affigned to hold pleas before the king himself; the honourable Sir Soulden Lawrence, knight, one other of the juftices of our faid lord the king affigned to hold pleas before the king him felf, self, and others their fellows, juftices and commiffioners of our faid lord the king, affigned by letters patent of our faid lord the king, under his great feal of Great Britain, made to them and others, and any three or more of them (of whom one of them, the aforefaid Sir James Eyre, Sir Archibald Macdonald, Sir Beaumont Hotham, Sir Francis Buller, Sir Nafh Grofe, and Sir Soulden Lawrence, our faid lord the king willed fhould be one to inquire, by the oath of good and lawful men of the county of Middlesex, of all high treasons in compaffing or imagining the death of our lord the king, levying war against our lord the king in his realm, or in adhering to the enemies ofour faid lord the king in his realm, giving to them aid and comfort in his realm or elsewhere, and of all mifprifions of fuch high treafons as aforefaid, or of any of them, within the county aforefaid (as well within liberties as without), by whomfoever, and in what manner foever done, committed, or perpetrated, when, how, and after what manner, and of all other articles and circumstances concerning the premifes, and every or any of them, in any manner whatsoever, and the faid treafons and mifprifions of treasons, according to the laws and cuftoms of England, for this time to hear and determine by the oath of Benjamin Winthrop, efq. William Pardoe Allett, efq. Henry Peter Khuff, efq. Samuel Hawkins, efq. and John Campbell, efq. good and lawful men of the county aforefaid, now here, fworn and charged to inquire for our faid lord the king for the body of the faid county touching and concerning the premifes in the faid letters patent mentioned. It is prefented in manner and form as followeth, that is to fay: Middlefex, to wit. The jurors for our fovereign lord the king upon their oath prefent, that Thomas Hardy, late of Westminster, in the county of Middlefex, fhoemaker; John Horne Tooke, late of Wimbledon, in the county of Surry, clerk; John Auguftus Bonney, late of the parish of St. Giles in the Fields, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, gentleman; Stewart Kyd, late of London, efquire, Jeremiah Joyce, late of the parish of St. Mary le Bone, otherwife Marybone, in the county of Middlefex aforefaid, gentleman; Thomas Holcroft, late of the parish of Saint Mary le Bone, otherwife Marybone, aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, gentleman; John Richter, late of Westminster, in the said county of Middlefex, gentleman; John Thelwall, late of Weftminfter, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, gentleman; and John Baxter, Baxter (a), late of the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, labourer; being fubjects of our faid lord the king, not having the fear of God in their hearts, nor weighing the duty of their allegiance, but being moved and feduced by the inftigation of the devil, as falfe traitors against our said lord the king, their fupreme, true, lawful, and undoubted lord, and wholly withdrawing the cordial love and true and due obedience which every true and faithful fubject of our faid lord the king fhould and of right ought to bear towards our faid lord the king, and contriving, and with all their ftrength intending, traitorously to break and difturb the peace and common tranquillity of this kingdom of Great Britain, and to ftir, move, and excite infurrection, rebellion, and war, against our faid lord the king, within this kingdom, and to fubvert and alter the legiflature, rule, and government, now duly and happily established in this kingdom, and to depofe our faid lord the king from the royal ftate, title, power, and government of this kingdom, and to bring and put our faid lord the king to death, on the first day of March, in the thirty-third year of the reign of our fovereign lord the now king, and on divers other days and times, as well before as after, at the parith of Saint Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, maliciously and traitorously, with force and arms, &c. did amongst themselves, and together with divers other falfe traitors, whofe names are to the faid jurors unknown, confpire, compafs, imagine, and intend to ftir up, move, and excite infurrection, rebellion, and war, against our faid lord the king within this kingdom of Great Britain, and to fubvert and alter the legislature, rule, and government, now duly and happily established within this kingdom of Great Britain, and to depofe our faid lord the king from the royal ftate, title, power, and government of this kingdom, and to bring and put our faid lord the king to death. And to fulfil, perfect, and bring to effect their most evil and wicked treafon, and treasonable compaffings and imaginations aforefaid, the faid Thomas Hardy, John Horne Tooke, John Auguftus Bonney, Stewart Kyd, Jeremiah Joyce, Thomas Holcroft, John Richter, John Thelwall, and John Baxter, as fuch false traitors as aforefaid, with force and arms, on the faid first day of March, in the thirty-third year aforefaid, and on divers other days and times as well before as after, at the parish of St. Giles aforefaid, in the county of Middlesex aforefaid, maliciously and traitoroufly did meet, confpire, confult, and agree among themselves, and together with divers other falfe traitors, whose names are to the faid jurors unknown, to caufe and procure a convention and meeting of divers fubjects of our faid lord the king to be affembled and held within this kingdom, with intent and in order that the perfons to be affembled at fuch convention and meeting fhould and might, wickedly and traitorously, without, and in defiance of the authority, (a) Thomas Wardle, Matthew Moore, and Richard Hodgfon were likewife in the indictment; but thefe perfons did not appear. and |