8 2 From utmost east to.. ut most west, Where'er man's foot hath 4 March we forth in the strength of God, With the ban-ner of Christ un forth the voice of God; Give ear to Me, ye con tinents, Ye shine throughout the world: Fight we the fight with sorrow and sin, To ARTHUR C. AINGER, 1894. 484 YULE. To be sung in unison. 2 Let thrones and powers and kingdoms 3 O that the anthem now might swell, 485 MOEL LLYS. 88 88 HOH 1 Let the song go round the earth, Je sus Christ is Lord! Ev- ery clime and ev-ery tongue Join the grand, the glo-rious song! A-men. 88 HOH 8 2 Let the song go round the earth! 4 Let the song go round the earth! 3 Let the song go round the earth! 5 Let the song go round the earth, Cast their bonds away! Let His praise from Afric's shore Let the whole world ring! Him creation all adore Rise and swell her wide lands o'er. |