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iv. Mat.



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ND Jefus went about all Galilee teaching in their (a) Synagogues, and preaching the Gofpel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of fickness, and all manner of difeafe among the 24. people. And his fame went throughout all (b) Syria: and they brought unto him all fick people that were taken with divers difeafes, and torments, and those which were poffeffed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the Palfie; and he healed them. And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from (c) Decapolis, and from Jerufalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan.


The end of the first year of Chrift's Mi-

(a) Synagogue was a place where the Jews affembled on the Sabbath-day, to hear the Law and the Prophets read and explain'd.

(b) Syria a Country confining on Palestine on the north, and part of the east.

(c) Decapolis, a part of the Land of Canaan lying on both fides the River Jordan at its coming out of the Sea of Galilee.



Etat. 30. Minift. 1.

Anno Etat. 31. Minift. 2.




• Mat. viii.


Jefus cleanfeth the Leper.

AND it came to pafs when he was 12. Luke v.

in a certain City, a behold a man Mar. i. 40. full of Leprofie: who feeing Jefus, fell on his face, and befought him, faying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me

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clean. And Jefus moved with compaf- 41. Mar. i. Mat viii. fion, put forth his hand and touched


him, and faith unto him, I will, be thou 42. Miracle. Luke v. 13. clean. And as foon as he had spoken,



Luke v. 14.



immediately the Leprofie departed from him, and he was cleanfed. And he ftraightly charged him, and forthwith Mat. viii. fent him away; and faith unto him, 44. fee thou fay nothing to any man: but go thy way, fhew thy felf to the Prieft, and offer for thy cleanfing those things which Mofes commanded for a Teftimony unto them. But he went out and be- 45. gan to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter: But fo much the 15. Luke v. more went there a fame abroad of him, d and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by him of their in


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firmities infomuch that Jefus could no 45. Mar. i. Mar.i.45. more openly enter into the city, and 16. Luk. v. he withdrew himself into the Wilderness

and prayed.

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Mar. i.

Mar. ii.




Christ cureth a man fick of the Palfie.

AND [Fefus] entred into a Ship,

and paffed over and came into his

own city.

Etat. 31.
Minift. 2.

*And again he entred into Capernaum after Jome days, and it was noised Luk. xvii. 5. that he was in the house. * And it came to pafs on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharifees and Doctors of the Law fitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerufalem; and the power of the Lord was prefent to heal them. And ftraightway many were gathered together, infomuch that there was no room to receive them, no not fo much as about the door and he preached the 2. word unto them and behold they a Mar. ii. brought to him a man fick of the Pal- Luk. v. 18. 3. fie, lying on a bed which was born of 18. four and they fought means to bring 19. him in and to lay him before him. And Mat. ix. when they could not find by what way 6, 7, 8. they might bring him in, because of the Luk. v. 20, multitude, they went upon the houfe top, 21, 22, 23, and let him down through the tiling with 24, 25, 26. his couch into the midft before Jefus. * When Jefus faw their faith, he faid unto the fick of the Palfie, Son, thy fins be forgiven thee.

Mat. ix.

Mar. ii.

Luk. v.

Mar. ii.





6. But there were certain Scribes fitting
there and reafoning in their hearts.



2, 3, 4, 5,


Why doth this man thus fpeak blafphe- Capernaum. Etat. 31. mies? who can forgive fins but God 7. Mar. ii. only? And immediately when Jefus 8. perceived in his Spirit that they fo rea

Minift. 2.

a Luk. v.27.

Mat. ix. 9.

foned within themselves, he faid unto


them, Wherefore think ye evil in your 4. Mat. ix.
bearts? Why reafon ye thefe things 8. Mar. ii.
in your hearts? Whether is it easier 9.
to fay to the fick of the Palfie, Thy
fins be forgiven thee; or to fay, arife,
and take up thy bed and walk? But that 10.
ye may know that the Son of man hath
power on earth to forgive fins: (he faith
to the fick of the Palfie) I Jay unto 11.
thee arife, and take up thy bed, and go
thy way into thine houfe.


And immediately he arofe, took 12. the bed, and went forth before them all * glorifying God, infomuch that they 25. Luk. v. were all amazed, and glorifyed God 12. Mar. ii. * which had given fuch power unto men, 8. Mat. ix. * faying we never faw it on this fashiɔn; 12. Mar. ii. * and were filled with fear, faying we 26. Luke v. bave feen frange things to day.


The calling of Matthem,

Sea of Galilee.

ND [Fefus] went forth again by 13. Mar. ii:

A the fea fide, and all the multitude

reforted unto him, and he taught them.


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** And as Jefus paffed forth from thence, 9. Mat. iy! * *he faw Levi, named Matthew, the 14 Mar. ii. Luk v.27. Son of Alpheus, fitting at the receipt of 9. Mat. ix. E 3 cultom, 14. Mar. ii.


Sea of Galilee. Cuftom, and faid unto him, follow me; Atat. 31.

Luk. v.

Mat. ix.

Mar. ii.



Luk. v. 30.

Mar. ii. 16.

Luk. v.

Mar. ii.

and he left all and followed him.


Matthew makes a feast for Chrift, who
eats with Publicans and Sinners.


Minift. 2.

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ND Levi made [Fefus] a great a Mat. ix. feaft in his own houfe: and there ro. was a great company of publicans and Mar. ii.15. 10. finners came and fat down with him b Luk. v. 15. and his difciples: for there were ma- 29. ny and they followed him.




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*But the Scribes and Pharifees*[See- «Mat. ix. ing him eat with publicans and finners 11. murmured againft his difciples faying, Mar. ii. 16. How is it that he eateth and drink- & Mat. ix eth with Publicans and Sinners? When 11, 12, Jefus heard it, he faith unto them, They 13, that are whole bave no need of a Phifitian, but they that are fick. I came not to call the righteous but finners to reMat. ix. 13. pentance. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy and not facrifice. [Hofea vi. 6.]

Mar. ii.

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18. And the Disciples of John, and of


Luk. v. 30.

31. 32.

the Pharifees ufed to faft, and they Mat. ix. come and fay unto him, Why do the 14, 15. difciples of Fohn and of the Pharifees fast Luk. v. 33, Mat. ix. 14.oft and make prayers but thy difci- 34, 35, Luk. v. 33. ples faft not?

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And Jefus faid unto them, Can the children of the Bridechamber faft, while the Bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the Bridegroom with them


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