I have brought unto you gemitum columbcz from others ; now I bring it from myself. I fly unto Your Majesty with the wings of a dove, which once within these seven days I thought would have carried me a higher flight. "When I enter into myself I find not... Writings historical. Letters - Page 549by Francis Bacon - 1819Full view - About this book
 | Francis Bacon - Great Britain - 1702 - 418 pages
...it from my (eif. I fly unto your Majefty , with the Wings of a Dove, which once within thefe (even Days , I thought would have carried me a higher Flight. When I enter into my felf , I find not the Materials of fuch a Tempeft as is come upon me. I have been (as your Majefty... | |
 | Francis Bacon (visct. St. Albans.) - 1734 - 594 pages
...bring it from my felf. I fly unto your Majeftie with the wings of a Dove, which once within thefe feven days I thought would have carried me a higher flight. When I enter into my felf, I find not the materials of fuch a tempeft as is come upon me. I have been (as your Majeftie... | |
 | Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell, Henry Cabot Lodge - American fiction - 1823 - 470 pages
...please your most excellent majesty, ' Time hath been when I have brought unto you gemitum columbiE from others ; now I bring it from myself. I fly unto...myself, I find not the materials of such a tempest as hath come upon me ; I have been as your majesty knowethbest) never author of any immoderate counsel,... | |
 | Francis Bacon - 1834 - 784 pages
...your most excellent Majesty, — Time hath been, when I have brought unto you " Gemitum Columbae " from others, now I bring it from myself. I fly unto...with the wings of a dove, which, once within these lordship's last and highest step of preferment in his profession, which was the custody of the great... | |
 | Francis Bacon, Basil Montagu - 1834 - 458 pages
...your most excellent Majesty, — Time hath been, when I have brought unto you " Gemitum Columbae " from others, now I bring it from myself. I fly unto...with the wings of a dove, which, once within these lordship's last and highest step of preferment in his profession, which was the custody of the great... | |
 | Thomas Martin - Great Britain - 1835 - 388 pages
...to the King, in which he thus expresses himself on the subject of the parliamentary proceedings: — 'When I enter into myself, I find not the materials of such a tempest as is * State Trials, vol. 2. p. 1096. 250 CHARACTER OF LORD BACON : come upon me. I have been (as your Majesty... | |
 | Francis Bacon - Philosophy - 1838 - 864 pages
...MAY PLEASE TOUR MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, TIME hath been when I have brought unto you gemitum columbas y?z? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?;@<@ ?<<=<Q? ;g?U 9 > ๑nd not the materials of such a tempest as is come upon me : I have been, as your Majesty knoweth... | |
 | American literature - 1846 - 608 pages
...as any born upon St. Innocent's Day.' Before the week is over, however, he ' flies unto the King's Majesty with the wings of a dove, which once within these seven days he thought would have carried him a higher flight.' Though still, ' on entering into himself, he cannot... | |
 | John Campbell Baron Campbell - Judges - 1845 - 672 pages
...— He thus addressed the latter : " Tune hath been when I have brought unto you ' gemitum columba ' from others, now I bring it from myself. I fly unto...me. I have been (as your Majesty knoweth best) never authour of any immoderate counsel, but always desired to have things carried suavibus modis. I have... | |
 | English literature - 1846 - 588 pages
...cent as any born upon St Innocent's Day.' Before the week is over, however, he ' flies unto the King's Majesty with the wings ' of a dove, which once within these seven days he thought ' would have carried him a higher flight.' Though still, ' on enter' ing into himself, he... | |
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