... stand at a stay. And surely I may not endure, in public place, to be wronged without repelling the same to my best advantage to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Writings historical. Letters - Page 297by Francis Bacon - 1819Full view - About this book
 | John Duncombe - English letters - 1755 - 354 pages
...the more Enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another'-s Coft. Since the time I miffed the Solicitor's Place, the rather I think, by your means, I cannot expect that you and I mall ever ferve as Attorney and Solicitor ; but cither to ferve with another upon your Remove, or to... | |
 | Henry Southern, Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas - English literature - 1823 - 402 pages
...discretion. * * * You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...your remove, or to step into some other course ; so I am more free than ever I was from any occasion of unworthy conforming myself to you, more than general... | |
 | North American review and miscellaneous journal - 1821 - 526 pages
...to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...solicitor together; but either to serve with another at your remove, or to step into some other course : so as I am more free than ever I was from any occasion... | |
 | Henry Southern - 1823 - 398 pages
...discretion. * * * You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...together; but either to serve with another upon your jemove, or to step into some other course ; so I am more free than ever I was from any occasion of... | |
 | English poetry - 1823 - 804 pages
...to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...think by your means) I cannot expect that you and 1 shall ever serve as attorney and solicitor, together ; but either to serve with another upon your... | |
 | Humphry William Woolrych - 1826 - 266 pages
...to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...remove, or to step into some other course, so as I am free (x) than ever I was from any occasion of unworthy conforming myself to you, more than general... | |
 | Humphry William Woolrych - Judges - 1826 - 262 pages
...to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...solicitor's place, the rather, I think, by your means, not expect that you and I shall ever serve as attorney and solicitor together; but either to serve... | |
 | Humphry William Woolrych - Judges - 1826 - 266 pages
...to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the solicitor's place, the rather, 1'think,- by your means, I catH not expect that you and I shall ever serve as attorney and solicitor... | |
 | Henry Roscoe - Great Britain - 1830 - 552 pages
...to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...solicitor together ; but either to serve with another on your remove, or to step into some other course, so as I am more free than I ever was from any occasion... | |
 | Henry Roscoe - Great Britain - 1831 - 442 pages
...to right myself. You are great, and therefore have the more enviers, which would be glad to have you paid at another's cost. Since the time I missed the...shall ever serve as attorney and solicitor ^together ; but^either to serve with another on your remove, or to step into some other course, so as I am more... | |
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