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" Chester, which ever being a kind of appendage to the principality of Wales, and using to go to the king's son, his suit did not only end in a denial, but in a distaste ; the king perceiving thereby that his desires were intemperate, and his cogitations... "
Writings historical. Letters - Page 109
by Francis Bacon - 1819
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The History of the Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey: Prime Minister to King ...

Joseph Grove - Cardinals - 1742 - 494 pages
...perceiving thereby that his Deftgns were intemperate, and his Cogitations vail and irregular, and yet his former Benefits were but cheap and lightly regarded by him ; wherefore the King begun not to brook him well ; and, as a little Leaven of new Diftafte doth commonly fowef the whole...
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A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High ..., Volume 1

Thomas Bayly Howell - Law reports, digests, etc - 1816 - 784 pages
...end in a denial, but in a distaste; the king perceiving thereby, that his desires were intemperate, and his cogitations vast, and irregular, and that...distaste doth commonly sour the whole lump of former merit, the king's wit began to suggest unto his passion that Stanley, at Bosworth Field, though he...
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A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High ..., Volume 10

Thomas Bayly Howell - Trials - 1816 - 786 pages
...end in a denial, but in a distaste; the king perceiving thereby, that his desires were intemperate, and his cogitations vast, and irregular, and that...lightly regarded by him. Wherefore the king began not to bruok him well. And as a little leaven of new distaste doth commonly sour the whole lump of former...
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A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High ..., Volume 1

Trials - 1816 - 788 pages
...end in a denial, but in a distaste; the king perceiving thereby, that his desires were intemperate, and his cogitations vast, and irregular, and that...but cheap, and lightly regarded by him. Wherefore die king began not to brook him well. And as a little leaven of new distaste doth commonly sour the...
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A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High ..., Volume 1

Trials - 1816 - 790 pages
...distaste; the king perceiving thereby, that his disircs «ere intemperate, and his cogitations vnst, and irregular, and that his former benefits were, and lightly regarded by him. Wherefore the kinē began nut to brook him well. And as a little leaven of new distaste doth commonly sour the whole...
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The Works of Francis Bacon: Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans ..., Volume 5

Francis Bacon - English literature - 1824 - 624 pages
...end in a denial but in a distaste : the king perceiving thereby, that his desires were intemperate, and his cogitations vast and irregular, and that his...Bosworthfield, though he came time enough to save his life, yet he-stayed long enough to endanger it. But yet having no matter against him, he continued him in his...
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Memoirs of the Rival Houses of York and Lancaster, Historical and ..., Volume 2

Emma Roberts - Great Britain - 1827 - 680 pages
...distaste. The king perceiving thereby that his desires were intemperate, and his cogitations vaste and irregular, and that his former benefits were but...not to brook him well. And as a little leaven of new distate doth commonly sowre the whole lump of former merits, the king's wit began now to suggest unto...
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Memoirs of the Rival Houses of York and Lancaster, Historical and ..., Volume 2

Emma Roberts - Great Britain - 1827 - 660 pages
...wherefore the king began not to brook him well. And as a little leaven of new distate doth commonly sowre the whole lump of former merits, the king's wit began now to suggest unto his passion, that Stanley at Bosworth field, though he came time enough to save his life, yet he stayed long enough to endanger...
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The Dramatic Works of John Ford,: In Two Volumes, Volume 2

John Ford - Dramatists, English - 1827 - 672 pages
...traitor, had he seen him. says) of new distaste doth commonly sour the whole lump of former merit, the king's wit began now to suggest unto his passion, that Stanley at liosworth- field, thov«h he came in time to suve his life, yet he staid lung enough to endanger it."...
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Dramatic Works of John Ford ...

John Ford - 1827 - 630 pages
...traitor, had he seen him. says) of new distaste doth commonly sour the .whole lump of former merit, the king's wit began now to suggest unto his passion, that Stanley at Bosworth- field, though he came in time to save his life, yet he staid long enough to endanger it."...
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