not even one word, has yet been satisfactorily explained: in fact, the very language of those inscriptions, however numerous the conjectures offered concerning it, does not appear to be ascertained-while some assert that the writing runs, like Hebrew or Arabic, from right to left; another would read it in a perpendicular direction, like the Chinese: and others, (with whom I agree,) from left to right, like Latin or English. From Mr. Grotefend's system of deciphering the Babylonian inscriptions, some accomplished orientalists of my acquaintance were, at first, inclined to anticipate the most successful results: but their hopes seem latterly to have subsided; and the contradictory opinions of those writers above mentioned, are still to be examined. Perhaps some learned correspondent of the Classical Journal would have the goodness to inform me, whether any attempts more recent than Mr. Grotefend's have been made towards the deciphering of those arrow-headed characters. Reverting to Egyptian antiquities, I would inquire, at what period may we suppose the art of hieroglyphic writing to have ceased. The celebrated Father Kircher (in Edip. Ægypt. t. iii. p. 484.) declares his opinion, that the custom of embalming human bodies had been discontinued with the art of writing in sacred character, immediately after the conquest of Egypt by Cambyses. Yet, five centuries after this event, (or in the 30th year before Christ) the bodies of Antony and Cleopatra were embalmed according to the Egyptian manner (see Dio Cass. L. 11. §. 11 and 15. Malala, Chron. p. 284.); and so lately as the fourth century of our æra, Saint Antony requested that the monks might not send his body into lower Egypt, lest it should be preserved in houses: μη αφητε τινας το σώμα μου λαβείν εις Αιγυπτον μη πως εν τοις οικοις αποθωνται-a passage explained by Saint Athanasius, (for to him is attributed the life of Saint Antony) as signifying that the Egyptians would not conceal the body under ground, (μη κρυπτειν δε υπο γην: S. Athan. Op. T. ii. p. 502.) &c. Thus Kircher seems to have formed an erroneous opinion on the subject of embalming; and we must suppose him equally wrong concerning the period at which hieroglyphic writing ceased in Egypt. This, indeed, is sufficiently proved by the Rosetta stone, that gem of antiquity, the ornament of our great National Museum, which exhibits a long hieroglyphic inscription, executed in the time of Ptolemy Epiphanes, nearly three hundred years after the conquest of Egypt by Cambyses, as appears from a Greek inscription on the same precious mo nument. M. Y. OXFORD ENGLISH PRIZE POEM, STONEHENGE. WRAPT in the veil of Time's unbroken gloom, Yet think not here with classic eye to trace Corinthian beauty, or Ionian grace; Here oft, when evening sheds her twilight ray, Rise, from thy haunt, dread genius of the clime, O'er the black scene of death each conscious star, 'Tis gone! e'en now the mystic horrors fade : THO. STOKES SALMON, BRASENNOSE COLLEGE. NOTICE OF INSTITUTES of LATIN GRAMMAR, by JOHN THIS is a new edition of this learned and instructive work. A translation of the Port Royal Grammar was at first the only book written in English on the subject. Johnson's Grammatical Commentaries, which is a critical commentary on Lilly's Grammar, is the most interesting work written in our language on the Latin language. Milner's Practical Grammar, although containing some valuable observations, is written in a confused method, and is now seldom used. We are not speaking of Elementary Grammars for the use of schools, of which the number is almost infinite. Mr. Grant has the merit of combining the merits of his predecessors; and in this edition has produced the best work, which our language can boast; and we think Mr. Johnson's arguments in favor of Grammars in the vernacular tongue conclusive. Mr. Grant has adopted a clear metaphysical mode of explaining the rationale of Latin Grammar; and he has condensed in a moderate volume the observations made in various critical commentaries. He has embraced every part of the subject; and even in Prosody, we have nothing equal, except Dr. Carey's work, which is written on that part of Grammar exclusively. That we may not be thought to deal in unqualified praise, we may observe, that Mr. Grant is inaccurate in some of his French quotations. We will correct two lines, p. 409. Il faut nous entre-aider, c'est la loi de nature. NOTICE OF SCRIPTURE CHRONOLOGY, digested on a new plan; or, the principal facts of Sacred History arranged in the order of time from the creation of the world to the destruction of Jerusalem. Lond. 12mo. Pr. 3s. 1822. For Schools. THIS little work we can safely and strongly recommend to the young student, not only of the Scriptures, but of Jewish History. It is written by a learned dignitary of the Church, who has thought it consistent with his duty to assist the masters of schools and the tutors of colleges in what they no doubt consider as an important part of their labors. While this book is adapted by its simplicity to the least instructed capacity, it is by no means beneath the notice of the maturer biblical scholar. The author has selected the dates from the best authorities; and has given lists of the names and order of the Judges, of the Roman Procurators of Judea, and of the family of the Herods. He has given an account of the various particulars, in which the persons, who typified our blessed Redeemer, both before and after the law, chiefly resembled their great Antitype. NOTICE OF ESSAIS sur les PREPOSITIONS, considérées surtout géographiquement, ou nouveau Supplément à la GRAMMAIRE GRECQUE; ouvrage dans lequel on explique souvent les Textes grecs à l'aide des Cartes géographiques, et où, parfois, à l'aide des Textes, l'on corrige les anciennes Cartes. Par J. B. GAIL. Paris. THE extreme obscurity in which that important department of Greek literature, the use of the prepositions, is involved, would intitle the present attempt to render it perspicuous, to the attention of scholars, independently of M. Gail's prior claim, from his reputation as an ingenious critic. The confused and contradictory notions which have been published on this subject are thus forcibly pointed out by M. Gail in his Preface: · Κατὰ et παρὰ, disent des grammairiens d'ailleurs très-judicieux, expriment le lieu où l'on s'arrête; et ils sont réfutés par cent exemples de κατὰ et rapà qui expriment, non le lieu où l'on s'arrête, mais le lieu que l'on traverse. (Voy. l'index aux mots κατὰ et παρά.)-Eis est pour πρὸς, nous dit-on. Je n'ose encore rien prononcer contre Zeune, cité par M. Hermann. (2e éd. Idiot. Gr. p. 593.) Mais je dirois presque: πρὸς indique l'action d'aller vers ; eis ou és, la mise en présence de. Ἐλθεῖν πρὸς ̓Αχιλῆα signifiera aller vers Achille ; ἐλθεῖν εἰς ̓Αχιλῆα (ΙΙ. 17, 709.) aller vers Achille, et d. p. et surtout en présence d'Achille. Lorsque Priam (Il. 24, 309.) dit à Jupiter, Δός μ' ἐς ̓Αχιλλῆος ἐλθεῖν, il dit, fais, Jupiter, que j'arrive en présence d'Achille (et non que j'aille vers,) trouvant gráce devant lui. -Ἐκ, dit-on (v. p. 79.) est pour διὰ, ὑπὸ, etc. et signifie dans.-'Ek signifiant dans est assez curieux. -Ἐπὶ, dit-on encore, est pour παρὰ, pour ἐν, p. 93.-Περὶ est pour ὑπὲρ, εἰς, ἐν, ἀντὶ, ἐπὶ, παρά. --- Voilà encore du curieux. Voy. p. 166. Πρὸς avec gen. et acc. sont presque synonymes: “ πρὸς sæpissime idem est quod ὑπὸ vel παρὰ,” mot de Vigier, en partie adopté par M. Hermann (Idiot. Gr. 659.)-Ὑπὲρ pour ἐπὶ ου κατὰ, p. 245.-Ὑπὸ signifie a, ab, abs, propter, præ, cum, etc.; se met pour διὰ, p. 248. Ὑπὸ στέρνοιο, ὑπὸ στέρνον, déclarés synonymes par Eustathe, p. 250.-Après avoir donné ces notions confuses, d'illustres grammairiens vous disent, on vous a expliqué les principales difficultés, les grammairiens et les lexicographes vous donneront LE RESTE. (Vigier, Idiot. Gr. 572.) Cherchez le reste, chez les grammairiens? ils ne le donnent pas; chez les lexicographes? même, le prince des lexicographes, H. Estienne, dans les colonnes de son Thesaurus ling. Gr., ne donne quelquefois pas une seule acception des prép. considérées géographique ment. P. 13. ̓Ανὰ, avec le sens de cum, dit-on. Χρυσέῳ ἀνὰ σκήπτρῳ, (Il. 1, 15.) infulam habens cum sceptro aureo. Ainsi traduit M. Heyne: mais je propose de rendre par au haut de son sceptre d'or, et par conséquent, de regarder ici avà comme adverbe et non comme préposition. Je crois tenir cette bonne remarque de M. Belin, mort il y a deux ans. This valuable observation has, however, a much higher origin, as Stephens has indicated in his Greek Thesaurus: |