Prayer Changed My LifeGod is the only one who knows your destiny. He is the only one who knows your purpose. If you do not pray, you will not get to your destiny or fulfill your purpose in life. |
Dedication and Acknowledgments Page | 4 |
Areas of Prayer Page | 32 |
Chapter 4 | 54 |
Effect Prayer Godly Results Page | 74 |
Common terms and phrases
afraid angel anointing answer your prayers barbershop believe Bible says Bishop bless body of Christ bondage bread called church comes daddy delivered desire destiny devil disciples door double minded doubt earth else’s enemy everyday everything Everytime evil faith fast Feed your mind forgive gave give God praise Give God thanks glory God told God’s going happen healed heart helpmate Herod Holy Spirit humble husband husbands and wives Jabez Jesus Jews judge keep kill King’s knocking lives looking Lord Luke Mark 11 Matthew Moses Nehemiah never ordered your footsteps Peter Pharaoh Pharisee pleasing pray for someone Prayer changed prayer closet prayer warriors pride prison receive remember remind repent reward right motive saith saved say unto secret closet situation Spirit knows stop praising talking tell things thou told trying upset Verily I say walk wall want to help wife Word worry