"A just image of human nature, representing its humours, and the changes SOLD BY LONGMAN AND CO.; WHITTAKER AND CO., AND MARSHALL; B. STBILL; SHERWOOD AND CO.; SIMPKIN W. STRANGE; CARVILL, NEW YORK; AND ALL BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. MDCCCXXXI. TRANSFERRED TO LONDON: Shackell and Carfrac, Printers, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street. OR, MUSEUM OF ENTERTAINMENT. 2 THE DEEV ALFAKIR. To the KEEPSAKE, the most singularly beautiful of all the Annuals, that has been presented to the world at this season of the year, by the liberality of their highly deserving publishers, are we indebted for the tale which has insertion within these pages. Our readers will readily find on its perusal that it bears some analogy to one of the Tales of the Genii though not of equal merit with the one from which it is evidently borrowed, yet we think that it possesses sufficient originality to warrant our submitting it to the tastes of our readers. See Page The day was closing, and the rich autuninal beams gilded the pomegranates that flourished in Sadak's orchard, and the mournful cypresses that surrounded it. The heat of the day had been great, and the air was fraught with a full and heavy langour. The philosopher was seated at a favourite window reading, to catch the cool fragrance of the air. He had with-0 drawn the exquisitely woven curtains of peach coloured silk. His limbs reposed" on a divan of downy softness: the most delightful sherbet sparkled in crystal vases; and a thousand flowers of every hue expanded their blossoms, and diffused their fragrance around him. Sadak raised his head, and cast a glance on the luxu THE DEEV ALFAKIR. In the vine sur-riant scene, but withdrew it with discontent and disgust. He recurred to his studies, in a few moments he pushed away the beautiful manuscript. 66 Idle philosophy," he exclaimed, powerless in teaching to attain it; useless "able only to denote what is good, but 7 ounded city of Shiraz, under the reign of Otman, dwelt Sadak, surnamed Al Hahjim or the Philosopher. He lived in almost uninterrupted solitude, his dwelling though not splendid was elegant; and his household consisted of a few slaves, who regarded their master with fidelity to the happy, and to the wretched worse and affection. Sadak had few friends, than useless, a mockery and a pain. Oh and no acquaintances; but he had many happiest phϾnix of life, believed in but well wishers in those to whom he had done not found, I abandon the search, and ask good. He was rich, noble, learned, but for forgetfulness." benevolent, and unhappy. VOL. I. B He turned away as he spoke, and 1-SATURDAY, JAN. 12, 1828. 3 |