Airs to the songs

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J. Johnson, 1783 - Ballads, English

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Page 28 - Who love to be told where good claret's in store, Attend to the call Of one who's ne'er frighted, But greatly delighted, With six bottles more : Be sure you don't pass The good house Money-glass, Which the jolly red god so peculiarly owns ; 'Twill well suit your humour. For pray what would you more, Than mirth, with good claret, and bumpers, Squire Jones.
Page 28 - No glory I covet ! no riches I want ! Ambition is nothing to me ! The one thing I beg of kind Heaven to grant, Is a mind independent and free.
Page xxxviii - No more of my Harriot, of Polly no more, Nor all the bright beauties that charm'd me before; My heart for a slave to gay Venus I've sold, And barter'd my freedom for ringlets of gold: I'll throw down my pipe, and neglect all my flocks, And will sing to my lass with the golden locks. Tho...
Page 5 - Shakespeare would dream, The fairies by moonlight dance round his green bed For hallow'd the turf is which pillow'd his head.
Page lii - Where we will sit upon the rocks, And see the shepherds feed their flocks, By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals. And I will make thee beds of roses, And...
Page xcvii - THE Women all tell me, I'm false to my Lass ; That I quit my poor CHLOE, and stick to my Glass But to you, Men of Reason, my reasons I'll own ; And if you don't like them, why, let them alone ! Although I have left her, the truth I'll declare!

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