be a rough. headbo did then and there obtain of and from the faid W. S. the fum of one fhilling of lawful money of Great Britain, of the money of faid W. S. upon colour and pretence that he the faid C. O. would procure and get the faid warrant difcharged by one of the juftices. of the peace of the faid lord the king, affigned to keep the king's peace in the county aforefaid, without any proceedings being had before any one juftice of the peace for the faid county; whereas in truth and in fact, the faid C. O. did not procure and get the faid warrant discharged, to the great damage of the faid W. S. to the evil example of all others in the like cafe offending, and against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity: And 2d count, ftatthe jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, do further prefent ing defendant to that the faid C. O. afterwards, to wit, on, &c. in, &c. then being one of the headboroughs of, &c. in, &c. at, &c. in, &c. did take the faid W. S. into his cuftody, by virtue of a certain warrant of J. G. efquire (then being one of juftices of the peace of our faid lord the king, affigned to keep the king's peace, in and for the faid county, and the faid W. S. fo being in the cuftody of the faid C. O. as aforefaid, he the faid C. O. then and there unlawfully and injuriously did obtain of and from the faid W. S. the fum of one fhilling, of lawful, &c. of the monies of the faid W. S. under colour and pretence of difcharging the faid W. S. out of his cuftody, and of getting the faid warrant difcharged, without conveying the faid W. S. before any juftice of the peace for the faid county; whereas, in truth and in fact, the faid C. O. did not get the faid warrant difcharged, to the great damage of the faid W. S. to the evil example of all others in the like cafe offending, and against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity. ment against a WILTS, The jurors for our lord the king upon their Indictment aoath prefent, that Jofeph Norton late of H. in the parish of gainft a bailiff E. K. in the county of W. yeoman, on the twenty-fourth day of for extorting a September, in the thirty-fecond year of the reign of our faid fee for an attachlord the king, then being one of the bailiffs of the fheriffs of rector for nonthe faid county of W. at H. aforefaid, in the faid parifh and payment of county, by colour of his faid office, unlawfully, unjustly, and ex- tenths. torfively did exact, extort, and receive of and from the Rev. John Nainn, clerk, rector of the parish of B. in the faid county of W. the fum of one pound feven fhillings and eight pence, of lawful money of Great Britain, for a pretended fee of him the faid Jofeph, for executing a certain writ, which was flued out the thirteenth day of July, in the thirty-first year of the reign of our faid lord the king, before the barons of his exchequer, at W. in the faid county of M. directed to the fheriff of the faid county of W. by which faid writ, the faid fheriff was commanded among other things to attach the faid John by his body, and keep him faely, fo that he might have his body before the faid barons of the E. at W. in one month after the day of Saint Michael, then next, L 2 next, to answer to our faid lord the king for a certain debt which was alledged to be due for tenths from the faid John, as rector of B. to our faid lord the king: whereas in truth and in fact, no such fee was then due to the faid John in that behalf, to the great damage of the faid John, to the evil example of all others in like cafe offending, and against the peace of our fovereign lord the king, his crown and dignity (two more counts for extorting two feveral fums of one pound one, and one pound one, fame as the above.) Record of an preferred at the FORCIBLE ENTRY. MONMOUTHSHIRE, to wit: Be it remembered that indictment for at the general quarter feffions of the peace of our faid lord forcible entry the king, holden at the town of Abergavenny, in and for the general quarter faid county of M. on Wednesday the tenth day of January, feffions of Aber- in the twenty-feventh year of the reign of our fovereign lord gavenny, and of George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, defendant's ac- France and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &c. before quittal. John H. Williams, &c. efquires, and others, justices of our faid lord the king, in the county of Monmouth aforefaid, and alfo affigned to hear and determine divers felonies, trefpaffes, and other mifdemeanors, committed and done in the faid county, upon the oath of William Lewis, &c. (name all the grand jury) good and lawful men of the county aforefaid, then and there fworn and charged to inquire for our faid lord the king, for the body of the faid county: It is prefented in manner and form as followeth, that is to fay, Monmouthshire, to wit: The jurors of our lord the king upon their oath prefent, that George Williams, late of, &c. on the twenty-first day of October, in the twentyfeventh year, &c. was poffeffed of certain pieces and parcels of land, with the appurtenances, fituate, lying, and being in the parish of M. in the county of M. and being fo poffeffed thereof, one Edmund William Rees, of, &c. afterwards, to wit, on the faid twenty-first day of October, in the year aforefaid, with force and arms, and with strong hand, unlawfully did enter; and the faid G. W. from the poffeffion of the faid land, with the appurtenances aforefaid, then and there, with force and arms, and with ftrong hand, unlawfully did expel and put out, to the great damage of the faid G. W. and against the form of the Itatute in that cafe made and provided: whereupon the fheriff of the faid county of M. is commanded that he caufe the faid E. W. R. Plea, not guilty, to come and answer, &c. And afterwards, to wit, at the same general quarter feffions of the peace of our faid lord the king holden for the county aforefaid, at A. aforefaid, on the said tenth day of January, in the year aforefaid, before the aforefaid juftices of of our faid lord the king, and others their fellows aforefaid, faid county of M. to this manner impannelled and returned, to wit a ants, for expel DEVONSHIRE, to wit. Be it remembered, that at the Record of an general quarter feffions of the peace of our lord the king, holder indictment at the caftle of Exon, in and for the county of Devon aforefaid, the gainit defend. fixth day of October, in the thirteenth year of the reign of our ling the plaintiff fovereign lord George the Third, by the grace of God of Great out of poffeffion Britain, &c. and in the year of Our Lord 1773, before James of his houfe, or Carrington, clerk, Sir George Younge, baronet, John Baring, Richard Stingle, and James Hamlyn, efquires, and others their companions, juftices of our faid lord the king, affigned to keep the peace of our faid lord the king in and for the county aforefaid, and alfo to hear and determine divers felonies, trefpaffes, and other mifdemeanors committed in the faid county, by the oath of twelve L 3 jurors, a forcible entry at the quarter feffions. the quarter fef- jurors, good and lawful men of the county aforefaid, then and there See plea in abatement of the jurifdiction to this indictment, and demurrer and PLEAS before our lord the king at Westminster of Trinity Term, Amongst the pleas of the king. (a) Record of an SOME time ago, that is to fay, on Thurfday in the week next fions for a riot. (a) This is an indictment for a riot: fee INDEX, under that head. fovereign fovereign lord George the Second, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &c. at the general quarter feffions of the peace of our lord the king, holden at Maidstone, in and for the county of Kent, before William Horfinonden Turner, efquire, the honourable Robert Fairfax, efquire, Sir Narborough D'Aeth, baronet, Abraham Tilghman, William Champneis, James Calder, James Beft, and George Hinds, efquires, and others their affociates, juftices of our faid lord the king, affigned to keep the peace in the faid county, and alfo to hear and determine divers felonies, trefpaffes, and other misdemeanors in the fame county, perpetrated upon the oath of twelve jurors, good and lawful men of the faid county, then and there impanelled, fworn, and charged to enquire for our faid lord the king for the body of the faid county, it was prefented as followeth, that is to fay: Kent, to wit. The jurors for our lord the Indictment. king, upon their oath, prefent, that William Jenkins, late of the parifh of Harrietfham, in the county of Kent, lime burner, Peter Simmonds, late of the fame, labourer, Robert Till, late of the fame, labourer, William Pottin, late of the fame, thatcher, and William Crittenden, late of the parish of Lenham, in the faid county of Kent, lime-burner, together with divers other perfons to the jurors aforefaid as yet unknown, being rioters, routers, and disturbers of the peace of our faid lord the king, on the eighteenth day of December, in the twenty-fixth year of the reign of our fovereign lord George the Second, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &c. with force and arms, that is to fay, with fticks, ftaves, and other offenfive weapons, at the parish of Harrietsham aforefaid, in the county aforefaid, unlawfully, riotoufly, and routoufly did affemble and gather together to disturb the peace of our faid lord the king; and being fo affembled and gathered together, one building, lodge, and outhoufe, in the poffeffion of George Manger, of Harriet ham aforefaid, yeoman, then and there unlawfully, riotoufly, and routoufly did pull down, remove, break, destroy, and other wrongs to the faid George Manger then and there unlawfully, riotously, and routoufly did, to the great damage of the faid George Manger, and against the peace of our faid lord the king, his crown and dignity: And the jurors aforefaid, upon their oath aforefaid, do further prefent, that the faid William Jenkins, Peter Simmonds, Robert Till, William Potten, and William Crittenden, together with divers other perfons to the jurors aforefaid as yet unknown, on the faid eighteenth day of September, in the year aforefaid, with force and arms, that is to fay, with fticks, ftaves, and other offenfive weapons, at the parish aforefaid, in the county aforesaid, unlawfully, riotously, and routoufly did affemble and gather together to difturb the peace of our faid lord the king; and being fo affembled and gathered together, did then and there unlawfully, riotoufly, and routoufly remain and continue armed as aforefaid in a tumultuous manner, for the space of fix hours, to the great disturbance and terror of divers of his majefty's subjects, L 4 and |