CUTLER TIMOTHY, rector of Yale College and minister of Christ Church, Boston, was graduated at Harvard College, 1701; was ordained at Stratford. (Conn.) 1710, according to the order of the New England churches. He was appointed rector of the college in New Haven, 1719, which was, as has been said, an auspicious event to that institution, for he was a man of profound learning and presided with dignity, usefulness and general approbation. In 1723, he conformed to the church of England. Being joined by several of the tutors and neighbouring clergy, and himself the first scholar in the colony, it was a great shock to the congregational establishment. A church was built for him in Boston of which he was rector from 1723 to 1765, the year of his death. He did not publish any thing except a few single sermons. His powers were rather solid than brilliant, and he was too much of a scholar to allow any thing superficial to come from his hand. It was in this language he spake of most publications; those which were writ. ten by ministers of the episcopal church, and those whose sentiments and mode of worship might provoke sarcastick remarks. He was haughty and overbearing in his manners; and to a stranger, in the pulpit, appeared as a man fraught with pride. He never could win the rising generation, because he found it so difficult to be condescending: nor had he intimates of his own age and flock. But people of every denomination looked upon him with a kind of veneration, and his extensive learning excited esteem and respect where there was nothing to move, or hold the affections of the heart. Dr. Stiles calls him the greatest oriental scholar after Thomas Thacher, the first minister of the Old South, and the great president Chauncy. No man in New England, he tells us, had such knowledge of the rector and those gentleman. All which may be true.. We have sufficient documents to show that they understood Hebrew, and no one who recollects Dr. Cutler will doubt of his being " well skilled in logick, metaphysicks, moral philosophy, theology and ecclesiastical history." His diploma of doctor in divinity, was presented to him when he was in England. His correspondence with other doctors or with bishops, was never carried on with so much zeal, spirit and perseverance as we find mentioned in the biographical sketches of his brethren; nor do we read of any production of his, among the controversies between episcopalians and dissenters, during his long ministry. Yet they all looked up to him as a father, and he certainly was more eminent as a scholar than those who served their cause by their writings. Mr. Hooper of Trinity church preached the fu neral discourse and gave the character of this distinguished missionary of their church, with much justice and his usual eloquence. DANFORTH THOMAS, deputy governour of Massachusetts Bay, was elected a magistrate in 1659. From this year he was assistant till 1679, when Mr. Bradstreet being put into the chair, he succeeded him as deputy. He had a great share of duty upon him, and with resolution and firmness conducted the publick affairs in the most difficult times. Mr. Hutchinson, speaking of three parties during sir Edmund Andross's administration and the times preceding, says, "the head of those on the side of royalty were Dudley, Stoughton, &c. Mr. Bradstreet, the the voice of the people, was the head of the moderate party. Danforth led the opposition, assisted by Cooke." Though he conducted with prudence he would yield no privilege which the charter gave them. Hence he was obnoxious to Randolph, Andross, and to the ministry of Great Britain. For the same reason he was the idol of the populace in New England. He acted as president of the council when the people took the government from Andross, and had it not been for his influence, they would have gone to greater ex. travagancies. The extracts of his letters which are preserved show that he had prudence and wisdom in conducting measures, though he was fierce in opposition to arbitrary mandates. When the officers of the old government were restored to their places, Mr. Bradstreet was again governour and Mr. Danforth the deputy.* They held their offices till the charter of William and Mary arrived. He was then deprived of his place, and his name was not suffered to remain as one of the counsellors, although the agents expressed a particular desire to have it. The people received the intelligence with surprise and grief; but it was easy for politicians to account for the omission, as he was against receiving any other charter than that which the fathers of Massachusetts held sacred. We hear nothing more of him in publick life. He passed his days in the town of Cambridge. His only son, Samuel, who died in England, was graduated 1771; was fellow of Harvard College, and a fine scholar. The name of Danforth in another line is preserved, and few names have exhibited more literary characters. Mather. Hutchinson. DANFORTH SAMUEL, minister of Roxbury, came into New England, 1134, with his father, Nathaniel Danforth, was graduated at Harvard College, 1643, was chosen a fellow of the corporation, and instructed a class; he was very respectable for his knowledge of the sciences and theology. Being invited to * The ancient magistrates and elders, although they strenuously advised to further waiting for orders from England, and discouraged any attempts of that nature, " as far as they had opportunity, yet were they now compelled to assist with their presence and councils for the preventing of bloodshed, which had been most certainly the issue, if prudent councils had not been given to both parties." Danforth's letter to agent Mather. When Mr Danforth was appointed deputy governour, he had likewise another commission, president of the province of Maine, to govern under the Massachusetts, the lords proprietories, and to be accountable to them; thither he repaired, 1779, appointed officers, held courts, &c. In that station also he opposed Andross's usurpation. settle colleague pastor with Mr. Eliot at Roxbury, he was ordained, 1650. He died, 1674, in the midst of his life and usefulness. Dr. Mather says he wrote as a scholar, yet " was very affectionate in his manner of preaching, and seldom left the pulpit without tears." He married the daughter of Mr. Wilson, the first minister of Boston, and was blessed with twelve children, some of whom died before him. Two of his sons were distinguished among the divines of this state. One of Dorchester, and the other was settled at Taunton. One of his daughters married the hon. Mr. Bromfield, of Boston.* * When Mr. D. died, old Mr. Eliot wrote verses and Mr. Weld likewise. It was then very common. The Dorchester burial ground is famous for the epitaphs on gravestones, many of which were written by Mr. D. the minister of that town. If we regard the spirit rather than the metre, we might be edified by reading them. But lest the rising generation should "play with the beard of their fathers," which the author of the Magnalia says is a wicked thing, it is best that most of them should be buried with the mouldering stone. A Latin epitaph upon the Roxbury divine may excite pleasure with remarks. Non dubium, quin eó iverit, quo stellæ eunt This epitaph alludes to the studies of Mr. D. "Several of his astronomical composures have seen the light of the sun," says Dr. Mather. He published a particular account of the comet, 1664. He observed the motions of it, " from its first appearance in Corvus, whence it crossed the tropick of Capricorn, till it arrived at the maintop sail of the ship, and then it returned through Canis Major, and again crossed the tropick of Capricorn," &c. There is no theological publication of his, except we consider his election sermon as such, which is a recognition of New England's errand into the wilderness. It was delivered 1670. The rev. Samuel Danforth, of Taunton, was born, 1666; graduated, 1683; died, 1727. He preached the election sermon, 1714. The rev. John Danforth was born, 1664; graduated, 1677; ordained, at Dorchester, 1682; died 1730. "He understood mathematicks; had a taste for poetry and various learning." His printed works are, a sermon on parting with friends; a sermon on contentment; a sermon on Rom. i. 21, 1710; a funeral sermon on Mr. Bromfield; two sermons on the earthquake, 1727; a fast sermon, Exod. ix, 33, 34. The hon. Samuel Danforth of Cambridge was the son of Mr. Danforth of Dorchester. He was president of his majesty's DAVENPORT JOHN, minister of the first church in Boston, died suddenly of an apoplexy, March 15, 1670. He was a celebrated divine in England as well as this new region of the earth, where he lived from the year 1637 to the time of his removal to a better world. Dr. Mather quotes a saying of the learned, concerning Salmasius, and applies it to him, Vir nunquam satis laudatus, nec temere sine laude nominandus." He was born, A. D. 1597, at a place called Coventry. His parents were respectable and gave him a good education. At the age of fourteen he was a student of Brazen Nose College, Oxford, where he received a degree of B. A. and though a youth, immediately began to preach. He preached constantly in the city of London in the time of the plague, and visited his flock as a faithful minister, which gained him great credit among those who knew how to estimate worth that was then as rare, as it was pure. For what can prayers signify, if a minister does not mingle offices of humanity with his pious walk; this gives a perfume to the sacrifice. He afterwards received the degrees of A. M. and bachelor of divinity, About the year 1626, there was a plan devised to make a purchase of impropriations, and with the profits of the same to maintain a number of ministers who would assist in reforming abuses. Mr. Davenport was in connexion with Dr. Sibs, Dr. Gouge, and several laymen, one of whom was lord mayor of London. But archbishop Laud took umbrage at it, as favouring nonconformity and obtained a bill to be exhibited in the exchequer chamber, when the court condemned the proceedings, and pronounced the gifts, feoffments and contrivances to be illegal; and confiscated the money to the king's use. council several years. In 1774, he was appointed one of the mandamus council. He died 1777, aged 81. He was said to be a great natural philosopher and chymist. |