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xxvii, 82, 228

Lion xxv, 33, 109, 110. 38, 115. 39,
116. 51, 134. 242, 137. 257, 158.
xxvi, 260, 185. xxvii, 74, 219

Lizard xxv, 47, 128

Loadstone xxiv, 216, 89
Local Deities xxiv, 35, 57

Logging Rock xxvi, 270, 197

Lok xxvi, 268, 194

Lotus xxv, 250, 146, xxvii, 76, 221.84,


ΛΟΦΟΙ ΕΡΜΑΙΟΙ xxvi, 271, 198

Nelumbo xxv, 250, 146. 254, 152
Nepthè xxv, 40, 118

Neptune xxiv, 223, 100

Net xxvi, 269, 195

Night xxiv, 213, 86

Nocturnal sun xxv, 50, 132. 242, 136

ΝΟΟΣ xxvi, 37, 164

Nymphs xxvi, 264, 189

Oak xxiv, 43, 71

Obelisk xxiv, 224, 102. xxvii, 79, 225
Ocean xxvi, 264, 189

Odin xxvi, 42, 171. xxvii, 76, 221

Love xxiii, 12, 24. 227, 34. xxiv, 35, 56. Oil xxvi, 270, 197

xxvii, 75, 220

Lucetius xxiv, 225, 103

Lucina xxv, 245, 140

ΛΥΚΕΙΟΣ xxiv, 225, 102. xxvi, 260, Ops xxiii, 230, 38


Olen xxiv, 43, 70

Olive xxiii, 16, 27

ΩΜΗΣΤΗΣ xxv, 247, 143

Oracles xxiv, 41, 68. 46, 76

Ordeal xxv, 259, 160

Orders of architecture xxv, 254, 153

Orpheus xxiii, 10, 21

29. xxiv, 34, 55. 226, 105. xxv, 35,

ΟΥΡΑΝΟΣ xxiii, 230, 38

Owl xxvi, 44, 176. 260, 185

Pallas, birth of xxvi, 44, 174

Palm-tree xxvi, 272, 201

Pan xxiii, 227, 33. xxvi, 260, 186. 262,

187, 188. 264, 190. 265, 191
Panchæa xxvii, 70, 213. 80, 228
ΠΑΝΙΣΚΟΙ xxvi, 264, 188
Pantheic figures xxvi, 266, 192. 267,

193 temples xxvii, 73, 218

Paphian xxiii, 237, 50
Paris xxv, 43, 121

Parsley xxvi, 274, 202

Pasiphäè xxiv, 221, 96

Pedum xxvi, 265, 190

Pegasus xxv, 34, 111. xxvi, 45, 176
Penance xxv, 247, 143

Persecution xxiv, 37, 60, 61

Perseus xxvi, 277, 206. xxvii, 75, 220

Persians xxiii, 3, 5, xxiv, 218, 92. 219,


ΛΥΣΙΟΣ ΛΥΣΩΝ xxiii, 9, 18

Lux xxiv, 225, 102

Lyre xxv, 38, 116

Macha Alla xxiii, 13, 25. xxvi, 259, 184 Osiris xxiii, 6, 10. 8, 18. 9, 19. 225,

Mars xxv, 39, 116. 44, 122

Marvellous, (love of the) xxiii, 2, 3

May-pole xxiii, 12, 23

Mediator xxvii, 75, 220

Medusa xxvi, 46, 179

Melampus xxiii, 10, 20
Mendes xxvi, 265, 191

Mercury xxv, 257, 159. xxvi, 43, 172.

271, 198, 199. 272, 201
Metempsychosis xxvii, 84, 231
Michael xxiv, 48, 82

Migration xxvi, 279, 208. xxvii, 69, 211
Mimickry xxvi, 273, 201

Minerva xxvi, 44, 174. 46, 175. 259,
184. 260, 185

Minotaur xxiv, 221, 96. xxvii, 74, 219

Mises xxv, 46, 126

Misletoe xxiv, 43, 71

Mithras xxvii, 75, 220

Mithraic rites xxvi, 40, 168

Mnevis xxiii, 225, 29

Modius xxv, 41, 119. 249, 146

Moisasoor xxvii, 86, 233

Moloch xxvi, 39, 167

Money xxiii, 7, 14, 16
Monkey xxvi, 46, 178

Moon xxv, 243, 139. xxvi, 46, 179

Mouse xxv, 47, 128

Musæus xxiii, 10, 21

Mygalè xxiv, 215, 87

Music xxiv, 45, 75

Mylitta xxiv, 49, 83

Myrtle xxiii, 236, 48

Mysteries xxiii, 3, 6. 5, 9

Mythology xxiii, 2, 3, 4. 3, 5

Neith xxvi, 44, 175

Personification xxiii, 230, 40
Petasus xxvi, 33, 161
Phaëthon xxvii, 75, 221

Phallus xxiii, 11, 23. xxv, 257, 158.

xxvi, 265, 191. xxvii, 79, 224
Philæ xxiv, 33, 54. xxv, 250, 147

Philyra xxv, 35, 112

Phœnix xxv, 42, 120

ΦΡΗΝ xxvi, 37, 164

Phthas xxvi, 43, 174

ΦΥΤΑΛΜΙΟΣ xxvi, 267, 192

Names xxvi, 275, 203, 204. xxvii, 68, 209 Pillars xxv, 49, 131

Picus xxvii, 78, 223

Pine cone xxv, 257, 158

[blocks in formation]

Polytheism xxiv, 35, 57

[blocks in formation]

Pomegranate xxv, 256, 158. xxvii, 78, Sistrum xxv, 245, 141. xxvi, 48, 181


ΣΜΙΝΘΕΥΣ xxv, 47, 128

Priapus xxiii, 9, 19. 12, 23. xxvi, 48, Solar System xxiv, 217, 89.219, 90

Poplar xxv, 51, 133. 242, 137

Snail xxiii, 239, 51

Pothos xxvii, 75, 221

Snake, (hooded) xxiii, 15, 26. xxv, 253,

Poppy xxiv, 42, 69

152 (water) xxvi, 273, 201

181.264, 190. 265, 191

Socrates xxiv, 37, 60

Prometheus xxv, 44, 124

ΣΩΤΗΡ xxv, 243, 138

276, 205

Soul xxvi, 35, 163. 41, 170

Proserpine xxv, 39, 117. 248, 145. xxvi, ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ xxv, 39, 117

Prostitution xxiv, 49, 83. 213, 85

Prytaneia xxiii, 233, 42

ΨΥΧΗ xxvi, 37, 164

Purple xxvi, 37, 164

Purse xxv, 258, 160
Pussa xxvii, 76, 221

Putrefaction xxv, 45, 125

Pyrætheia xxiv, 218, 91

Pyramid xxiv, 225, 103. xxvi, 35, 162
Pythagoras xxiv, 216, 89

Pytho ΠΥΘΙΟΣ xxiii, 5, 10. xxv, 47,

Rabbit xxv, 245, 141

Radiation xxiv, 225, 102. xxvii, 79, 225
Ram xxv, 49, 131. 257, 159. xxvi, 260,
185. 272, 200. xxvii, 76, 221

Raphael xxiv, 48, 82

PEA xxiii, 229, 37
Red xxvi, 37, 164

Regeneration xxvi, 38, 166
Renovation xxvi, 34, 162
Res xxvi, 229, 37

Rewards xxvi, 41, 170
Rhaabon xxvii, 86, 233

Rhadamanthus xxvi, 41, 170

Rivers xxiv, 221, 96, 97. xxv, 243, 138.

xxvi, 264, 189

Romans xxiv, 37, 61. 38, 62
Rudder xxv, 41, 119
Rustam xxv, 49, 131

Samothracian Mysteries xxvi, 272, 200
Sanchoniathon xxvii, 71, 213, 214

Saturn xxiii, 230, 38, 39. xxv, 36, 112.
xxvi, 262, 186

Satyrs xxiii, 227, 33 (equine and ca-
prine) xxv, 35, 112. xxvi, 264, 188.
265, 191

ΣΑΥΡΟΚΤΟΝΟΣ xxv, 47, 128
Scandinavia xxiii, 3, 5. 226, 31
Scarus xxvii, 81, 227

Sparrow xxiii, 235, 45

Spear xxv, 51, 134. 255, 155. 258, 160

Sphinx xxvi, 46, 178, xxvii, 74, 219

Spires xxiv, 226, 104

Square xxiv, 220, 95

Statues xxiv, 219, 94

Stonehenge xxiv, 224, 101

Sulphur xxvi, 50, 183

Sun xxiv, 34, 55. xxv, 43, 122
Swan xxvi, 265, 190
Swine xxv, 44, 123
Sword xxv, 258, 160
Sylvanus xxv, 36, 112. xxvi, 261, 186
Symbolical Writing xxiii, 6, 12
Symbols xxiii, 5, 10.6, 11. xxiv, 39, 63.
xxv, 246, 142. xxvii, 83, 230

Taautes xxiii, 230, 38
Taras xxvii, 81, 227
Tartarus xxvi, 42, 170
Taurobolium xxvi, 40, 168
ΤΑΥΡΟΠΟΛΑ xxv, 247, 144
Temples, (symbolical) xxv, 255, 157
TERRA xxiii, 229, 37

Thamyris xxiii, 10, 21

Thebes, (Ægyptian) xxv, 250, 147. 253,

151 (Bœotian) xxiii, 239, 52

Themis xxiii, 233, 42
Theogony xxiii, 2, 3
Theseus xxiv, 222, 99. xxvi, 278, 206
Thigh xxiii, 237, 48

Thor xxiii, 226, 31. xxiv, 227, 106. 229,

108. xxvii, 76, 221

Thoth xxvi, 44, 174
Three xxvii, 76, 222
Thunderbolt xxvi, 50, 183
Thunny xxvii, 81, 227
Titans xxv, 44, 123
Titles xxvi, 276, 204
Tituri xxvi, 264, 188

Tombs xxv, 241, 136

257, 159

Tragelephus xxv, 38, 114

Transmigration xxvi, 41, 170

Torch xxiii, 232, 41. xxvi, 260, 184


Tortoise xxiii, 234, 44. 239, 51. xxv, Vine xxiv, 42, 68. xxv, 46, 126

Triade xxiv, 35, 56. xxv, 246, 142. xxvii, Urotalt xxiii, 225, 30

Virginity xxvii, 80, 226

Vistnoo xxv, 42, 120. xxvii, 82, 228

Uriel xxiii, 48, 82

75, 221. 78, 224

Vulcan xxvi, 33, 161. 43, 172, 173

Triangle xxvii, 76, 222

Vulture xxv, 45, 124

[blocks in formation]

Vesta xxiii, 232, 42

Victims, (human) xxv, 247, 143

Water xxiii, 231, 41

Waves xxv, 256, 157

Weathercock xxiv, 226, 104

Week xxvi, 268, 194

Wheel xxiv, 217, 89, 90

Wings xxiii, 12, 24

Winnow xxvi, 37, 165. 45, 176
Wolf xxv, 45, 124

Worship, (principles of) xxiv, 45, 75
Wreaths xxiii, 237, 49

Writings, (stages and modes of) xxiii, 6,


Year, (solar) xxvi, 268, 193
Zebub, (Baal) xxv, 45, 125
Zendavesta xxiv, 219, 93
ΖΕΥΣ xxiii, 2, 4. 227, 34

Victory xxv, 41, 119. xxvi, 40, 168. 49, Zodiac xxv, 242, 137.

Is the Nightingale the Herald of Day, as well as the
Messenger of Spring?

Sophocles illustrated; Sappho, Simonides, and Suidas corrected.

THAT the Nightingale is the Messenger of Spring, is a fact,
which may be considered as sufficiently proved by the testimony
of the Author of the Histoire des Oiseaux, who terms it " the
leader of the vernal chorus," by the authority of Homer Od. T.
518., and of Soph. El. 147.

ἀλλ ̓ ἐμέ γ ̓ ὁ στονόεσσ ̓ ἄραρεν φρένας,
ἃ Ἴτυν, αἰὲν "Ιτυν ὀλοφύρεται,
ὄρνις ἀτυζομένα, Διὸς ἄγγελος.

Hermann has here the following sensible Note:

"Hæsitant Interprr. et Critici in vv., Διὸς ἄγγελος. Veris
nunciam lusciniam ab Hom. et Sapphone dici, Schol. vetus ad-
notavit. Eoque sane etiam hic respicitur, nulla tamen veris men-
tione facta, quia notum est omnibus, quo tempore canat luscinia.
Quæ quum Διὸς ἄγγελος dicitur, hoc quoque ex Hom. sermone
depromptum est, neque aliud quidquam significat, quam nunciam
ab Jove missam. Sic 11. B. 94. Ὅσσα, Διὸς ἄγγελος, (Schol.

Ven.: Πανομφαῖος γὰρ ὁ Ζεὺς λέγεται, ὅτι τὰ αὐτομάτως γινόμενα, εἰς αὐτὸν ἀναφέρεται· ἄγγελος δὲ, ἡ θεία κληδων, ἢ περὶ ἀπόπλου λέγειν ἔμελλε :) et Somnium, B. 26. Apud Eur. Ion. 158. Aquila Διὸς κήρυξ. Præcones ap. Hom. II. A. 334., quum Διὸς ἄγγελοι ἠδὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν vocantur, præses et rector concionum Juppiter respici videtur." Pseudo-Did.: 'Ανθρώπων κήρυκες, ἄξιοι καὶ θεῶν (in Schol. Ven. desiderantur hæc verba,) ἄσυλον γὰρ καὶ θεῖον τὸ γένος τῶν κηρύκων. Ἑρμῆς γὰρ μιγεὶς Πανδρόσῳ, τῇ Κέκροπος θυγατρὶ, ἔσχεν υἱὸν (παῖδα Schol. Ven.) ὀνόματι Κήρυκα, ἀφ ̓ οὗ τὸ τῶν κηρύκων γένος, ὡς ἱστορεῖ Πτολεμαῖος· ἢ ὅτι τὰς ἑορτὰς τῶν θεῶν (αὐτοῦ pro τ. θ. exhibet Schol. Ven.) ἀγγέλλουσιν· ἢ ὅτι ἀπὸ ̔Ἑρμοῦ εἰσὶν, ὄντος ἀγγέλου Διὸς, Schol. Ven. εἰσὶν, ὃς ἄγγελος Δ.

It may be remarked too that Διὸς in such passages denotes excellence or sanctity. Eustath. 757, 52. ̓Ιστέον δὲ ὡς, εἰ καὶ περὶ τοῦ ζωϊκοῦ ἐγκεφάλου ἐδηλώθη τὰ ῥηθέντα, ὅμως Διὸς ἐγκέφαλος ἦν κατὰ Παυσανίαν, κάλλιστόν τι βρῶμα· ὁποῖα ἴσως καὶ τὰ παρὰ τῷ Κωμικῷ εὖ ἠρτυμένα θρία τοῦ ἐγκεφάλου: 1681, 32. Τώ, κρατερώ θεράποντε Διὸς μεγάλοιο γενέσθην· τουτέστι βασιλεῖς Διογενεῖς καὶ Διοτρεφεῖς : 962, 37. Τὸ δὲ, Διὸς πάϊς εἴην, ἀφορμήν τινα εὔλογον ἔχει τὸ Διογενῆ βασιλικῶς εἶναι τὸν ̓Εκτορα, εἰ καὶ μὴ πραγματικῶς, ὡς καὶ "Ηρας τεχθῆναι : 18, 30. Καὶ τοίνυν οἷς μὲν τὸ εὐγενὲς καὶ βασιλικὸν ἄκρως ἐπέπρεπεν, (οἱ παλαιοὶ) ἐκ Διὸς τούτους ἐποίουν κατάγειν τὸ γένος: 600, 3. Σημείωσαι δὲ ὅτι καὶ ὁ τοῦ Διὸς χιτῶν, ὡς οἷά τι τεῦχος, ἤτοι ὅπλον, ὑπόκειται εἶναι· διό φησιν, ἡ δὲ, χιτῶνα ἐνδῦσα Διὸς, τεύχεσιν εἰς πόλεμον θωρήσσετο : 948, 49. Ελέγετο δέ φασι καὶ Διὸς βάλανος, τὸ Ποντικὸν κάρυον, ὃ καὶ ̔Ἡρακλεωτικὸν ἐκαλεῖτο. In the same way Θεὸς is used in the Old Testament to denote excellence, height, sanctity, etc. Ps. 35, 5. ὄρη Θεοῦ, 79, 11. τὰς κέδρους τοῦ Θεοῦ, Gen. 35, 5. φόβος Θεοῦ, 1. e. Μaximus, Pind. Ν. 9, 64. ἐν δαιμονίοισι φόβοις, Schol. μεγίστοις. These and many other passages are given in Biel's Thes., to which the reader, if he wishes for further information, can have recourse. But I find the word Διὸς has even another signification: Eustath, 962, 63. ̓Ηχὴ δ ̓ ἀμφοτέρων, ἵκετο αἰθέρα καὶ Διὸς αὐγὰς, ὅ ἐστιν ἡλίου κατὰ τοὺς παλαιούς. Schol. Ven.: Ἐν τάχει τὸ μέγεθος τῆς βοῆς ἐσήμαινεν εἰς ὅσον ἤρθη· Διὸς γὰρ αὐγὰς λέγει τὸν οὐρανόν· τὸ δὲ μέγιστον ἔξαλμα οὐρανός ἐστι καὶ γῆ. The most probable interpretation is the one given by Hesychius: Διὸς αὐγάς· τῆς ἡμέρας τὸ φῶς, τὸν αἰθέρα. Compare these other Glosses of Hesychius: Ωσπερ ὁ ὀφθαλμὸς τοῦ Διός· ὡς ἀστραπή. ̓Ελασίβροντα· ἐλαυνόμενα ὡς αἱ βρονταὶ, ἐπεὶ δοκεῖ ὄχημα τοῦ Διὸς ἡ βροντὴ εἶναι. Now it is not improbable that Διὸς ἄγγελος as applied to the Nightingale by Sophocles may mean the Herald of Day, (and this is one of the interpretations given by his Scholiast and by Suidas,) particularly as the Tragedian is an acknowledged imitator of Homer. But whether this interpretation be received, or the one proposed by Hermann, no sober critic will be disposed to dispute the authenticity of the words Διὸς ἄγγελος, especially as Sappho calls the same bird ἦρος ἄγγελος, and Simonides thus characterises the swallow, and in another Fragment assigns to the Nightingale the epithet εἰαρινή. And yet we have one ingenious critic in our eye, who is still unwilling to admit their authenticity. If, however, any alteration is necessary, the one proposed by Jacobs Spec. Emendd. in Auctt. vett. tum Gr. tum Lat. p. 14. does the least possible violence to the text:-" Jovis nuncia vocabantur eæ aves, quarum e volatu auguria captari solebant. Ita columba Dodonæa vaticinans, ap. Cic. de LL. 1. Nuncia fulva Jovis miranda visa figura. Cycnus in Eur. Ione 158. Ζηνὸς κῆρυξ. Luscinia vero, quantum ego scio, in reaugurali nullæ partes demandatæ erant. Hoc me adducit, ut Sophoclem scripsisse putem, "Όρνις ἀτυζομέν ̓ εἴαρος ἄγγελος. Quod e Schol. non mediocriter firmari potest: -Διὸς ἄγγελος, ὅτι τὸ ἔαρ σημαίνει. "Όμηρος (Od. Τ. 519.) Ως δ' ὅτε Πανδαρέου κούρη χλωρηΐς ἀηδὼν Καλὸν ἀείδησιν, ἔαρος νέον ἱσταμένοιο. -Σαπφώ· Ἦρος ἄγγελος, ἱμερόφωνος ἀηδών. Ita columba θέρεος καὶ χείματος ἄγγελοί εἰσιν, ut Myro ait in Anal. vett. Poëtt. p. 203.; et sic illud Publii Syri, Avis exul hyemis, titulus tepidi temporis, de hirundine intelligendum est, quæ ver nunciat." But it should be recollected that, if the Tragedian had said εἴαρος ἄγγελος, the words would carry along with them their own explanation, and the Schol. would have had no occasion to illustrate them so fully.

The Scholia on the passage in Sophocles are these :- Διὸς δὲ ἄγγελος, ὅτι τὸ ἔαρ σημαίνει. Ὅμηρος (Od. 1. c.) Ως δ' ὅτε Πανδαρέου κούρη χλωρηῒς ἀηδὼν Καλὸν ἀείδησιν, ἔαρος νέον ἱσταμένοιο. *Η ὅτι τὴν ἡμέραν σημαίνει. Η ὅτι τὰ ἑαυτῆς ἀγγέλλει κακὰ, καὶ τὴν * παραθρυλλουμένην (περιθρ. Brunck.) ἀγγελίαν, καὶ τὸ πάθος. Ἢ ἄγγελον εἶπεν, οἷον τέρας, καὶ τὸ παρ ̓ αὐτοῦ (αὐτῆς Βr.) γιγνόμενον εἰς τεραστείαν (τερατείαν Βr.) τῆς φύσεως. Καὶ Σαπφώ· Ηρος ἄγγελος, ἱμερόφωνος ἀηδών. Alter Schol. : "Ήτοι σημαίνουσα τὸ ἔαρ, ὅπερ ἐστὶ τοῦ Διὸς, ἡ ἠχητικὴ, ἡ ἀτυζομένη, ἥτις ἀεὶ θρηνεῖ τὸν ̓Ιτυν. Triclin. : Διὸς ἄγγελος, ἤγουν ἡ ἀηδων, διὰ τὸ τὸν ἐπ ̓ αὐτῇ γενόμενον ἔλεον τοῦ Διὸς πᾶσιν ὑποδεικνύειν ἢ μαρτυρεῖν αὐτὸν φιλάνθρωπον. *Η ὅτι δι ̓ αὐτῆς ὁ Ζεὺς τὸ ἔας ἑρμηνεύει. Η διὰ τὸ ἐν ἔαρι κατάρχεσθαι τῆς ᾠδῆς, ὅτε τὰ Διαίσια ἐγένετο, ἥτις ἐστὶν ἡ ἑορτὴ τοῦ Διός. Suid. : ̓Αηδὼν καὶ ἀηδοῦς· ὡς Σαπφὼ κατὰ Μιτυληναίους. - Καὶ αὖθις· ̓Αλλ ̓



"H. 1. proculdubio sic leg. et integritati suæ restituendus est: ̓Αηδὼν καὶ ἀηδὼ, ἀηδοῦς. Vocem enim ἀηδὼ, quæ in omnibus Edd. desideratur, ad

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