ASSEMBLY'S SHORTER CATECHISM, ILLUSTRATED BY APPROPRIATE ANECDOTES ; CHIEFLY DESIGNED TO ASSIST PARENTS AND SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE INSTRUCTION OF YOUTH. BY JOHN WHITE CROSS, TEACHER, EDINBURGH. New-York: PUBLISHED BY JONATHAN LEAVITT, BOSTON CROCKER AND BREWSTĘE, THE Assembly's Shorter Catechism has been long and justly esteemed an excellent compendium of religious knowledge. To illustrate it, explanatory catechisms, and even Bodies of Divinity, have been composed. Parents and teachers have used it for the purpose of initiating the young in the principles of religion. To contribute to their assistance in a labour so important, is the design of the following compilation. Having been in the habit of selecting an anecdote or two, suited to the subject of instruction in the Sabbath School under his charge, the compiler was led to conceive the plan of this little work. It will be generally allowed, that anecdotes and stories are calculated to engage the attention of children, which, gained by this means, may be happily kept, while directed to other parts of instruction. While, from the similarity of several of the |