8 880 JOHN STAINER. 8 Lord, have mer-cy up-on us, and in-cline our hearts to .. keep this law. 2 80000 write all these thy laws in our hearts, Slow dd Three-fold kyrie. THOMAS TALLIS, arr. by JOSEPH BARNBY. I be-lieve in one God the Father Almighty, Ma-ker of heaven and earth, And of all things vi-si-ble and in-vi-si - ble: And in one Lord Jesus Christ, The only be got-ten Son of God; Be got - ten of his Fa-ther be fore all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Ve-ry God of Very God; rit. mf a tempo By whom all things were made: Who for us men and for our sal-va- tion a little slower came down from heaven, And was in-car-nate by the Ho -ly Ghost of the |