A REVISED TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES OF THE NEW COVENANT, After the Eastern Manner, FROM CONCURRENT AUTHORITIES OF THE CRITICS, INTERpreters, and COMMENTATORS, COPIES, AND VERSIONS, SHEWING, THAT THE INSPIRED WRITINGS ARE THE MOST ENTERTAINING AS WELL AS IN This Work (hitherto wanted) may be understood by any ordinary capacity WITH A PHILOLOGICAL CRITICAL COMMENTARY. A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED. VOL. III. GLASGOW: PRINTED BY W. LANG, 62, BELL-STREET. 1815. AM THE GREEK SCRIPTURES. Containing the latter dispensation of the Gospel Covenant, (Heb. iv. 2. ix. 17. Rom. iii. 2, 25. 2 Tim. iii. 16.) consist of the following Books and Chapters The Acts...................................................28 The Epistle to the Romans................. I. Corinthians......... II. Corinthians............................. .................16 ..24 ..21 16 ......... 13 I. John......... III. John......... 1 ... .22 f Dr. MILL'S CHRONOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 1 and 2 Thessalonians, from Corinth, Acts xviii. 5. A. D. 52 Claudius 12 1 and 2 Corinthians, from Philippi in Mace- xx. 2, 3. 58 Nero 6 James the Less, Jude's brother, from Jerusalem, 60 Nero 6 Nero 7 Nero 8 62 Nero 8 Hebrews from Italy. Mark from Rome 63 Nero 9 Luke and Acts from Rome. Titus from Colosse 64 Nero 10. 1, 2, and 3 John, from Ephesus, 91 or 92 Domit. 10 or 11 Christ was born A. M. cir. 5000, began his public ministry at thirty, ended it at thirty three and a half, when he died. The history of the Acts of the Apostles begins then, and ends A. D. cir. 66. |