Lo! what a glorious sight appears Lord, what was man when made at first Lord! when our thoughts delighted rove Loud let the tuneful trumpet sound MORTALS, awake, with angels join My soul, repeat bis praise
My fellow sinners hear
Aly God! my King! O may thy praise
NOT by the terrors of a slave Not to the terrors of the Lord Now we can read our title clear Now let our souls, on wings sublime Naked as from the earth we came
No war nor battle's sound
No peace our starving souls can find
Not to our names, thou only just and true
O thou, whose pow'r o'er moving worlds presides
O God! when we, to praise thy name
O God! on thee we all depend
O God! to thee we raise our eyes O hear us, Lord! to thee we call On God supreme our hope depends, Our country is Immanuel's ground Out of the depth of sad distress O could we soar to worlds above O God! accept the sacred hour O thou, before whose gracious throne Our Lord is risen from the dead
Shine on our souls, eternal God
Shine forth, eternal Source of light
"See how he lov'd!" exclaim'd the Jews
Praise ye the Lord; let praise employ Praise to God, the great Creator Praise to thee, thou great Creator Perpetual Source of light and grace Praise, everlasting praise be paid RAISE your triumphant songs Rejoice, believer, in the Lord Return, each roving heart, return Rise ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue Rivers from Jesus flow
SING to the Lord, Jehovah's name Sing to the Lord, who loud proclaims Sleep, sleep to-day, tormenting cares Soon will our fleeting hours be past Sweet is the work, O God! our King Salvation! O the joyful sound
Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands. Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord Supreme and universal light Supreme in wisdom, love, and grace Sweet is the friendly voice See Israel's shepherd stand See, from the ark, the mystic dove See the bright Monarch of the sky Shout! for the blessed Jesus reigns So did the Hebrew prophet raise So let our lips and lives express Send down thy blessing, gracious Lord Shout to God, in strains immortal TO God we'll raise an ev'ning song The glorious Lord, thy works proclaim The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord The heav'n of heav'ns cannot contain There is a God, all nature speaks
The Lord descended from above The spacious firmament on high Thine influence, mighty God! is felt This is the day the Lord hath made Thy kingdom, Lord, forever stands Thy gracious aid, great God impart
"Tis by thy strength the mountains stand
To God, of ev'ry good the spring
Thus the eternal Father spake
The Lord in pow'r and wisdom reigns
The Saviour calls! let ev'ry ear
These glorious minds, how bright they shine
Teach us, O teach us, Lord! thy way
The mighty God who rolls the spheres
The short liv'd day declines in haste The trav'ller, lost in night
There is forgiveness, Lord! with thee These mortal joys, how soon they fade Though ev'ry grace our speech adorn'd
Thou, Lord! through ev'ry changing scene Thrice happy men, who, born from heav'n Through all the various shifting scene Through endless years thou art the same Thus saith the first and great command Thy wisdom, pow'r and goodness, Lord To calm the sorrows of the mind The triflingjoys this world can give
To thee, our hearts, eternal King To thee, O God! we homage pay To those bright realms we lift our eyes
'Twas God who form'd the rolling spheres The hour of my departure's come
The rising morn, the closing day
"Twas on that dark and monṛnful night Thy presence, ever-living God
To God, the great redeeming cause To our Redeemer's glorious name The righteous Lord, supremely great "This do in mem'ry of your friend" This is the fast the Lord doth choose Thus saith the high and lofty One Thy name, Almighty Lord
Thy presence, Lord, gives pure delight Thy goodness, Lord! our souls confess Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design "Tis by the faith of joys to come To our Almighty Maker God To your Creator God
Thy benediction Lord
UNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb. Upward we lift our eyes
WE bless thee for this sacred day We sing the Almighty pow'r of God Wait on the Lord, ye heirs of hope Weak and irresolute is man
We would not seek, with God our friend What works of wisdom, pow'r and love When darkness long has veil'd the mind When fancy spreads her boldest wings When gloomy thoughts and boding fears When he, who from the scourge of wrong When reft of all, and hopeless care We love the volumes of thy word
Welcome, thou day of rest
Welcome the hope of Israel's rage
When the last trumpet's awful voice When sickness shakes the languid frame
Wherefore should man, frail child of clay. While thee we seek, protecting Pow'r Why should we waste, in trifling cares
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