The Witness Protection Program for the ChurchHave you ever wondered why you were saved? What it really means to be a witness for the Lord? What are the benefits in serving the Lord, more than just going to heaven when you die? Did you know that there is more designed for you than just going to heaven and missing hell? Did you know that God has a plan for your life and you can know it without wasting a lot of time and years doing your own thing? Have you ever thought what it really means to be a Christian? If your answer to the above questions are yes, then this is the book for you, it will help you understand the plan and will of God for your life. And it will bring some clarity as to why you are here. This book is designed to bring some common sense reality to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is loaded with informative teaching and has a sense of humor that will cause you to want more. Edward Ray Sutton accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior in 1971; God instantly delivered him from a life of alcohol addiction at the age of 20.After seeking the Lord as to where he wanted him to go to church he joined the local assembly of the Disciples of Christ in Goldsboro, N.C. Later after a period of time he was appointed a deacon and after being faithful in that office he was later called by God to preach the word of the Lord. In 1984 he was instructed by God to leave and join a full gospel church that God was raising up. In this church he served as children's and youth pastor for several years during which he established a successful puppet ministry. Some of the children as adults are in children ministry in other places in the country. He served as associate pastor for several years before leaving to follow the call of God, and to go forward with his own ministry. He has been married to his wife Diana for 36 years and is the father of four children. They reside in Dudley, N.C. |
Acknowledgements | vii |
Chapter II | 37 |
Chapter III | 63 |
Chapter IV | 91 |
Chapter V | 115 |
Chapter VI | 131 |
Chapter VII | 153 |
Final Words | 173 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Abram and Lot angels anointed answer apostle Paul believe Bible Billy Graham blessed blood body book of Acts born called chapter child Christ Jesus church confessed Jesus dead devil disciples earth enemy Father Father Knows Best favor fellowship filled forgive gave Genesis gift give God's Gomer Pyle gospel gospel of Mark grace hands happened hath healed hear heart heaven Hebrews Holy Ghost Holy Spirit John keep kill kingdom live look Lord Jesus Christ Luke mind ministry Moses mouth Oral Roberts University pastor peace person Peter praise pray prayer preach Psalm Remember righteousness Romans saints saith Satan scripture seen sent someone speak strife talking television tell thank thee things thou shalt tithes told tongues verse walk watch Witness Protection Program word of faith word says